Read with BonusRead with Bonus

She's mine now!

Chapter fifteen

She's mine now!!!

Egad's p o v

" You have to admit, she does belong to him."

" Belong to him, she's not a horse or some sort of chattel, she's a wolf."

"She's an omega."

" That doesn't make her any less a wolf."

" She's his mate."

" Whom he rejected."

" She didn't reject him though……."

" So……….?"

" That means she's still his mate."

I growl low in my throat.

" Will you please get to the point Ryker? you're making any sense."

" You're the king, you should be versatile in werewolf laws."

" Ryker, can you please not digress and tell me exactly what you mean."

Ryker sighs. It's a sigh of Long suffering.

" The rejection of a chosen mate can only be effective if both parties utter the words of rejection, as long as it's only one party who utters the words of rejection, there are still chosen mates."

"So all Cadi has to do is reject him and everything will be alright."

" It's not that easy."

Kavon heaved.

" Correct me if I'm wrong Ryker, but didn't you just haughtily inform us that both mates have to utter the words of rejection before the rejection can be effective."

" I did your grace."

" Then, pray tell, what do you mean by it's not that easy."

Ryker, Kavon and I had been in a closed door meeting for the past half hour since alpha Zita had stalked out after giving me an ultimatum.

I still couldn't believe to come all the way here to threaten me in my own palace, if kavon hadn't stopped me he would have been impaled on a spike in the courtyard by now.

" I mean effective rejections have to follow a sort of schedule, the rejected mate has to utter the words of rejection within forty eight hours from the rejection, otherwise he or she renders the rejection null and void."

" So you're saying………….?"

" Since cadi did not utter the words of rejection within forty eight hours, she's still Alpha Zita's mate."

" You can't be serious." I said incredulously.

" On the contrary, I'm very serious your eminence."

I sighed in exasperation.

" We had a mating ceremony, by Lycan law, she's my mate."

" Since She was technically someone else's mate at the time of the mating ceremony, I'm afraid that nullifies the mating ceremony your eminence."

" So……….. what do we do now?" I asked exasperated.

" I believe it's in everyone's best interest if she's returned to her chosen mate."

I raised my voice in shock. " She's carrying my seed for creep's sake, Ryker. Do you really expect me to hand over the mother of my unborn children to another man."

" It's the proper thing to do your eminence."

" PROPER BE DAMNED." I was too angry to keep my voice down.

" Her own pack treated her like an outcast because she was carrying my child. Her own sister gave her out like some sort of souvenir, and you expect me to give her back to them."

" I don't see how you have much of a choice."

" Of course I have a choice."

" Alpha Zita threatened to start a civil war and attack the palace if she isn't returned."

" He wouldn't dare, and if he's stupid enough to try, he'll be crushed." I growled.

Ryker scoffed.

" Pardon me, for countermanding your words, your eminence, but the great lake pack isn't just the biggest and strongest pack, they're also the most fearsome pack in the whole Lycan empire. Their Alpha is too strong a man to rile." He paused for a sip of water.

"They can't possibly be as fearsome as the royal army."

" The royal family is nothing but child's play where the Great lake pack's army is concerned..

Their army consists of giant purebred wolves who start their training even before they start to shift. They do not need weapons to kill, they're trained to kill with their bare hands, when in human form. In wolf form, they have great stamina and can tear a fellow wolf to pieces with just their claws. Few soldiers in the entire Lycan empire are brave enough to fight them, most soldiers would rather die peacefully in their sleep than face them in battle.``

" So….

You're saying we don't stand a chance against them?" Kavon asked.

" Exactly, your grace."

" It's entirely up to you, your eminence, but if you don't want a bloodbath in the empire, you had better do as he says."

Ryker bows and goes out.

Kavon glanced at me and arched a brow.

" Can't believe you had the altercation with the council for nothing."

" It wasn't for nothing," I replied.

He snickered. " So you're going to be sappy and say these past couple of months with her was worth it."

I smirked. " No, I'm going to be sappy and say life with her will be more than worth it."

" What do you mean life with her? Are you planning on joining great lake pack so you can be with her? He chuckled. " That'll be quite a scandal."

" No, I'm not, what I'm planning on however is living in this palace with all three of my mates till we all grow old and cross over to meet the moon goddess."

"Eee- gaaad…."

" Come on kavon, do you really think I'm going to hand cadi over to that scumbag and let him get his slimy fingers on her. She's my mate for creep's sake. You didn't see how badly she was being treated, I did, and I'm not letting her go through any of that again."

" How do you know she's going to be treated that badly this time around. The Alpha came for her himself, I'm sure he wouldn't allow his pack members to ill treat her."

" He was there the last time and she was still treated like trash, I refuse to take that risk."

' Normally, you're the smart one, so why are you being so stupid, this time around. Didn't you just listen to Ryker? Don't tell me you didn't hear what he just said."

I smirked. " I heard him loud and clear, big brother, loud and clear."

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