Chapter 3
"Princess, are you going out?" My father asked looking at me.
“Yes, I'm going to Martha's boyfriend's birthday.” I answer softly so that only he can hear me.
“Daughter...” he doesn't like the idea at all, but the complaint or objection is interrupted by the words of my sister-in-law.
“I'm so sorry that your relationship with Gareth ended, Laura.” He tells me and I force myself to smile while I nod.
"It's nothing, Katherine, it doesn't matter anymore.” I say shrugging, trying to play it down.
“You have a very beautiful daughter, Mr. Mason.” Smith says out of nowhere. With his hoarse and serious voice.
Red dyes my cheeks at his words that catch the attention of everyone in the room, while he smiles simply.
“I know, Smith, I know.” Responds my father, puffing out his chest with pride and tenderness as he lays his eyes on me. “Don't come back so late, honey, you know I don't like you going out at night.” he adds, turning to me.
"Okay, I'll be back soon, dad.” I reply with a smile, before placing a kiss on her cheek and making my way to the front door.
I bite my lips with some nervousness when passing in front of Smith, he greets me with a slight nod and I am forced to smile kindly, then feeling the weight of his gaze behind me.
I let out a breath as I step out of the house and the cold night air hits my face, freezing my nerves and stirring up emotions that Mr. Smith provokes just by looking at me the way he does.
When I arrive, I park the car, take my bag, the keys and go downstairs, at the entrance I visualize Martha, who, when she makes contact with me, screams and comes running towards me in a beautiful blue dress with a flowing skirt.
“Fuck! Laura told me you'd be there from the beginning of the party” she looks at me with accusing eyes while I smiled apologetically “Oh by the way, you're beautiful!” She yells, changing the subject making me laugh, and then she drags me inside “Today you're going to fuck hard! Of course!” She yelled again making me laugh out loud.
"Enough, Martha, you'll rip my arm off." I yell over the loud music as we finally make it inside the house and stop in front of the makeshift bar on the side of the living room.
“What exaggerated!” She says as she takes a glass and pours various types of alcohol making one of her magical drinks “Come on, take it!”
I look at my phone screen and can barely make out the time on the screen on; ten past one in the morning, I've been in this place for about five hours, drinking everything that Martha offers me with an excited smile so that she can approve her mixtures.
I'm drunk, why deny it? I'm drunk, tired and hungry, the piece of birthday cake hasn't even reached a quarter of my stomach.
“Look, Laura, try this one” She yelled at me, holding out a red glass with a blue drink in it. Without question, I took the glass and finished it in one gulp before pointing at her and nodding with a smile.
I laugh without being able to avoid it.
“It's good!” I yell back and everyone at the table applauds my friend and her creations.
We have made a small group, and we are already all sitting on the sofas; Diego, Martha's boyfriend, Raúl and Luka.
They are cute boys, funny and they enlarge me a lot.
"Come on, Laura, don't be like that, he just wants to dance with you," Martha insists for the thousandth time that night, to which I'm sick of it, I finally give up.
“Already!” I accept letting out a sigh and she approaches Luka to let him know that I accepted, to which the boy smiles at me before getting up and extending her hand. “Just one song.” I tell him without being rude.
"Just a song, Laura," he says with a smile and nod.
We go to the improvised dance floor, and we begin to move to the rhythm of the song. Luka places his hands on my waist and with the alcohol raging in my head, he lets her loose freely.
"Then you're the smallest of the Mason clan," he says, bringing up a topic of conversation on the air and laughing when he sees him somewhat nervous
“No, actually, I'm the youngest daughter of the Masons. The smallest of the Mason family is one week old.” I answer amused.
"Oh! Well... Do you have a boyfriend?” He asks again and I laugh again with less thanks, lowering my gaze at the end.
"No," I reply curtly and decide to stop dancing, so I smile at him and start walking towards the boys.
Until they take my arm and I turn to meet him.
“Hey Laura, if my question bothers you... I'm sorry, okay?” He looks at me embarrassed and I only manage to smile at him.
"Calm down, I just don't want to talk about it, okay?" He just nods with a weak smile and takes my hand before making our way through the people to our place.
It was half past three in the morning and all I could think about was getting home, throwing myself into bed and sleeping until lunch the next day.
"Martha!" I yell for her to hear me, she turns to see me “I'm going to go, bye!” I mean a little dizzy.
“What? No, you won't drive in that state, Laura, you're drunk” She says and calls Luka “Hey, could you take Laura to her house? She is very drunk and she can't drive like that.”
“But, Martha, my car!”
"I'll take it to your house, okay?"
I nod reluctantly.
“Okay Laura, come, I'll take you home.” Luka tells me, I just nod and let him put his arm around me to direct me, because I really feel that at any moment I'll fall face down against the floor.
We headed towards the exit, and once outside we made our way through the people until we reached a very nice white Jeep, with his help I got into the passenger seat, then he got into the driver's seat and headed for my house.
"Do you want me to take you to the door?" I look at him and laugh while denying.
“No, thanks I can alone.” I answer and open the door. “Thanks for bringing me, Luka” And I laugh again getting out of the truck as best I can, I hear him laugh and I stick my middle finger in his direction, his laughter grows stronger, infecting me with his.
"See you later, beautiful." I look at him with a raised eyebrow and he just shrugs, starts the car, and waves once more.
I felt very dizzy and at any moment I would return what little I have eaten during the day.
As I was walking through the garden, I tripped over a rock and what I knew would happen at any moment happened; I fell face down against the ground, the screen of my cell phone was shattered because when I tried to keep my face from hitting the ground I put my hands in the middle, completely forgetting that one of them was the cell phone.
“Damn it, Laura, you just damaged your cell phone!” I scolded myself in a whisper.
"Wow, daddy's girl swears." I heard that voice that always makes me nervous, Mr. Smith's.