When the boy pulled up in front of his house I quickly got out of the car because I didn't want Dad or Lucas to see me get out with Kessler. I don't want to start problems with anyone, I walked quickly towards the house, I felt Kessler's gaze behind me. Once inside I could breathe easy. My head ached and my clothes were damp. I went up to my room and changed into something dry. For today I ended my day. I put on my pajamas, some warm socks because it seems that the afternoon will be cold and rainy. I liked climates like this, but sometimes they made me sad, being so alone. I went down to the kitchen to prepare something to eat, while also making dinner for dad and Lucas. However, when I opened the fridge there was almost nothing to do, my father had forgotten to go to the supermarket.

I took the cell phone from home and called him.


"Dad, I'm at home and there's almost nothing to cook," I told him, "what do I do?"

“Don't worry, honey, I'll go buy provisions and also something made because this time we won't be able to cook anything.”

“But I am hungry.”

“Check well, maybe there was something left from yesterday. I'm sorry I have to go.” and hung up. I left the cell phone in the place and went to the fridge again. In the kitchen there were two large windows, one facing the road and the other facing Kessler's house, I wonder who he will live with. I took out a packet of cookies and began to eat them, at which point something caught my eye. From the forest, on the other side of the road, a group of boys came out, they were laughing and joking among themselves. It caught my attention that they came without shirts, they only wore shorts and sports shoes.

Won't you be cold in this weather? The boys advanced towards Kessler's house and entered there.

How strange are the people here.

At night Lucas arrived.

“Where were you?” I asked reluctantly. He had been missing all afternoon and it had worried me.

"At school," he told me as if it were obvious.

“So late? Daddy will be here soon.”

"It was raining, that's why I couldn't go out earlier," he replied, "I'll go change." Lucas went up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and put two fingers to my temple because I was tired of dealing with him. I decided to go outside for a while and take advantage of the fact that it wasn't raining. In Kessler's house there was noise and music, what's more, cars began to arrive. And they were girls.

"Are you sure they're alone?!" I heard one ask.

"Sure, silly, take advantage."

“I hope Tatiana doesn't come, otherwise she won't leave Kessler alone.”

The two girls rang the doorbell of Kessler's house, and he was the one who answered it. His gaze immediately shifted to me, I held it for a moment but then looked away. Suddenly I no longer heard any more voices.

“What are you doing?”

I jumped in the same spot and put my hand to my chest.

“What. Demons. Happen to you?” I looked at Kessler, glaring at him.

"You are so strange."

“You are the stranger. You should be attending to your visitors.” I crossed my arms and looked ahead.

“They are not my visitors. And I don't want noise.”


“You shouldn't be out so late, kitty.”

“Why not? It is seen that it is a healthy town.”

He almost laughed.

“Of course, don't let yourself be guided by appearances, I've already told you.”

Kessler was tall, well-built, and very attractive. I unconsciously bit my lower lip but wanted to slap myself when I realized that. What's happening to me? His perfume... his smell was very pleasant.

"So far I haven't seen anything that scares me."

"You're better that way, believe me. What made you move here?”

I looked at him because I didn't know whether to answer him or not.

“Dad's the bailiff in case you haven't noticed. Rumors reached him that strange things have happened around here.”

Kessler frowned.


“Yes, disappearances I think. So he came to take over.”


“I understand.”

I nodded, putting my lips in a single line.

In that some car lights illuminated us, I think dad had arrived and it was too late to run before he saw me. He came out in his police uniform and looked at us.

"Eva, let's go inside." He reached where I was and took my arm, leading me quickly towards the house.

"Dad, what's up?" I wanted to know, I didn't understand his aggressive attitude. We entered the house and it locked with insurance.

"I don't want you to go near that boy, do you understand?"

“I don't understand you. Why?”

"Trust me, will you? I don't like them and they are not good people. Please, Eva, stay away.”

I didn't know why my father had told me all these things, but I wanted to find out why he said they were dangerous, why he said it with such certainty.

I couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned in my bed, I had insomnia and I didn't like it at all. I stood up and instinctively looked out the window. Kessler's house was dark, as if no one lived there and as if no one was there.


I jumped in shock when I heard that whisper behind me. My heart started beating faster than normal, I was sure I heard my name. I am not crazy. I quickly turned on the light but there was no one in my room. Are they scaring me? It can't be, surely there was a massacre in this house and now there are ghosts lurking around.


I put on my converse shoes because I was planning to go to my brother's but before a noise from a branch caught my attention. I looked slowly through the window when suddenly I see, in the patio, looking this way, towards my window, an enormous animal with red eyes. I was paralyzed in the same place, still, I couldn't even breathe well.

My God.

What. Demons. Is that? The animal was huge, it looked like a dog... but it was a wolf. A huge, black wolf with red eyes and a hunting gaze. That animal looked at me as if... as if it wanted to devour me. What are the chances that this animal will jump through my window? It was open. I swallowed hard and, when I thought I would, a howl was heard a few meters away. There is more. It just can't be. The wolf seemed to understand the call, giving me one last warning look, and ran off into the darkness.

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