Inherited Pendant
I was silent, trying to digest every sentence that entered my mind. Because they said about "Father", I remembered that I never saw my father's face.
When was the last time I thought about Dad? feels like a long time ago. "Dad, huh?" I thought. So far, I only have Mom, Grandpa and Grandma. However, one by one they left me. My mom who died in an accident when I was not even 7 years old, Grandpa followed due to illness 7 years later and a week ago, Grandma also left forever.
"Dad, what does my dad's face look like? I don't even know his name. Both Mom, Grandpa and Grandma never wanted to discuss it and preferred to say that he left before I was born."
"Lea?" Uncle Gabriel looked at me, his eyes showing pity for my situation.
"So, Pierre Malverick is my dad?" Once I asked to clarify the meaning of the word "Father" which I have never had.
"That's right, Miss Lea. That's why, we came to pick up Miss and take you to New York to live with Mr. Malverick."
"Wait a minute, how can we believe that you are the people Pierre sent? I can't just let her go!" Said Uncle Gabriel who was still doubtful about their confession.
Damien Lachance picked up the black briefcase they were carrying and pulled out a laptop. They showed me copies of Pierre Malverick's and my mom's emails. Me and Uncle Gabriel read copies of the emails, from 2004 - 2012.
The email contains normal conversations, such as exchanging news and my mom also sends photos of me when I was a baby until I was 6 years old. The last email from my mom, three days before the accident that took her life.
"I want to show you this too," Damien said, holding up a small box containing a gold heart-shaped pendant necklace. I don't know what that means.
"Pendant?" I asked.
"This is an example of the original pendant necklace that Mr. Pierre gave to Miss Marina. The pendant that he gave me is a very important item, because inside, is stored something that should not fall into other people's hands"
"What does it mean? I don't understand?"
"Does Miss Marina still have this pendant?" Asked Damien. I can't remember whether I've ever seen Mom wear them or not. If there really is a valuable secret in it, it's impossible for you to keep it carelessly.
"I don't remember she having a pendant like that or not. But, I will try to find it in my mom's room. Wait a minute!" I went to my mother's room which was always locked and only opened when it was being cleaned.
I don't know what that precious thing means? What is like a step diamond that is very expensive? or a secret savings code or something like that? I don't know at all. Mother usually keeps valuables in the cupboard.
"Pendant? Is there?" I muttered. After I searched in the cupboard, it turns out there really isn't anything like that in this house.
"How? did you find it?" Asked Uncle Gabriel.
"Not in her room. Is it true that Mr. Pierre Malverick gave her the pendant?" I asked. I can't just trust them.
"Why don't you try to call Mr. Pierre and ask him directly? Because the pendant he gave is not in this house," Said Uncle Gabriel.
The three personal maids looked at each other again in confusion as they whispered. Seeing their attitude, as if there is something strange. Are they really Mr. Pierre Malverick's servants? or they're just pretending to get their hands on a locket they say is "That very precious thing"
"Mr. Pierre, can't be contacted at the moment, he-" Damien said, he looked panicked. It seems, what happened did not go according to their plan.
"Why can't you? Just stay on the phone, right?" I asked.
"This is very complicated Miss Bichsel. We are forbidden to explain everything now. That's why, we were asked to pick up you-",
"I can't, I can't believe you guys brought her to New York. She has no one and no one she knows in there. So, I won't let her go before I really believe, that you really Pierre Malverick's emissary." With Uncle, I really feel helped.
The cell phone sounded from under Fermin Girard's jacket.
"Who called?" Asked Damien.
"Professor Albert. Good afternoon Professor? We are already in Lauterbrunnen, at Miss Marina's house" Said Fermin.
"How? Have you met Marina?" Asked Professor Albert.
"Miss Marina is die!"
"Died? When?"
"It was 10 years ago."
"Oh my god. So, you guys met Lea already?"
"Yes, Professor. We are currently talking to Miss Lea. However, she doesn't know where the locket is kept." Fermin answered. From the conversation that was heard, it seemed, the pendant was really very important. But what is hidden in the locket?
"Give this phone to her, let me talk to her!" Asked Professor Albert.
"Miss, Professor would like to speak to you!" Fermin handed me the phone. What is this person trying to tell me?
"Yes, hello?" I'm nervous.
"Is this Lea Bichsel?" Asked Professor Albert.
"Ah...yes, I'm Lea-"
"Lea, don't you want to meet your dad?" Asked the Professor, he immediately asked the important point of the arrival of these three people.
"T-that, I don't know!" I answered doubtfully. It's not that I don't want to meet Dad, I really do. Given that apparently, Father and Mother were still in a relationship until Mother died.
"Your dad miss you so much. Right now, he can't go anywhere, there's a little problem that can't be explained on the phone. However, if we meet. We promise to tell you everything, believe me?" He asked. I was speechless, should I believe it or not? this is really hard for me to understand.
What happened to dad? What's the problem until now he asked me to come see him, why not earlier?
I couldn't answer and immediately returned the phone to Fermin. I don't want to be influenced by people I don't know.
"Okay Miss Bichsel, we understand. It seems too hasty to ask you to come with us. You can think about it first. Also about the locket, it might be tucked away somewhere in this house. Mr. Pierre Maverick is not an ordinary person. Then, this is my business card. If you are ready, we will immediately pick you up again. Excuse me, good afternoon," Damien said. After giving the business cards, they left.
I sat limply on the sofa, really in a very confused state. He said, Pierre Malverick is not an ordinary person? But indeed, judging from the current state of affairs, it was obvious that he was no ordinary person.
"Malverick? I think I've heard or read that name somewhere" I thought.
"Yes, Uncle?"
"There is something I wants to tell you about your mom and your dad." He said. I just realized, ever since Professor Albert called, Uncle Gabriel hasn't said anything. My heart immediately pounded hard, it felt as if I was about to hear a big secret that had been hidden from me.
"Actually, what happened? Why am I the only one who doesn't know anything?"
"The professor who spoke to you on the phone earlier is Professor Albert. In the past, me and your Aunt, once accompanied your mom to meet Professor Albert in Zurich. He came to represent your dad, it happened, about two years before your mom died"
"So, all this time you already know?"
"Since your mom died, your grandparents don't want you to meet your dad. Especially your grandpa, who strictly forbade talking about your dad's whereabouts."
"So, since I was born, you have never seen ?my dad again?"
"They never saw each other again. The meeting with Professor Albert in Zurich was also to hand over a box that seemed very important to your mom. At that time, me and your Aunt did not know what was in the box, because your mo. had only spoken privately with Professor Albert. Your mom probably saw it when she get home."
"Does the box contain the locket they mean?" I asked.
"I don't know, but it's possible. Actually, you don't really understand what's going on either. You have never met your dad either, which you do know. Your dad's name is Pierre Malverick."
Hearing Uncle Gabriel's words, made my mind about those people change. After Professor Albert made the call, it seemed, it was a hint that the three personal maids who had come were really emissaries from Pierre Malverick, my father.
"But now, what should I do?"