Chapter 2



Eliza turned around and left the garden with her tray in her hands. She went to her room and threw the tray of cookies angrily across the wall.

"Charlie!!" She screamed out in anger before turning to the mirror to take a good look at her reflection.

"You can go ahead Charlie" her eyes were red. "Go ahead and take everything, take all the fairies love, take Roman but the golden wing is mine, I won't let you take it away from me" she muttered with hatred flashing through her eyes.

Her head began hurting and she held it tight with her hands, she even squatted on the floor and closed her eyes tight until the pain died down.

She was panting heavily after all these.

"Charlie," she muttered.

Back in the orange garden, Charlie and Brielle were sitting together and chatting while Roman was rubbing his tummy, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Maybe he shouldn't have eaten that cookie.

Charlie took her eyes to Roman and she creased her brows.

"Roman, are you okay?" She asked when she saw him closing his eyes painfully before standing up and walking towards him.

"Roman" she touched his forehead.

His temperature was really high.

"Goodness Roman! You're sick, what happened?" She asked worriedly.

Brielle stood up and walked over to them. She looked at Roman who was sweating and turned to look at Charlie.

"What happened to him? Why is he sweating this much?" She asked.

"I'm blank here and he won't talk" Charlie replied and touched Roman's hands.

They were cold too.

"Someone help with the stretcher, one of us is sick" Charlie immediately shouted and people began rushing over to them.

Eliza came out of the room, she saw people gathering Roman and she rushed over immediately.

"Roman! Roman, what's wrong with you" she shook him and stood straight before turning to look at Charlie with blaming eyes.

"What did you do to him?" She asked in a harsh tone.

"Excuse me?" Brielle replied with a look and Charlie shook her head, trying to explain herself but Eliza didn't give her any chance.

"Don't you know that cookies makes Roman sick. If you hadn't given him that cookie then he wouldn't be sick!" Eliza shouted.

"I didn't know about that" Charlie's eyes were teary.

"Plus I was there when she offered Roman the cookies, he should have just said no and she wouldn't force him but he didn't" Brielle added as she glared at Eliza.

'Who can ever refuse Charlie' Eliza thought as she stared painfully at Charlie.

Hearing some slight complaints about Charlie, Roman forced himself to open her eyes.

"Please don't blame or point fingers at Charlie, it's not her fault, I just wanted to eat the cookie" he said weakly.

'Even while so sick, you still choose to protect her' Eliza said in her mind and her eyes were a bit teary.

Roman began standing up while people came to hold his hands.

"Hey let me go, I'm fine can't you see" his lips were white as he forced a smile. He had only taken three steps forward before he fell flat on the ground.

"Roman!" Everyone rushed over to him.



Bills mansion belongs to Jade and her nerdy sister Nora. Inside, a middle age woman could be seen, sitting alone in the dining with her legs crossed together and pressing her phone.

"Ma'am I've called the girls, Nora promised to be down after doing her homework and Jade.."

While a maid was talking, Jade was climbing down the stairs dressed in a really short and exposing dress and heavy makeup.

"Jade" Tiffany dropped her phone on her table and stood up. "Where do you think you're going dressed like a public hóe?" She asked.

Jade scoffed and came down completely.

"I'm not dressed as a public hóe, this is just one of the latest fashions in Hollywood but you won't know because you're getting old" she replied rudely.

"Your father won't like this," Tiffany frowned.

"But he's not here and won't know anything and besides, I'm dressed like this to go see my boyfriend. Also I won't be sleeping home tonight" Jade replied and took the car key that was on the chair before leaving.

"Jade you better not.." before Tiffany could complete her words, Jade slammed the door hard on her face.

Tiffany sighed, she doesn't know what her daughter is turning too and she can't even control her.

Next, Nora climbed down the stairs in a huge cardigan and big trousers and as usual, she had her glasses on.

"Mom, I'm here," she said.

Tiffany smiled, at least one of her daughters is well behaved.

"Have a seat my dear, I made dinner myself" Tiffany replied and helped Nora to dish some noodles.

"Oh wow, it smells nice too" Nora smiled and used the fork to take some noodles. She tasted it and looked at Tiffany with a smile.

"You're the best mom, what about Jade, she needs to taste this" Nora added.

Tiffany frowned and cut some sausage to eat.

"She went out and talked to me rudely again," she muttered.

Nora sighed and pressed her lips together.

"I'm sorry mom" she whispered.

"It's fine but she's your sister, you should try to talk to her, try correcting her about her bad behaviors" Tiffany said and Nora shook her head.

"I've tried so hard mom but she doesn't listen to me but don't worry I won't give up" Nora replied and Tiffany smiled widely.

"I love you my dear"

"Love you too Mom!"



Declan could be seen sitting outside and playing his bass guitar softly, he was playing the tone of "You Broke Me First" by Tate McRae

🎼Now suddenly you're asking for it back

🎼Could you tell me where you've the nerve?

🎼Yeah, you could say you missed all that we had

🎼But I don't really care how bad it hurts

🎼When you broke me first!

When he was done he heard someone clapping and he turned to see a middle aged woman walking towards him.

"That was nice, your voice keeps getting better day by day" she came to sit beside him and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

Declan's eyes brightened, he took the back of her palms and pressed his lips against it. "I thought you should be asleep now mom" he said afterwards.

"I was but your beautiful voice woke me up" Kathleen,his mom replied with a smile.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted your sleep, do you want some late night milk? I'll get some for you" he asked softly.

Kathleen smiled and shook her head.

"I'm glad you came to spend the night here, that's enough for me" she muttered and looked up at the stars.

"I was really hurt when your dad left us to be with another woman that was as rich as him but I'm grateful he didn't take you away from me. Look at who you are now, you're my lucky star" she said with teary eyes.

Declan smiled and only just rested his head on her shoulders and closed his eyes. He doesn't like remembering that night when his father left without looking back at them.

His father abandoned them, he abandoned his mom and he abandoned him.



Jade parked her car in the parking lot before coming down. She walked towards the door and was about to knock but it was open.

"God let it not be what I think" she muttered and entered in.

The couch looked messy and as she was climbing the stairs, she saw a female's heel on the floor.

She clenched her fist and moved towards Elijah's room and that was it, he was cheating on her again.

"Moan out my name bîtch!" A hoarse male voice sounded along with the sound of two flesh slapping each other.

"Ahh.. yes Elijah!!"

"Harder please.."

"Oh.. you're so big I can feel you in my womb!"

"Fúck I need more, baby! Ahhh!!!"

Jade slowly peeped in and saw Elijah pounding a girl from behind even the poor bed was shaking and making loud squeaky sounds.

"Damn you Elijah!" Jade kicked the door open and screamed in tears.

Elijah immediately pulled out of the girl and gave Jade a surprised look.

"Jade? What are you doing here!!" He asked like he didn't expect her to show up.

"Great question to ask Elijah, I need permission to give my boyfriend a surprise visit so he won't fûck any hòes in my present, well done!!" She screamed at him.


"Don't darling me! We are done, fûck that pûssy however you want, I don't care anymore, I'm done being stupîd!" She yelled and ran out of the room.

Elijah sighed and looked down at his dîck. It was still so hard and he didn't think he would be able to chase after her.

"I think you should go after her," the girl he was screwing earlier suggested.

"Nah don't worry about her, she's so crazy about me and she'll forgive me tomorrow" he rolled his eyes and placed his hands on the girl's legs.

He raised them up and placed them on his shoulders.

"Let's finish what you started" he whispered seductively and without giving her a warning, he entered her and began ramming her again.

"Ouch!! Elijah... slow down!!"



Roman slowly opened his eyes, feeling slightly better.

"Punk! You've finally woken up" Brielle, who just entered with a plate of soup, smiled.

"Where's Charlie?" He asked slowly.

Brielle rolled her eyes and came to sit on the edge of his bed. She dropped the bowl of soup on a small stool.

"Good morning to you too, how are you feeling today?" She ignored his question and asked hers.

"I already told you guys that I'm fine, I'm not sick" he groaned.

"Yeah, says the guy that couldn't walk on his own and fainted openly in front of everyone yesterday" Brielle scoffed.

"What!?" Roman sat straight. "I fainted openly? Did Charlie see me?" He asked slowly with his eyes widened a bit.

"Yes she did and it was so embarrassing" Brielle replied and Roman fell back on the bed.

He groaned and pressed his face with the pillow.

"Damnit! damnit! How will she ever like me back if she sees me fainting that way!!" He groaned out loud and Brielle chuckled.

"Dude you've got to drop that idea of being together with Charlie. You two aren't meant for each other" she said.

"That's not true!" Roman argued.

The door opened and they both turned their attention to Charlie who just stepped in with a basket in her hand.

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