Chapter 1



Beautiful smoke and flowers, busy mushroom houses and beautiful fire files could be seen flying around in a beautiful town called Netherland.

This place is a home for fairies only and speaking of fairies you can see many of them flying around, some taking a walk, some practicing some spells and some chatting.

"Good news!! Good news!!" A light voice was heard and everyone turned their direction to a girl in a yellow dress, who was running towards them.

"Good news, the golden wing contest will be back" she said and everyone outside screamed out in excitement immediately.

👥Are you for real? Where did you get that information from?

👥After decades, goddess Silver is finally giving us a chance to be a better fairy!

👥When is the contest starting!

👥I hope I can be the lucky winner, I heard the golden wing can make you glow than usual!

👥I'm overly excited right now!

Having a golden wing is all fairies dream, it helps in increasing their powers, strength, beauty and glow and many more things.

It's been said that the golden wing contest was hosted thousands of years ago, it's a really rare contest and after decades of waiting, it's finally coming back.

While the fairies were jubilating, two male elves walked up to them with a big banner that had the picture of the golden wing.

"OMG look! It's the golden wing!" A fairy screamed and they all rushed towards the elfs.

👥So beautiful!

👥I love it, I think I'll look good on me!

👥Wow, it's sparkling!

👥If I win this, I bet it'll look good on my skin!

They began gushing over the wing. Somewhere behind them, two girls were holding hands and walking over to their direction, one with blond hair and the other with black.

"I wonder what's going on? Why does everyone look so excited?" The one with blond hair asked with her brows creased up.

"Let's go find out" the other girl with the black hair replied as she pulled her over to the crowd.

When they got there, everyone's gaze was focused on the blond girl.

"Look Charlie is here" one of the elf holding the banner said with a smile.

Charlie is the girl with blonde hair, mostly everyone's role model, she's always the best and always perfect to them, you'll never see Charlie lack anything, especially beauty and brains.

"Hey everyone" Charlie smiled at them and Brielle groaned with an eye roll, she's the girl with black hair, she's Charlie's best friend and takes after her in power.

Brielle is always beautiful but never lets it show because she loves acting tough, people are always scared of her.

"Is there any event or something? Why is everyone so excited?" Brielle then asked.

"Yeah, after decades of waiting, goddess Silver is bringing back the golden wing contest" someone replied.

Charlie's eyes widened in delight and she went to take a look at the picture.

"It's so beautiful, I've always wanted it" she smiled as she caressed the picture with her eyes sparkling.

"I bet the golden wing will look really great on you" the other elf holding the picture said shyly.

"Thanks," Charlie smiled.

Unknowingly, there was a pair of dark eyes staring at Charlie behind her back. 'She always looks great on everything' A girl who's always known as the silent fairy in their midst, Eliza, thought.

"Goddess Silver has told me to announce that the registration will start tomorrow" A familiar male voice sounded and everyone turned their head to his direction.

He is known as the most popular and handsome elf, Roman. He has an open crush on Charlie which he doesn't hide and it's really upsetting to Eliza because she has always liked him.

"Registration is tomorrow? Then I better go get ready"

"Me too".

Some groups of fairies left and the ones left were just few. Roman eyes went to Charlie and he smiled at her.

"Hey Charlie, Brielle" he started by greeting the both of them.

Brielle just nodded at him while Charlie waved happily. To her, he is a really good friend and she enjoys his company.

"So are you planning to participate in the contest?" He asked like he was looking for a way to start a conversation.

Charlie smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I've always wanted one of those since I was little and you? Are you planning to join?" She asked back.

"Of course but if I want anyone to win then it'll be you" he replied and she chuckled.

"Stop," she muttered with a low smile.

Eliza has been standing behind them and watching with a frown on her face, her fist were tightly clenched together.

'Charlie is participating too? Why is she always selfish, why can't she give others their time to shine?' She thought painfully as she watched her and Roman smiling together.



This is one of the biggest and most popular schools in Hollywood, California. The sound of the bell was heard and students were seen walking through the hallway and going to their various destinations.

"The test result is out now on the school notice board for those that care" someone announced in a classroom and students rushed out of the classroom.

The notice board was crowded with lots of students. Behind them was a girl in glasses, hugging her books and waiting patiently for others to finish.

"Just check who got number one!" Sophie, the school queen bee asked in a frustrated tone.

"When do you start caring about your grades?" Jade, her best friend who was behind her asked and Sophie scoffed.

"I wish, well I'm checking on the behalf of Declan, I want him to get first this time and not your nerdy sister" Sophie scoffed.

Jade smiled and looked back at the girl in glasses and ponytail then shook her head.

"Too late, Nora got the first place... again" she rolled her eyes.

Sophie groaned and walked out, not after giving Nora a thick glare, Jade rolled her eyes and followed behind while Nora went to the front so she could see her score.

Sophie is an orange hair pretty girl, from the cheerleaders along with Jade but Jade has brown hair and a pierced nose and is popular by dating one of the school hockey players named Elijah, a famous Playboy who has cheated on her countless of times but she keeps overlooking it.

Jade has a sister named Nora, a quiet nerd who doesn't have any friends and takes her grades as her life.

"Yes!" Nora mentally gave herself a high-five when she saw that she got the first position as usual.

Suddenly they were screams and everyone's attention was focused on the four hot guys that were finding their way to the hallway.

👥It's DMGH!!!

👥OMG take a look at Declan, he's so hot!

👥Gael just a new ear pierce, I love you Gael!

👥Who else noticed that Micah is always handsome in all black.

👥OMG! Harrison is so damn cute!

👥Marry me already Declan!!

Seeing Declan walking over to her side, Nora's books almost fell from her hands but she gripped them tightly on her chest. Declan stood beside her and was checking his result.

Her breathing stopped, her heartbeat began going wild at an incredible speed. She has deep feelings for him and each time she sees him, it doubles.

DMGH is a famous band not just in their school but in the whole of California, D for Declan, M, for Micah, G for Gael and H for Harrison.

Declan is their leader, always cool, gentle and sweet in nature, not just inside camera but outside the camera too, he's the singer and songwriter, plays bass and piano too.

Micah is the second member, really hot especially with his tongue ring, he raps and has quite a temper, Gael is handsome and a bit shy around girls but has vibes and Harrison is just cute, the band adores him so much and he's also the most fragile, easy to crack.

"Seems like you're second place again" Micah whispered and Declan sighed, Gael got the third and Micha got the fifth because someone else got the fourth.

Harrison was nowhere in the top five students and it didn't bother him.

Declan bit his lips as he used his slender fingers to drum on the notice board a bit before turning around and leaving, as he left, the other band mates followed him along with their screaming fans.

Nora released all her breath she had been holding as Declan left. She inhaled and smiled inwardly as she could still smell the scent of his perfume.

Even though he didn't look her way or notice her, he stood behind her today and she couldn't be happier.

"I will never forget this day" she smiled to herself and adjusted her glasses before turning around and leaving with her books hugged around her chest.



Who would have thought that the people registering for this golden wing contest would be this much.

Fairies and elves have been queuing for about two hours now and the line keeps getting worse, some were tired and hungry.

"Roman, you look tired so I thought you might like some freshly baked cookies"...

Roman, who was about to sleep, turned back to look at the person that was talking to him. It was Eliza, she was holding a tray of cookies with a smile on her face.

Roman shook his head.

"Thanks for offering but I don't like cookies, it makes me feel sick" he replied and faced front then closed his eyes.

"Oh" Eliza's smile turned to a sad look.

"Hey everyone, I brought cookies!!" Charlie came in with a tray of cookies, Brielle was beside her, she had many stuffed on her face.

"I've been starving, you're so thoughtful Charlie!" People rushed over to her to have some cookies.

Eliza silently rolled her eyes and looked elsewhere.

After distributing many, Charlie tiredly went to the queue with the tray of cookies remaining just a few.

"Eliza, want some?" She asked with her usual smile since she was standing behind Eliza.

Eliza almost hissed at her but forced a smile instead.

"Thank you but I brought mine" she showed Charlie her tray.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know" Charlie said with a small smile after seeing that Eliza had her own cookies and Eliza forced another smile.

'Of course you didn't! Fake bîtch!' she spatted hatefully in her mind.

Charlie nodded and moved forward to where Roman was sitting and closing his eyes.

"Hey, you look so tired, want some cookies?" She asked with a smile.

Roman slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them, he stared at the person and his eyes widened a bit. He was feeling a bit sleepy but seeing her standing beside him has cleared the sleep from his eyes.

"Charlie" he smiled foolishly and his eyes went to the cookies.

"You made them yourself?" He asked in a low tone and she nodded before stretching the tray to him.

"Hungry? Want some?" She asked.

Roman stared at it again, cookies made him sick but he didn't mind trying it for her.

"Sure" he smiled and took a piece then shoved it in his mouth.

Eliza who was secretly watching them from behind, face fell.

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