“That one suits you very well. “said my mother from the armchair.
“Do you think so? “I asked as I continued to examine myself in front of the mirror.
I tried to fix some invisible wrinkles in the dress.
“I've always said that color looks good on you. “ She said as she placed her hands on my shoulders, to give me some comfort.
“I like it. Let's take this one. “ I said walking back to the fitting room.
“Hey. “ said my mother grabbing my arm and turning me around to hug me. “ It's going to be all right, dear. Don't despair. “ she said stroking my hair.
"It's okay. "I said trying to hold back the tears. "I'm going to change to go.
I went into the changing room and that's when I couldn't hold back the tears. I leaned my body against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the carpet floor of the fitting room. Tears were running down my cheeks. And the reason was that today was my 18th birthday, which meant it had been two years since I had found my inner wolf.
One year since we were alone. Supposedly, you meet your mate when you turn 16. But that wasn't the case with me.
My she-wolf insisted that we not give up, but I no longer knew what to expect.
I stood up, looked in the mirror to make sure there was no trace that I had cried, took off my dress, put on my clothes and walked out of the fitting room with the dress in hand.
I got to the cashier and my mother was talking to the manager.
“Here it is. “ I said handing the dress to the sales clerk. “ Thank you.
“So from here, where do you want to go? “ my mother asked. “ It's your birthday, so we'll go wherever you want. “ she said with a smile.
“What if I told you I wanted to go home? “ I said forcing a smile.
“Here you go. “ said the sales clerk as she handed us our bags.
My mother paid and immediately the two members of the pack that my father had assigned to accompany us came over. Larry and Ben.
My mother just gave me a grimace in response to my previous question and we left the store to go to a restaurant. We ordered two tables for two people. One for Larry and Ben and one for her and me.
“What would you like to drink? “ the waiter asked.
I turn my gaze to my mother and she asked:
“Can I have a drink?
“Just for your birthday. “ she says with a smile. “ Bring us two glasses and a bottle of Chardonnay.
The waiter disappeared and I turned my attention back to my mother.
“Blair, my dear, everyone's time has come. “ she says, taking my hand.
“At what age did Dad come into your life? “ I asked.
“When I was 16. “ she said with a smile, I guess remembering the moment. “ Two years later I had my two puppies and two years later my princess arrived. “ she said giving my hand a squeeze.
Our conversation was interrupted by the restaurant staff, as they were singing happy birthday and our waiter was holding a cupcake in his hands.
My face started to turn red and it got redder when they put the cupcake in front of me. I started to laugh, maybe out of nerves, but it was actually funny to me. Once the song was over, most of the restaurant burst into applause.
"Thank you. "I said with a chuckle. "Really, thank you very much.
“Happy birthday from the Lively Bistro. “ says the waiter.
“Thank you. “ I say with a smile.
“We'll bring your food in a moment. “ says the waiter and disappears.
“You have to tip him well, he made you smile. “ says my mother laughing.
“He really deserves it. “ I said also laughing.
Hours later we left the mall heading home.
Our community was inside the forest, it was similar to the suburbs of the city, only there was no one who wasn't part of our pack.
There were almost no strangers around. Our house was the biggest one and it was at the end of the land connecting to the forest and a few meters further, a river that is dangerous because it leads straight to some rapids where my father took us to practice every summer.
The car parked in front of the house and Larry and Ben opened our doors.
Mom and I got out of the car and went straight to the house, I went in first and was greeted with a big:
"SURPRISE!" directed several voices.
I was stunned to see everyone in a party hat. I started laughing and they started coming up to give me a congratulatory hug.
The first one to approach was my father.
“Happy birthday my princess. “ He said giving me a kiss on the cheek and a hug at the same time.
“Thanks for everything Dad. How did you come up with this? “ I asked.
“It was all your mother's idea. “ he said with a smile. “ Have fun princess. “ he said and from there he went to find my mother.
After greeting most of the people, I decided I needed something to drink, so I went to the kitchen.
I poured myself a glass of water. As I was about to put it to my lips, I noticed a strange smell in the water.
But I didn't pay attention to it because at that moment my friends came into the kitchen. I put the glass on the counter.
“Happy birthday, my friend! “ Elizabeth said, giving me a hug.
“Thank you. “ I said returning the hug, with a smile. “ Hi Justin. “ I said, seeing him behind Elizabeth.
Liz pulled away from me and Justin took the opportunity to hug me.
“I barely took off and you already hogged her. “ says Liz complaining.
“Happy birthday little girl. “ Justin says.
“That's funny. “ I say sarcastically.
“Thanks for helping my brother out, Liz. “ I say since she happens to be my brother Allan's partner.
“You're welcome. “ she says with a smile. “ I have something to talk to you about. “ she says giving Justin a look, who rolls his eyes and walks out of the kitchen.
“Well talk. “ I say.
“Well... I think I'm expecting a puppy. “ she says a little nervously.
I feel immediate joy for her. I'm going to be an aunt.
“Liz that's fantastic. “ I say hugging her.
“Yes, I know. “ she says with a big smile.
“And what does Allan say?
“I haven't told him yet. “ she says a little nervous.
“You will see that he will be happy. “ I say being sure that he will be.