Chapter 3
I arrived at the Cortez Hotel at 2:30. The usher took my bag and let me into the hotel. The lady behind the desk checked me in, I couldn’t help but notice her makeup, she looked so tired but smiled at me anyways.
“Ms. Martin, you will be in suite 409. Your friend has already checked in and is waiting for you!”
“Thank you, Anna” I said, as I read her name badge. “Also, there is going to be a man named James coming in here in a little bit, he will be angry so just ignore him and give him a room key.”
She chuckled; she could see the playfulness in my eyes. “Got it,” she said smiling all cheeky.
While walking towards the elevator I saw an office with a name on the door I recognized. Arnett Cortez. Arnett was the son of Javier Cortez, who owned the Cortez Hotel group. Javier was in business with the Hernandez family as well, that is how I knew them. I had no idea Arnett, or Hermie as I have always called him, was running this hotel. I stopped and turned towards the office. Hermie was sitting at his desk with his eyes glued to his phone. I knocked on the door and he replied annoyingly, “You must check in at the front desk.”
I opened the door further and stepped in, “Hm, Hermie, this is cozy!” The walls and floor were white and all of the furniture was black, it really suited him.
His eyes shot up to me, nobody but me calls him Hermie. “Fallon!” He jumped up and ran towards me picking me up in a hug. He had gotten so handsome. I had not seen him in 5 years. He had grown into his jawline. His hair was dark black and messy. He was 6’ tall with broad muscular shoulders, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. Wow, I couldn’t believe how hot he got.
“You look great!” I said excitedly. He almost blushed.
“You too!” He said, taking a step back to look me up and down. It was so hot. “What are you in town for?”
“I am opening a club tonight downtown, The Velvet Room. I had to be here for the opening. You should come!”
“Sure, anything for a beautiful woman” he said flirtatiously. I blushed.
“Well, I need to get ready, I will pick you up at 6? We can go for dinner and a drink before the opening at 8, if you’d like?”
He smirked. “Of course, I will meet you in the lobby of my room at 5:45. Hey, here is a key to my room, I live in the penthouse on the top floor. Just scan the badge and press the ‘PH’ key and it will bring you to my room.” He smiled. He was flirting with me hardcore.
“Okay, sounds great.” I smiled and looked up at him through my eyelashes. I quickly stepped out of the room, it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I haven’t been that nervous around a guy since the first night James and I spent together.
I got in the elevator and pushed the button for the fourth floor. I opened the suite room to find Amber sitting on the couch with her legs over the armrest. She jumped up, “About time you sexy bitch!” She ran over and gave me the biggest hug.
Amber was my best friend from high school, she was the light to any party. She had gorgeous dyed blonde hair, light brown eyes, and big boobs. She was flat assed but her boobs made up for that. She was so cute.
“Sorry, I got a little tied up” I smiled crookedly.
“Oh, with that hot bodyguard of yours? Where is he anyways?” she said looking behind me.
“About that,” I smiled, “I left him tied up at home.” We both laughed.
“Oh, is he going to be mad when he gets here?” She laughed.
“Probably, but he will live!” I joked. “Oh, hey, I ran into Arnett Cortez, my friend Hermie, remember?”
“The chubby kid you grew up with?” Amber responded.
“Yeah, but he is not chubby anymore. He is so hot. I ran into him downstairs; he is running this hotel. We are meeting up with him for dinner and drinks before the opening.”
“Good thing I brought my strapless dress!” she winked. “My boobs will look so great for him!”
“I hope so! He will love the show you are going to give him!” I winked. We laughed. Oh, how I missed her.
My phone rang, James’s name covered the screen. I ignored his call, it would drive him crazy.
He called again, I ignored the call again, this time he left a message.
“Do you know how embarrassing it was to have Julie find me cuffed to your bed?! She couldn’t even look at me, Fallon. Anyways, I am leaving your house now and will meet you at the hotel at 6. You better be ready, and please wear that sexy bra I like so much, tonight I need to punish you.” I could almost see his sexy smirk through the phone. I blushed and felt my pussy constrict.