Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter two: How would I live without my mate

Valeria’s POV

Those were the words I was battling to find the answers to as soon as Killian left. Although it was a bit strange for a wolfless girl like me to sense my mate, I still had the right to keep him. That was my thought. Apparently, that wasn't how Killian thought.

He must have thought I was a disgrace to him and his future as the Alpha. I cried. Yes, I couldn't stop myself from crying nonstop. That wasn't what I had in mind when I found out he was my mate.

My mind wandered earlier to when I felt it at first. The eagerness I felt when I realized I was mated to the man of my dreams. I believed he was also attracted to me because he was always hanging out with my brother and me.

Although my brother was his Delta, I believed he was also coming to see me. I had prayed to the goddess to pair me with him. Deep down, I chose him as my mate. He was the only one for me, or so I thought.

Killian had other plans for who he wanted as a Luna. And a weakling was definitely not part of the plan.

I stayed there till it was almost nighttime. I knew my parents would be worried about me, so I picked myself up before dragging my broken body and soul down to our house. I made sure to hide my tears and broken heart.

My parents would make sure to cause a ruckus if they found out, not minding he was the future Alpha of our Pack. Even my brother would not be so kind as to accept his sister being disgraced. I was also not ready for any drama either.

I just wanted to nurse my broken heart… alone.

I needed the solace of my parents, but I didn't want them to get worried and the comfort of my brother, Jake. When I remembered my brother was Killian's best friend and Delta, I was more heartbroken. I wondered if I should tell him or not. I promised to tell him about my mate today, and he was so happy.

Due to the pain all over my body, I walked slower than usual, and I got home a little bit late too. I was about to knock on the door when I heard my parents talking about someone, or rather a child they picked up some years ago.

"Don't you think it would ease her pain if we told her the reason she doesn't have a wolf was because she was human?" My mother suggested.

"And how do we explain the fact that she was human without telling her that she is not our child?" My father asked, sighing.

" I hate to see my daughter in pain. Although she isn't our blood, she is my daughter. I hate when the pack makes fun of her. Do you think we should find her parents?" My mother asked, her voice laden with sorrow.

I have heard enough.

I pushed the door open as my heart began to feel another round of pain… This time, it was far more unbearable. Double pain, I guess. That must be the reason.

"Mom, Dad… I… I am not your child? I am human?" I asked, stuttering. I held my heart, squeezing it tightly to see if I could just squeeze out the pain.

"Val… we…"

"Answer me, mother!" I screamed, hurt… battered.

"Val… you are still our daughter. You… it doesn't matter if we aren't your biological parents. We love you as our very own," my mother said, walking towards me.

" Don't… don't come near me. I… Dad, is that why you always refuse to tell me the reason I never shifted? I am… human?" I said, clenching my fist tightly.

" Val, please…"

"No wonder… that's why he rejected me! That's why they all rejected me!" I whispered, trying to sort my emotions.

" Who rejected you, Val? Who dared to reject my daughter!" My father bellowed angrily.

"He…he called me a weakling, and I deserve to be called that! That's why he rejected me! He didn't want a human… a weakling as his mate!" I sobbed, my body shivering in pain and anger.

Angry at myself… for being a weak human. I was the ugly duckling. Ha! What a filled day for me.


I don't want to hear anything. I don't want anything. I don't want to live in a werewolf pack as a human. I can't live without my mate. I can't bear the humiliation that comes with rejection, nor the pain too.

I know just what to do to ease these pains. To make everyone happy. My parents would no longer worry about the insults they received because of me. The pack would no longer be graced with my abnormality.

And Killian? He will finally be free from the mate bond. He won't need to bear the pain or try to hide the hatred whenever he sees me.

I took one last look at my parents before running out of the house. I ran, falling as tears clouded my eyes. My thoughts are only on one particular angle.

I got to the cliff where it all started this morning. The place I received my first heartbreak. The place all the bad luck started. I was going to end it all.

I walked close to the edge, my body shaking yet my resolve resolute. I wanted it all to end with me. Shutting my eyes, those eyes brimming with hatred showed themselves one last time, but I brushed it off.

I don't want my last moments to be that. I searched my mind, and yes, I remembered. The first time I met him alone was three years ago. His smile captivated my heart.

"You are beautiful, Val."

Those were his words as he smiled at me. That's the memory I want to take to my deathbed as I lunged myself forward down the cliff.

Memories would fade, but one bitter experience would endure, trailing me into the realm beyond life's precipice...

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