Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chapter Twelve


Egad's p o v

The past week has been great. I finally worked up the courage to talk to cadi and found out what an amazing young woman she really is. She may have had quite a rough life, but she hasn't let that cloud her view of life. She really is a wonderful young woman with a well honed sense of humor. She's great company and has very interesting perspectives.

Dinner tonight was wonderful with Cadi and Megan, the conversation was interesting and witty. I know I shouldn't say this, but in the back of my mind, I was glad Daphne wasn't there, she would have ruined it with her disdain and contempt for cadi. I couldn't have wished for better dinner companions. In the little time they've spent together the two women have built quite a beautiful and unique friendship. It's so beautiful to watch them together. It is the kind of friendship I always wished Megan and Daphne would have over the years. The only thing that would have increased my joy was for Daphne to be a part of the friendship. Although knowing Daphne it would be much easier for me to pull a tree out of the soil than for that to ever happen. But me being me, I am still foolish enough to hope and pray that one day all three of my mates will have a beautiful and unique friendship.

I'm in the official reception room nursing a brandy, I just finished a security brief with Ryker and the army chiefs. Ryker and I still walk on eggshells around each other. I really should check on Daphne, she hasn't been well for the past two days, the healer put her on bedrest and she hasn't been able to leave her rooms since yesterday. I'm lost in thought when the door flies open, Daphne flounces in, and throws herself into my arms, it's a good thing I had been sitting down, or the force of her exuberant show of affection would have thrown me off my feet.She holds my face in her hands and drops sloppy kisses on my nose, my forehead, my eyelids and all over my face.

" Why are you out of bed? I thought the healer put you on bed rest,and how come you're so excited, did you win the lottery or something," I ask.

" This is more than the lottery Egad, much more."

" Well, don't keep me in suspense, tell me what you are so excited about."

She clears her throat dramatically, Daphne had always liked theatrics.

She gets to her feet, raises her arms and announces with all the fanfare of an orchestra conductor; " you're going to have an heir."

" Of course, I'm going to have an heir, cadi's pregnant," I say confused.

" Can you please not mention that……….." she makes a dismissive motion with her hand. " I mean one of your real mates is carrying your child."

" I don't understand."

She sighs.

" I'm pregnant Egad, that's what I've been trying to tell you."

" You're pregnant," I repeat, stupefied.

" Yes," she says, launching herself into my arms once more. " I'm so excited, isn't this grand, it's grand isn't it."

" It is," I agree in a low voice. She either doesn't notice my apparent lack of enthusiasm or chooses to ignore my less than exuberant response.

She wraps her arms around me and snuggles into my arms, burying her face in my neck.

I sit there awestruck, slowly stroking her hair.

" Egad..," she calls softly after a pause.

" Yes."

" How fast do you think it's going to take you to throw out that omega slut."

" Who?"

" Don't play dumb, with me Egad."

" I'm not playing dumb."

She leans back to look in my face.

" Fine," she sputters. " You're going to make me call her name aren't you, I mean cadi,she spits.

" First off," I say. " Cadi is not a slut, and second I'm not throwing anyone out."

She gets up and sits on the desk.

" But one of your mates is pregnant already, you don't need her or that bastard in her stomach anymore."

" Correction Daphne," I snapped." Two of my mates, and never call my baby a bastard again."

" Seriously Egad, how do you even know that baby is yours? How do you know she didn't have one night stands or one day stands or whatever it was you had with her with other wolves."

" I know the baby is mine," I responded coolly.

" How," she asks exasperated.

"That's none of your business."

She sighs.

" Alright, let's assume, the child is yours, she's an omega for creep's sake, how do you know she'll have a child befitting the status of the Royal family, the child could be an omega for all you know."

" Daphne a child is a child, and I'll love any child of mine with all my heart regardless of their shape shifting abilities."

" Are you honestly saying you wouldn't mind tainting the royal blood line with an omega?"

" No child of mine will be a taint."

She takes a deep breath.

" So, you're saying, you won't send her away."

" That's exactly what I'm saying."

" I don't want her child near mine."

" Well, I'm the king and I say not only will the children grow up together, you will also have to get along with cadi."

" As you wish your eminence," she says dryly.

" Have a good night's rest," she bows and goes out murmuring under her breath.

I sigh………and chuckle as I recall kavon telling me I sigh like a pregnant woman.

" I could have worse habits, " I tell myself, and besides I have two pregnant women in the house, who can blame me if I pick up some of their habits.

I know it's blasphemy, but I can't help but feel that the goddess has made a mistake. Why couldn't she have chosen to bless Megan with the baby instead of Daphne. I'm certain that the next nine months of Daphne's pregnancy are not going to be pleasant for anyone, in any way.

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