In fact, I don't even know why I insisted so much in doing something in that stupid class. The harsh reality was: no matter how hard I concentrated and did the perfect report, he always gave me, at most, a third of the grade. One third of the grade, do you know how much that represents? Almost nothing! And that kid never gave me more than a C on my reports! Can you believe that a person who gets an A+ in theory biology gets a C in laboratory biology? Kind of weird, don't you agree? Well, the principal didn't. In fact, she disagreed so much that she kept calling my mother at school because I couldn't get an equally good grade in lab all year and suggested that my mother help me and encourage me to study harder. I'm going to encourage this board to take it up the ass, that's for sure.
Anyway, soon the class was over, the weekly torture had come to an end, and I happily (on the inside, because on the outside I still looked disgusted) handed in another one of my perfect reports. As I put my pens away in the case, I noticed a strange movement behind me and jumped with fright when I heard someone talking to me from so close.
"Learn to only do things when you're told to do them, Lillie." Mr. Cassano whispered, from behind me, in his usual manic voice. Recovering from my fright, I looked at him with a look of disgust and replied, in a rude voice:
"First, neither you nor anyone else tells me what to do. And second, I haven't given you the freedom to call me by name, and I don't intend to give it to you someday."
I turned my attention to the zipper of my case, which had stuck at that very pleasant moment, and only then did I realize that the laboratory was empty except for the two of us. I was more alert than I had been, ready to poke him in the eye if I felt threatened or something, but all he said, with a perverted chuckle as he looked me up and down, was:
"One day you will still give me much more than the freedom to call you by name.... Lil."
I froze when I heard that sentence, even more so pronouncing my nickname in that dirty way. Unable to contain my impulse, I slapped him hard across the face. Caught not so much by surprise, since he must have been used to getting beaten by some of the more resistant students, he put one hand on the affected side of his face and looked back at me, with a debauched chuckle on his face.
I didn't know you were the aggressive type, Velarde," he grinned, making me even angrier. "It'll be even more enjoyable when you come to recover after lunch. Alone, as always, since you're the only one who can pull off the recovery lab stunt."
I almost flew around the neck of that disgusting pedophile bastard. Recovery again? For God's sake, why couldn't he just give me a fair grade? Just because I didn't want to give it to him? What the hell, is it so hard to understand that he manages to make me madder every day by the mere fact of his existence?
"Why aren't you looking for a girlfriend, sir?" I asked, in the most politely irritated tone I could manage, "I don't know, maybe this obsession of yours with schoolgirls isn't a lack of women your age who can stand you without getting a reward for it.
I took a good look at the look on his face and left the lab, with a triumphant smile on my face. He may be smelly and have nice eyes, but he is not and never will be half the perfect man that Professor Suan is.
Speaking of him, look how cute he is coming out of the first grade classroom, all surrounded by students in tiny shorts and heavy makeup. Aspiring Kelly Smithers? That's right.
I walked past him, turning right away to go down the stairs, and as soon as he saw me, he grinned from ear to ear. Was it just me, or did he suddenly warm up after that beautiful display of joy?
"You were about to pass by without greeting me, eh, Velarde?" Mr. Suan joked, quickly coming down the stairs and getting rid of the brats with his long strides. I let out an embarrassed chuckle, trying not to screw up again.
"Imagine, professor," I answered, wondering whether to look at the steps and not fall, or to look at him and have an arrhythmia. "I was distracted thinking about other things, I didn't even see you there.
"I think I know what your defect is," he said, twisting his mouth and clenching his eyes, "You think too much all the time.
"What do you mean, professor?", I asked, my heart pounding in my chest, God knows why. Okay, I know why.
"Maybe you should think less and take more chances," Mr. Suan said with a smart smile as we left the building.
Hi, was it just me or did he just sing to me? My God, that was a man! I smiled at him, embarrassed, and without saying anything else, he just kept walking towards the crowded school exit. I watched his little head disappear into the crowd of students, my heart racing, until I heard a voice talking to me.
"My best friend and the only decent student at that school, Anne," she complained, stopping right in front of me and preventing me from seeing Mr. Suan getting into his car.
"Sorry, Anne," I stammered, reaching out to try to see him, but his car quickly sped off and disappeared into the street full of parents' vehicles.
"What, what are you looking at?" she asked, looking over her shoulder, and I just shook my head negatively.
"I was looking for my mom," I lied, which now wouldn't be such a lie since I actually started looking for her, "I need to leave as soon as possible today or I'll have to take the catch-up test without lunch."
"Cassano bailed you out again?" she guessed, rolling her eyes, and I nodded, looking very surprised "Lillie, have you ever thought about complaining to the principal?"
"Every two months my mother is forced to come here thanks to that piece of shit to see what's wrong with me, but all the principal does is tell me to study harder!
Anne didn't know what to say. I had tried everything, even showing my reports to Mr. Suan, but all he said was that the teachers couldn't influence the grades of the other subjects, as absurd as that was. Let's face it, biology, whether theory or lab, was the same damn subject! In short, Mr. Cassano could lie, roll over and fuck with my grade and nobody could do anything against him. Why do I still study at this school anyway?
"If only there were a way to make this schism he has with you go away..." I heard Anne murmur, looking at me vaguely as if she were thinking out loud.
"There is a way," I said, annoyed to have to admit it, "You know Cassano is always hitting on me.
"But you don't consider that an option.... Do you?" she whispered, startled, as if no one in that school had ever picked up a teacher at least once in their life "I mean, you hate him."
"I could never even imagine myself in a friendly dialogue with that idiot," I replied, being very sincere " But it never hurts to consider that as an emergency option."
I saw my mother's car arriving and soon said goodbye to Anne with a kiss on the cheek. As I walked to the car, I could hear her voice speaking in a worried tone:
"Look what you're going to do, huh!"
I rolled my eyes and got into the car, ignoring what she had said. What was she thinking? That I would really subject myself to any kind of relationship with Cassano because of a note? I would never do such a thing, even if it meant getting an A+ in every subject without even stepping foot in that school. An idiot wrapped up in a well-defined and perfumed body is not worth the sacrifice, you bet.