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Chapter 43 nobody touches my woman!

Lilith POV

"Bang!" We heard a loud, explosive sound, causing us to stop in our struggling attempt and our heads to snap in the direction, only to see three dominating figures in the shadow.

"Oh my world! "He came to save me!" I muttered in relief.

"Don't you know the word privacy? How dare you barge into my room?" Liam fired out the three strange men.

I watch Don Thierry shift his gaze to me before we look at each other eyeball to eyeball. His gaze was cold and distant, and his eyes were looking Mello and dull, making me wonder what might have happened to him.

"Jace, untie her and cover her up," he gave out a sharp order.

"Yes Don!" Jace saluted and began to walk towards me.

"You!" he shouted, his index finger pointing out to Liam.

"Did no one inform you that no one is allowed to mess with my woman?" He fired out, and I felt something choke my throat. "Is this man insane or what? He said the same thing to Dave: "Now is Liam."

"You asshole!" Liam yelled out, clearly fuming in anger. He spun Swifty and took his pistol. He quickly pulled the trigger and attempted to shoot Jace, who was almost close to me.

"Thud!" The sound of the gunfire resounded in the atmosphere, but no one was hurt yet; the bullet hit the wall.

"Jace, take her to safety; Boris, guide them out." He ordered, and they made the move.

Luckily for me, my naked body was hiding under the duvet. A robe was brought to me after I was freed, and I quickly wore it, bending and swaying my head from time to time to avoid the bullets flying around the room.

Liam and Thierry were in an intense battle; nobody was ready to give up, but there was a clear winners.

"Let's go!" Jace declared and started dragging me away, but I protested. I don't want to leave Thierry all alone in this room; what if he gets hurt?

"Argh!" I heard Thierry scream in pain; he was shot by Liam in the arm.

"Noo!" I jerk out of Jace's grip and attempt to run back to the battle spot, but he quickly grabs me back, holding me in place.

"Let go; he is going to get killed!'" I cried out but was pulled away from them further.

I watched from a distance as Thierry somersaulted on the floor while gripping his bloody arm in pain.

"Damn you! Go greet your maker in hell!" Liam pronounced it while having the pistol face Thierry's forehead.

"Fuck off!" I yelled and writhed away from Jace, then began to sprint in their direction.

"Lilith!" I heard my name before a loud explosion. The bullet was fired, and it hit me directly in my chest, causing me to stumble across Thierry before falling onto the floor in pain.

"Arrh!" Thierry roared and sprouted out of the floor in rage. He quickly gripped Liam by the throat before delivering several punches and kicks.

"Nobody touches my woman!" He screamed out like a mad man and lunged for his own pistol.

He put the trigger on and fired the shot directly into Liam's skull, killing him on the spot.

"Lilith!" He screamed my name in panic as his shaking hands touched my bloody body.

"Boris, call the ambulance!" He cried out and immediately rooted me up from the floor.

I couldn't talk or cry; my body felt numb; my breath was beginning to dwindle; my sight began to fade; and my body accepted the call of death as I drifted into unconsciousness.


"Argh!" I cried out in pain before slowly opening my eyes. I looked around the plain room before realizing several medical machines were attached to my body, thereby restricting my movement.

"I-" my words hang, I struggle to speak, but my throat felt dry and sore. Luckily for me, the room door opened, and Thierry's shocked figure could be seen.

He quickly dashed to me, and I gestured for water. He raced to get it in no time before helping me up, and then I drank it.

A doctor and nurse also walked in and began to perform a checkup on me. The doctor also went ahead to discuss something with Thierry, but I couldn't hear because they were conversing in a hushed tone, but Thierry's constant stare at me made me know the topic was about me.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked a question, and I sensed a hit of worry in his tone.

I gave him a nod, not wanting to talk yet.

"Alright, don't worry, you are safe, okay?" He assured me with a smile and kissed my cheeks. I was caught off guard by his actions, making me blink my eyes rapidly.

He left the room after that without uttering another word. "What has gotten into him?" I wondered.

"Ouch!" I felt a slight headache, and I decided to lie back and have more rest.

Days turn into weeks and weeks into months, and the doctor finally brought my medical report as well as my discharge permit. I have spent one solid, miserable month in this hospital.

"Let's go!" I heard the familiar voice of Don Thierry before I sprang up on my feet. I was led outside the hospital before being ushered into the car that would take me back to the viper's.

Don Thierry assisted me to get into the car. In fact, I've been more shocked lately with the way he has been pampering and taking care of me during my stay at the hospital.

Sadly and strangely for me, Flora hasn't come to see me, not even once. Every time I asked Don Thierry about her whereabouts, he would simply tell me she was at the base.

I didn't quite understand what was so important that she didn't even spare a day to come and see me.


We arrived at the farmilar building of the vipers, and although I'm not happy with the place, it still brought a type of relief to my heart.

Everyone split off to do their thing while I headed to the hallway that leads to my room.

"Flora!" I called out in surprise when I saw her frizzy pink hair. I was expecting a warm welcome, but I got a cold glare from her, which shocked me to the core.

"So the bitch is back, huh?" Her statement threw me off balance: "What the hell happened to my friend!?"

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