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She's after my life

Chapter Thirteen

She's after my life

Cadi's p o v

Daphne wants me dead……………..

Okay, that may have been a little too dramatic, but she seriously is after my life, she either wants me out of this world( or this palace at least)or Seriously maimed. At the very least, she wants me to have a forced miscarriage. I know how it sounds, it sounds like the silly theatrics of a pregnant woman, but it's true. It's made more silly by the fact that I don't have any proof against her. This means I can't tell anyone, not even Megan as it will be my word against hers. And between a purebred

Alpha's daughter and an Omega rejected by her own pack, it's obvious whose word will have more clout. I've always known she never liked me, but it was kind of under the radar. I never thought she would go as far as trying to poison my food and switching my herbs with poisonous plants. Her hatred for me had always been kind of under the radar, but since she got pregnant, she has become more openly hostile. I guess she wants to make sure that her child is recognized as the first child of the Lycan king. Not that she has anything to fear after all, the current Lycan king was not his father's first child. The goddess chooses whomever she deems fit and worthy to rule her people.

If only she would sit down and talk to me, I would tell her that I would be happy just for my child to have a roof over his/ her head. It would be no skin off my nose if my child is never publicly recognized as a member of the royal family. As long as he or she has food and shelter and I'm allowed to stay and love him, my joy will know no bounds.

Of course, Daphne being Daphne, she would rather take a pee bath than stoop so low as to soil herself by sitting down to have a conversation with me.

I haven't been out of my room all week, I've been afraid to step out, afraid of what Daphne might do, afraid of how she would try to harm me and my baby this time around. Last time I went for my usual picnic in the garden, not only had my food being full of worms, I had also slipped on melted wax on the stairs, nearly breaking my head open, to crown it all up, when I finally dragged my exhausted and frustrated self to my room, and collapsed on my bed, I found my bed full of thorns, it took me and the maid hours to pull all the tiny thorns out of my skin.

Since then, I've had all my meals sent to me in my room, when Egad and Megan came to ask me why I had decided to lock myself up. I told them I was weak and needed some rest. Megan spent the whole day with me, she's such an amazing woman, I can't help but wish, Daphne had just a tiny little bit of her personality.

There's a knock at the door, and I sigh as I get up to go open the door. It's Tara, the shy maid.

" The healer says she's ready for you, your grace," she murmurs, looking everywhere but at my face. I take a deep breath as I go back into the room to pick up my shoes. I wish I could call Megan to go with me, but I don't want it to look like I'm rubbing my pregnancy in her face or something.

I really don't want to leave my room and run the risk of facing Daphne, but I've got to make sure my baby is alright.

" The best Way to fight your fear is to face it head on", I tell myself,as I make for the infirmary. I've been treated like crap by a whole pack, what's one more person?

Today was my lucky day.The goddess was definitely with me, because I didn't see Daphne or have any unfortunate accidents, on my way to and from the infirmary.

The goddess is also keeping an eye on my baby and he's growing wonderfully.( Just found out I'm having a baby boy today).

The healer did have a funny look on her face, when she placed her hand on my belly to feel my baby's heartbeat, but it quickly cleared and she was quick to assure me that my son and I are doing very well, and the pregnancy is progressing without complications.

I have to walk past kavon's office on my way back to my room; as I get closer I hear low murmuring and moans coming from behind the closed doors. Kavon's voice and a woman's voice, she sounds familiar, but I can't place where I've heard her voice before, she's probably one of the palace workers.I chuckle to myself, he has quite a reputation, I always thought it was exaggerated, but now I can see, I chuckle again,sorry hear that it's no exaggeration at all. I wonder who's in there with him.

" No," I scolded myself. " Don't you dare wonder, the last time you wondered, look how it turned out, just keep moving."

I smile wryly and try to tiptoe away, trying not to distract them, although with the way they're going at each other, a stampede wouldn't distract them.

Suddenly, I freeze in shock, the woman had just raised her voice, and I realize where I heard it before it's a voice I recognize, one I would recognize, anywhere, anytime. It's the voice of a woman who has no business being there with kavon. A woman highly respected in the entire kingdom, a woman with a very powerful mate, she's the last person I would ever imagine was capable of having an affair. I'm so stunned I stand there completely still, unable to move a muscle.

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