I could feel the muscles in my jaw tick, it was too early in the morning for this shit. Nora slipped her arm into mine and I calmed a little and my muscles relaxed. I didn’t like Alyce. She was forever a thorn in my side. Her stubborn streak and hard headed attitude were constantly forcing me to deal with petty squabbles amongst the younger wolves in my pack, usually brought about by her actions.
I could feel my wolf, Oscar’s, annoyance as he paced in the back of my mind. He was as fed up as I was with this, Let’s just put an end to this. I would like to have some peace and quiet today. He growled at me.
Agreed. I responded.
I had never wanted to bring her into the pack when the trader brought her around. Nora had insisted she would make a wonderful breeder when she came of age. I could never deny Nora’s wishes, so I bought her.
It wasn't so bad, having her here in the pack, at least for the first few years. About the time her wolf emerged, so did her attitude. It was about the time she turned 13 that I started using other forms of discipline, trying to break her spirit. To this day she refused to break, which just infuriated me further.
She was still far too spirited to be made use of as a breeder. I didn’t understand why she hadn’t broken yet. The pack members regularly beat her; she spent countless days, even weeks in the isolation hole with Levi and Ethan inflicting ridiculous amounts of pain on her. Still she held on, took it like it was nothing. No matter, everyone had a breaking point, and I would find it. I had paid double what I should have due to her exoctic looks. There was something off about her, but I could never quite put my finger on what it was.
“Alyce, there will be no toleration of disrespect in this pack! Especially from an Omega." I spat the word at her like it was an insult rather than just her rank, "You will spend two weeks in the isolation hole.” I snarled, motioning to Levi and Ethan, “Get her out of here. We will need her for the banquet preparations. She is, unfortunately, the best cook we have. Which means we will need her presentable and able to move at a decent pace. Keep that in mind when you torture her. No new scars that are visible, nothing she can't heal in two days time.”
Levi and Ethan stepped forward, they were grinning a bit more than I liked, but their grins faltered after the Alpha told them they had limits this time. They grabbed my arms and I lifted my head, every fiber of my being screaming at me to fight back, to not let them drag me away. I knew where I was going, I knew what was coming. I glared at Alpha Andrew, refusing to let his words affect me, for I knew the truth and he did not.
Theo and Dean were shifting on their feet a bit. I knew they didn’t agree with the actions of the current leadership, and they didn’t even know half of it. Theo could easily take a stand, but he never did. He was probably the only one who could actually stand up to his father. In my opinion he was guilty too, not as bad as the ones who actually did the deeds, but still guilty. Dean, well… There wasn’t much he could do. He hadn’t even shifted yet.
Jewel was bouncing on the balls of her feet, far too excited about how things had turned out. She put her hand on Theo’s arm and tried to snuggle into his side, her eyes wide as she took in the results of her fake tantrum. He ignored her, pulling himself away from her clutches as he stepped to the side a bit, much to her dismay.
I refused to cower, looking around at them all, my gaze landing on Matheau. He was standing in the back with his parents. Faith and Jake’s expressions showed me how much they wished they could intervene. I smiled softly at them all, letting them know I would be ok. I looked back to the others, holding my head high, “One day you will realize the gravity of your choices, all of you will, and I will be there to witness it.” I spoke barely above a whisper, but they heard me, and I didn’t care. Some of them looked at me like I'd grown a second head. They would understand the meaning of my words eventually.
Ethan and Levi carried me out of the kitchen via the back door and carried me across the back lawn towards a row of sheds. One of them housed the entrance to the isolation hole. An underground room that the pack used to torture information out of captives, or in my case, to try and break my spirit with said torture. I knew the room well and I could only hope the next two weeks would be a breeze in comparison to the last time I was put in here, given the Alpha’s instructions.
With the information about the banquet I started letting my wheels turn. It was to be held a week after my 18th birthday. It would make a great cover to escape the pack. It was a little later than I had planned, but the chance of getting a head start before they noticed I was gone would make the extra few days worth it, What do you think? I asked Aramyth.
It’s a good plan. We will have to be careful with your first shift though. If the wrong people see, we will be screwed.
That should be easy enough. Matheau and his family will help us, of that I’m sure. And when we are safe and have our pack back, we will come back for them. Aramyth and I continued talking, so much so that I didn’t even notice them changing me to the wall. It wasn't until I felt the needle prick and lost contact with Aramyth that I realized it was beginning.