Chapter 4: Movies and Pizza
-unless I am myself, I am nobody. – Virginia Woolf
Jaxon pulled into the driveway to the 1980s red brick tract house. Bunny’s blue compact car was already in the drive and Ty was still on shift. He entered the house and found Bunny curled up on the couch under a blanket.
“Hey, babe.” He said softly, placing his lunch box on the white marble island separating the kitchen from the rest of the open area. He walked over and kissed her lightly and saw that she had an old black and white movie on.
“I hate men.” She grumbled.
“I know.” He knelt by the end of the teal couch and brushed her blonde hair out of her face. “Let me go get a shower and I’ll make us something for dinner.”
“There’s pizza in the freezer.” She said.
“Is that what you want?”
He kissed her cheek before standing up and heading upstairs for a shower. Stripping out of his work clothes, he tossed them into the black basket. The water was still warming up when he stepped into the walk in shower.
Jaxon scrubbed down and rinsed off quickly. His shoulder length brown hair was still dripping slightly as he went back downstairs in gray sweats and a black t-shirt. Halfway down he realized that he had two different house shoes on. The black crock on his right foot was his while the blue on his left was Ty's. He considered going back to change it, but decided to give Bunny something to laugh at.
And she did.
He cleaned up the kitchen and made his lunch for tomorrow while the pizzas were in the oven. With a soda in each front pocket and plates full of fresh pizza he went into the living room. Halfway across the floor, Bunny started laughing.
“You’re wearing miss-matched shoes.” Bunny grinned.
“Yeah.” He handed her a plate and soda as she sat up under the gray blanket. He then sat down next to her and held his arm out for her to snuggle into his side. Jaxon held his drink between his legs and rested his plate on the top of the can. Bunny snuggled in closer as she slid her pizza onto his plate.
"That’s better." She murder as she tossed the paper plate onto the coffee table.
“Bells of Saint Mary?” he asked and she gave him a mm-hmm around her pizza. “Have you already watched Roman Holiday?”
“I was waiting for you.” She said knowing it was one of his favorite movies.
He kissed the top of her head and they settled in for a quiet night of movies and pizza.
Every few months, Bunny would get really bad cramps with her period. When she was not on birth control, they occurred every month. And on occasion, twice in one month. When they hit, she would go home, take a muscle relaxer and binge old black and white movies and junk food.
Did it cure it? No, of course not.
Did it make her feel better? Some.
At some point, she had fallen asleep and Jaxon got up to clean up their mess. Once the house was set to rights, he woke Bunny up and they went to bed.
His alarm went off the next morning and she buried her head under the covers. Laughing, he got out of bed and went to get ready for work. He was assistant shop foreman and opened the shop in the morning while the foreman closed it.
With his mechanic uniform on, Jaxon lay back down on the bed. Gently, he pulled the covers back slightly and gave her a kiss.
“My husband will be home soon.” She warned with a devilish smile.
“Then I guess I better get out of here.” He smiled back before getting another kiss and heading downstairs.
The front door opened and Ty walked in. They smiled at each other and when they met at the bottom of the stairs, Jaxon kissed Ty. Ty wrapped his arms around the other man’s waist as Jaxon did the same to him.
Ty stood just a little taller at six feet two compared to Jaxon’s six feet one. His tanned skin looked pale next to Ty’s dark caramel. Both had honey colored eyes.
Jaxon sported what he called the red neck haircut that was shoulder length with the sides and back shaved. Ty’s hair was kept short per fire department regulations.
And, if he let his hair grow out, he could rock an awesome 1970s fro in no time.
With the afro hair, his helmet and SCBA gear did not fit right. And his head itched.
“She was watching black and whites when I got home.”
“Poor thing.” Ty said looking past his lover to the master bedroom. “How’s she feeling this morning?”
“She warned me that you would be home soon.” Jaxon said as he gave him one more kiss. “I’ve got to go get my mom. JD has the car again today and I don’t like her on the bus.”
Ty reached up with his dark hand and caressed Jaxon’s tanned cheek. “You’re a good man, I just wish you wouldn’t lie about who you are.”
“I work with a bunch of rednecks and you’ve met my father.” He said softly.
“I know. But I still love you. Redneck and all.”
Smiling , he kissed Ty. “I love you, too.”