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Where could she be?

Chapter Eighteen

Where could she be?

Egad's p o v


" Her grace wasn't in her room and we can't find her anywhere else."

" Which of them?"

" The pregnant one."

" There are two of them."

" The last one."

" Cadi?"

" Yes, your eminence."

" What do you mean you can't find her?"

" According to her server, when she took her breakfast this morning her door was locked and she didn't answer when she knocked. She thought she was asleep, so she decided to leave and come back later, when she returned the third time, and there was still no response to her knock, she got worried and called one of my men to help her force open the door. When they opened the door,the keys were on the floor and there was no one in the room. That was when they got worried and called me. We've searched everywhere and she's nowhere to be found."

" What do you mean she's nowhere to be found?" She probably went out for a stroll or something." Get as many men as possible and search the entire palace."

" Yes, your eminence." He bowed and turned to leave.

Megan came in wringing her hands. " We can't find cadi Egad."

" Of course, we'll find her. She probably just went out for a stroll."

" Hey," Kavon called as he came in.

" What's everyone running around for?"

" Cadi's missing." Megan told him.

" She's not missing," I corrected.

" We just don't know where she is at the moment."

" What's the difference?"

" Kavon please not now…….."

" No, please tell me, what's the difference?"

" Kavvvonnnn………"

" Sorry." He raises his hands in surrender.

Daphne comes in dragging her feet.

" What's got everyone in such an uproar?"

" One of the king's mates seems to have gone missing." Kavon told her.

" But both Megan and I are here……………."

" Oh…. You mean the omega, I'm sure she'll turn up, she's probably trying to create a little drama."

" Cadi isn't one for theatrics." Megan told her.

She shrugged.

" You never can tell, she may have felt like she wasn't getting enough attention or something. Or perhaps pregnancy hormones were wreaking havoc on her emotions."

Megan glared at her.

" You don't look like your emotions are wrecked."

" Of course not,I am a real wolf, she's an omega," she scoffed.

She probably isn't mentally strong enough to bear a king's child."

We all sit in silence.

Ryker knocks softly and comes in with the army general.

" We've searched the whole palace, your eminence, we couldn't find her."

" Goddess be praised, where could she be?" Megan asked with tears glistening in her eyes.

" The whole palace, you say." I asked.

" The whole palace, your eminence, including the servant's quarters."

" Did you search the dungeons?" Kavon asked.

" No your grace."

" Why not? Didn't I just hear you say you searched the whole palace."

" We didn't think she'd know of the existence of the dungeons, since she's not a native, your grace." The general replied.

" And besides the main stairwell leading to the dungeons has been blocked for years, there's no way she'd know of the existence of the other stairwell."

" Search there, anyway, just to be on the safe side."

" As you wish your grace, I'll lead the search myself." He bowed and left.

I turned to Kavon, " what reason could she possibly have for being in the dungeons."

He shrugged.

" You never know, she could have a perfectly valid reason."

" Such as?"

" Hey there's no need to bite my head off, I'm just trying to help."

" But, what could she be doing in the dungeons, she doesn't even know they exist."

He shrugged again.

" Anything is possible."

" Have you searched the palace grounds?" Megan asked. " She could have gone for a stroll and tripped or broke her leg, or something."

I smiled widely. " You're right, she likes to go for picnics in the garden, she probably fell asleep under a tree or something."

I turned to Ryker.

" Get some men and search the garden."

" And the rest of the palace grounds." Megan added.

" As you wish your eminence, your grace." He bowed and left.

We sat in jittery silence, waiting for news.

Kavon got up and went to get drinks for all of us.

Firewhiskey for me and him, and citrus juice for Megan and Daphne.

Ryker and the general came in together.

" Did you find her?" Megan asked, getting to her feet.

" I'm afraid not, your grace." The general replied.

" What about you?" She turned to Ryker.

" There was no sign of her your grace."

She sat back down with a sigh.

" She can't just disappear into thin air? she has to be somewhere." I took a long swig of my drink.

" I think it's time to expand the search to town." Kavon announced.

" But she doesn't know anyone in town, she hasn't even left the palace since she came here." Megan said. Her voice was obviously shaking.

" That's the only thing left for us to do, she may have decided to do some sight seeing in town or something."

" Without telling anyone?"

" Maybe she didn't think it'll be much of a big deal."

" So, you're saying she just got up and left?"

" I'm saying, that could be what happened, nothing definite."

I shook my head.

" She's quiet and shy, I don't see her choosing to walk all the way to town."

He shrugged.

" The way I see it, that's the only avenue we have left to explore."

Ryker cleared his throat.

" If I may your eminence."

" Go on, Ryker."

" His grace may be right, it's very possible that she may have wandered into town."

" Since this morning?"

" That's the only thing I can think of your grace."

I sighed.

" Go into town and search for her then, search from house to house."

" As you wish your grace." They said in unison and left.

" I just hope they find her and that she's safe," Megan said with tears running down her eyes.

" Of course, they'll find her, and of course she'll be okay." I tried to reassure her, but I was almost ready to burst into tears myself.

" Even if they don't find her, it's good riddance,I always knew she was trouble. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go lie down." Daphne said as she straggled out.

I couldn't even find the strength to chastise her.

By this time Megan was crying so hard, she was choking on her own tears.

I tried to console her but she just cried harder. Not that I was any good at consoling her, when I was struggling not to cry myself.

" I'll get the healer," Kavon said, going out.

He returned with siegard.

" Easy, your grace, let's get you to bed," she crooned. Gently patting her back.

" I'll give her some herbs and put her to bed." She told me.

I nodded.

" You don't look so good yourself, your eminence, do you want me to bring you a calming draught?"

" No, thank you."

" As you wish your eminence."

I sat on the desk and held my head in my hands, and voiced the thought I hadn't dared give voice to while Megan was in the room. The thought that had been wreaking havoc on my emotions, since I found out about her disappearance.

" Do you think she's been kidnapped?" I ask softly.

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