Read with BonusRead with Bonus



When I opened my eyes I was in a simple room, there was only a dresser, a small closet and a bed.

I carved my eyes and got up, taking this nap, I was as good as new. I get out of bed and go to the window to open the curtains, when I open them I am surprised to see that it is already dark.

Someone knocks on the door, maybe it's Dalton. My heart starts beating fast at this thought. I approach the door and open it slowly, before me is a slim, dark-haired girl with shoulder-length brown hair and I think her eyes are green.

“Hi, I'm Mika. “ she says introducing herself.

“Hi, I'm Blair.

“Well, I just came to tell you that we're about to serve dinner. And to introduce myself, since we hadn't had a chance to do that."

“Oh, thank you. Really, and I'm sorry I slept in."

“No, no problem, your whole family slept in too, it was a long drive.

“Thanks again for having us here at your house.

“Oh, no worries, oh, and before I forget I have something for you. I'll be back in a moment.

She leaves quickly and I close the door without a latch, so she can come in later.

I like Mika, I think we can become good friends. There's another knock on the door, but this time Mika enters without waiting for me to open it.

In her hands she is carrying what I think are clothes and long boots.

“I brought you a change of clothes, I figured you might need them. “ she says handing them to me.

“Thank you so much Mika. You've practically saved my life. “ she smiles a big smile.

“Seriously, you're practically family now."

“Do you know Dalton? “ I asked with a tone of voice that makes my jealousy show.

“Of course, my husband Nick is his beta. “ With those simple words she makes me put my jealousy aside.

“Oh, excuse me. “ A blush begins to spread across my cheeks.

“I acted the same way when I first met Nick. But now he left you to get ready."

With that said, Mika walks out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. I grab a towel from the closet and leave the room.

After a relaxing shower, I return to the room wrapped in the towel, but when I open the door I find Dalton sitting on the bed, elbows resting on his knees and looking in the direction of the floor.

My heart starts beating fast and I feel this immense desire to kiss him. It felt like butterflies flying inside my whole being. And that only happens when I'm with him.

He is wearing jeans and a black shirt. He looks gorgeous and that only makes me want to kiss him even more.

When he hears me, he immediately looks up and his eyes are filled with lust and desire when he sees me.

I slowly walk towards the bed towards my clothes, but he takes me in his arms and straddles me on his lap.

He starts kissing me wildly, his lips are just like I remember them, they are hot, hard, but soft at the same time, our kiss is as if he is thirsty for me, as if it has been an eternity since he has seen me.

My hands go straight to his hair, he lets out a small growl and brings one hand to the back of my neck and the other to my ass.

He gives a little squeeze and this causes me to let out a small moan, which he takes the opportunity to work his way into my mouth.

The hand he had on my butt goes down to my thigh and starts to slowly caress it, that makes me a little uneasy since I'm not wearing anything under the towel.

I continue with the kiss and so does he, his lips slowly move down my jaw until they reach my neck, it is an exquisite sensation, as his warm lips contrast with my somewhat cold skin, but when he tries to remove the towel from my body is when I decide that enough is enough.

So I stop his hand as he is about to remove the towel.

“What's wrong? “ Dalton asks with his breathing a little shaky.

“Dalton... If we continue... this would be my first.... time with a man. “ I say lowering my gaze.

Dalton stands still for a moment and that worries me, as I feel a bit silly. He sure has had a lot of women in his life and it will seem stupid to him.

Dalton pulls me close to his chest and I lay my head on his chest, Dalton starts stroking my back and that makes me feel worse than before because now maybe he feels sorry for me.

“I'll leave you to change. “ He kisses me on the crown of my head, puts me down on the bed and leaves the room without another word.

I feel like my heart has been stabbed because if I had decided to wait to have sex it was because I wanted it to be special between me and my mate.

Tears start to run down my cheeks because I feel a little bad about his reaction to my words.

I decided to pull myself together because if Dalton thinks it's wrong, the fact that I wanted to wait for this, fuck him.

I grab the clothes from the bed and as I unfold them I notice that there is a set of beige underwear, the clothes Mika had left behind consist of a navy blue dress with white stripes, a navy blue vest and long brown boots.

I let my hair down and left the room already dressed to see how I could help.

When I got to the kitchen there was Mika, chopping some vegetables.

“Can I help you with anything? “ I asked to make her aware of my presence.

"You look beautiful. " She says giving me a thorough going over.

With her words, my mind goes straight to Dalton, on the fact that he would like the way I look. Apparently, Mika found out my thoughts because she said:

“Don't worry, he's not coming to dinner. “ She said as she handed me a chopping board and a knife.

“What do you mean? “ I asked with a frown.

“I mean that even though he knows he is more than welcome here, he doesn't like to come here. “ she says and hands me some carrots.

“But I thought you got along."

“Yeah and even though Nick and I take care of the house and the warriors. He almost didn't come."

Our conversation is interrupted by my mother who comes limping in, but leaning on my brother.

“I'm fine here, honey. “ My brother leaves her sitting in a chair and then walks away. “ If I wasn't sure Alexander and Anne still didn't want puppies, I'd say they were trying too hard.

Mika and I burst out laughing, my mother just smiles and at once my dad comes to mind.

“Have you had any communication with Dad? “ I asked, pulling me closer to her.

“No... But if you want to go and help Mika with dinner."

I go back to the kitchen because I decide to leave my mom alone to clear her thoughts, but Mika has already finished chopping everything.

Mika saw my expression and decided to take pity on me.

“Don't worry, it's just a salad. “ she says handing me the bowl where the salad is. “ Put it on the table, please.

“Of course. “ I take it to the table, where I find my mother talking to a blond guy.

The guy looks up and immediately stands up, walks over to me and introduces himself.

“I'm Nick Miller. “ he says holding out his hand to me.

“Nice to meet you, Nick, I'm Blair Van de Kamp “ I take his hand.

“Honey, I'm so happy. “ Mika enters the dining room and approaches Nick to kiss him.

“Mom, what about Liz and Anne? “ I asked sitting down.

“They said they had no appetite. “ says my mother.

We all sit down, but before we can start eating our food, there is a knock on the front door.

“Who could that be? “ Mika asks, standing up.

“Don't worry, I'll go. “ Nick says and stands up.

A few minutes pass before Nick returns, but he doesn't come back alone, someone came with him.


“Honey, we need to set one more place."

Mika gets up and heads for the kitchen, I immediately follow her. When I enter the kitchen behind her I ask her in a whisper:

“I thought you said he never came to dinner."

“And he didn't. “ she says reaching for a glass.

“Then what is he doing here? “ I asked.

“I think we both know what he's doing here. “ she says and leaves the kitchen.

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