Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chapter five


Cadi's p o v

Just when you tell yourself that it can't get any harder and the worse is over, that's when you realize that it can still get much more harder and the worse is far from over.

Misfortune comes in three, they say so why has mine decided to come in double that number. The past six weeks have been nothing but a series of misfortune; my chosen mate rejected me and picked my sister over me, I lost my best friend, and became enemies with my twin sister all in one move. I ended up having a sex marathon with none other than the Lycan prince ( soon to be king)- I would love to delude myself and call it rape, but I can't, because I know it was as consensual as possible, I could have stopped him if I really wanted to.

If anything, I was the one who had taken advantage of him, he had been drunk, So as much as I would like someone to blame, there is no one to blame, the blame for my pregnancy rests solely on my shoulders. Not that I regretted the baby that was growing in my womb. I already loved my baby with my whole heart and soul. I hadn't thought so at first though, I had been stupid and silly enough to attempt an abortion. It had been the most stupid decision of my entire life, seriously I didn't know what I was thinking, trying to get rid of my baby, my blood, this baby was probably the only person who was going to ever love, everyone else who had once loved me has grown to hate me. Needless to say, the abortion failed woefully, I had been foolish enough to actually try to take the potions I had stolen out of sarafina's pantry, alone in my room.

I had ended up losing so much blood that I had to be rushed to the pack hospital in the middle of the night. If Fera hadn't sent one of the kitchen assistants to call me to come make her a midnight snack, I would have probably ended up bleeding to death. So, indirectly Fera saved my life, an act I don't think she has forgiven herself for. I doubt if she ever will. Fera tried to pry the name of my baby's father out of me, I still have the scars to show for it, but I kept my mouth shut. What was I supposed to say anyway, " im carrying the Lycan prince's baby." I could just imagine how that would sound, not that she would have believed me anyway. Everyone knows none of prince Egad's mates had been able to have a cub for him, so why would anyone believe that a lowly Omega's womb could play host to his noble lineage, and besides I think it's best for my baby if no one knows that he/she has royal blood in their veins. I've become some kind of legend in the palace, not only did my chosen mate reject me and pick my sister over me, I'm also pregnant for God knows who. Although, to Fera's chargin, they are some in the pack who believes that I'm carrying Zita's baby. In fact Stella the palace cook is convinced that I'm carrying twins and as soon as I give birth, I'll be named Luna and Fera will be banished from the pack, I overheard her reassuring Delia her assistant this morning, that Fera does not have much time in the pack anymore. A sniffing Delia who had just received a tongue lashing from Fera had vowed to personally clean out Fera's room after she was banished. Nice sentiments, I mussed as I went about my duties. This past few days since everyone found out about the baby has been awful, as an omega I've been treated like a piece of trash and had insults hurled at me, all my life, but this past few days sure as hell is at the top of the charts for worse treatment of an omega from his/her pack. There may have been a few friendly looks, but there are few and far between. I hurt so much for my baby, it hurts me deeply to know that this is the kind of hostile environment they're going to be born into.

Right now, I feel so depressed, it's like the moon goddess has forsaken me, isn't she supposed to be always watching over her wolves and granting them happiness, so why has she decided to grant me sorrow, or am I such a pathetic member of the pack, that I don't even don't deserve happiness. Come to think of it, why does the moon goddess choose to create us unequally, couldn't she have created all wolves as equal, why did there have to be Omegas. What offense could we have committed in our past lives to have to go through this one as omegas. Wouldn't it have been better for everyone concerned if she had just left us to be born into normal human families.

I'm lying on my bed, lost in thought, when the door flies open and Fera stalks in. She drops a large fur brush on the floor.

" Come with me," she says." I'm going to shape shift, I need you to brush my fur," she says and saunters out.

I sigh heavily as I get up to follow her.

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