“Is something the matter?” I ask Lottie as she was gawking at Lucas. She blinked several times and focused her attention on me.

“No, nothing. It's just that I've never seen him around here,” he murmured, drinking his juice.

“Yes he is my brother.” I told her, that surprised her.

"Wow, they hardly look alike."

"That's what they told us." I smiled at her and continued eating my lunch. After having lunch and receiving the last classes I left the huge high school to be able to walk towards the house. It was afternoon and the weather was still cloudy, it resembled twilight movies. But there are no vampires here. I adjusted my yellow jacket and put on the hood. I walked down the half wet road looking everywhere. I did not like these lonely roads and full of forests. I felt that at any moment a wild abnormal would appear and attack me. Maybe I should have waited for Lucas, I'm clumsy. I constantly looked back, I felt somewhat observed. Then I heard the noise of an engine... it was a car. I stepped aside to let the car pass but it stopped next to me and honked.

“Why are you so lonely?” says someone inside. I rolled my eyes the moment I recognized that horrible voice. I looked at Kessler, smiling mockingly and to think that yesterday when I saw him for the first time he behaved so serious and like a total bad boy. It's apparently just harmless.

"What do you care?" I followed my direction but he followed me with his car.

“Since we're going almost to the same place, come on up. I carry you.”

I smiled.

“No, thanks.”

"Come on, it will rain soon," he insisted, "these rains are not good and I don't want you to catch a cold."

I looked at him with a frown.

“And from when did you worry about me?” I snorted without understanding. We had barely known each other for hours.

How confident.

"Just a suggestion, kitty." He winked at me. “But seriously, come on up, Eva.” His tone was more serious.

"Don't bother, Kessler," I hurried my walk. I felt that he got out of the car slamming the door and in the blink of an eye he was already in front of me. That quick movement totally threw me off.

“How…quick,” I muttered, looking from the car at Kessler. The foggy weather made Kessler look paler than usual. His eyes are black, very deep set, and I was sure I had seen a reddish dot in his pupil.

I am going crazy.

“Eva, I'm trying to be nice to you. Please don't ruin it.”

“And who has forced you to be?Kessler, seriously, don't talk to me and don't even look at me. Go with your girlfriend and leave me alone.” I wanted to pass him by but he grabbed my arm. His grip was strong.

“What? Are you jealous?” he smiled sideways. His smile made me a bit confused because I just realized that I'm in front of the most attractive and handsome boy my eyes have ever seen. I swallowed thickly and rolled my eyes.

"You would, moron. Now let me go” I wanted to get away but instead of letting go, Kessler carried me between his shoulders. "What are you doing, idiot, put me down!" he was yelling as he took me to his car “you're kidnapping me, help, HELP!”

“No one passes through here, kitten, so shout all you want.”

The despair I felt at that moment was horrible. This boy was kidnapping me!

“My dad is the bailiff of this town, you'll see him!” I kicked and hit his back several times but he seemed unfazed. Rather, I felt my bad sore from having hit him. What a tough boy.

"Shhh, calm down," he groped my buttocks... yes, the son of a bitch groped me...! And he put me in the stupid car. Kessler was taller, stronger, more skilled, and more intelligent than I was. That was obvious. He put my seat belt on and closed the door. I had no choice but to give in, it was obvious that I could not be taken against him. When he got in and drove off I didn't say a word. “Relax, Eva, it's just a ride.” At that moment it started to rain. And it was not a calm or relaxing rain, no, it was a very strong and quite hard rain.

What I was saved from.

“You see it?” says this one “I told you.” There is a lot of fog, I hardly see the road. It was true, a fog settled in and with the rain it was impossible to see the road. "I'll park for a bit." He carefully parked the car and turned it off. Now we were alone here, in silence, waiting for the rain to stop. If it stopped. I sighed deeply and just dedicated myself to looking out the window. “How quiet you are.”

"I don't have to talk to you.”

“Eve, yeah. I don't even know why you hate me.”

"Because..." I looked at him, "...you're the kind of guy I don't like."

“Really?” He seemed not to understand or pretended not to understand to make fun of me.

“Arrogant, manipulative, self-centered, they think they own the place they go to and are savage, they look for lawsuits, bossy... if I start telling you your flaws I never finish.”

"Wow, on the face of it I'm a bad person. Anyone listening to you would think the worst of me. And tell me, when did you realize all that? Yesterday?”

Hesitate. Perhaps I had brought out some things because of the anger I felt, but the truth is that I didn't know him well and Kessler didn't help with his airs of grandeur either.

“I don't need to know you for years to know those things.”

At that moment the lightning and thunder came. I hated them. I felt some fear at that moment, I wanted to be at home lying on my bed and not here with this one. Maybe the car attracts lightning, it can't be! I need air.

A flash of lightning came and followed by lightning that made me shudder. I didn't realize it by the time I grabbed Kessler's arm tighter.

"Whoa, whoa fearful” he mocked.

"Yeah, Kessler, I've lost the desire to argue."

“Alright. I'm sorry.” His voice was more serious now, understandable. And only for that moment I was able to tear down my walls.

“The truth is that you are strange and you mean danger to me.” I confessed without understanding why.

“I think the same about you.”

I looked at him. He look myself. There was something in that moment of looks that made me feel something in my chest, something that I had never felt before and that scared me. Kessler blinked several times and looked straight ahead.

“The rain is slowing down,” he said, starting the car and driving down the highway.

“Sure.” I looked out the window because we'd had a moment and apparently I wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable.

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