Chapter 5

Next morning, Rossalyn was woken up to the bedroom door opening unceremoniously. She opened her eyes and blearily glared at the person standing in the doorway of the bedroom. Josiah looked at her, still laying under the covers and leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest. There was barely any light from the sun coming through the window, it was still very early in the morning.

“Time to get up, we have a lot of things to do today.” Josiah informed her, seeing her bleary eyes glaring at him.

“I don’t become a person until at least eight in the morning. Do them yourself.” She informed him then pulled the covers over her face and flopped over on her other side.

Josiah laughed and gestured for someone outside the door to bring in a tray filled with several different breakfast foods along with coffee, orange juice, and water. He wasn’t quite sure what she typically enjoyed for breakfast so he made sure the chef prepared a few different items, hoping that she liked at least something.

Rossalyn jerked the blanket from her face as her nose picked up the smell of food and coffee, the only things that could possibly tempt her from the nest she’d made in the few hours she’d been asleep. She glared over at him for a moment, not liking the fact that he wasn’t playing fair in his bid to get his way. She hadn’t had dinner the night before, since she’d been taken straight from work and her nerves had been too upset to want food once she’d been given privacy in her bedroom. With a reluctant sigh, Rossalyn sat up in the bed to allow the tray of food to be placed over her lap.

“I figured you might be hungry but I didn’t know what all you liked. I had the chef prepare a few things and you can have as much or little as you like.” Josiah answered her shocked and questioning look when she seen how many plates were on the tray.

“What are the things we have to do today that have you waking me up at the break of dawn?” She asked as she picked up silverware and turned her attention to some fluffy pancakes covered in strawberries, bananas, blue berries, and whipped cream.

“Well, we need to officially set the date for the wedding, plan where we are going to be for the honeymoon, and pretty much every detail of the wedding.” Josiah said. He moved from the doorway to the armchair that was positioned next to the bed.

She froze as she looked up at him a forkful of pancakes on the way to her mouth. She didn’t know why she was so shocked to be involved in the planning of the wedding she didn’t want in the first place, but she was. Was it necessary to go through all the formalities? She didn’t need to have some big spectacle nor did she want to put on some big show for the general public. They’d be just as married if they had some quick, quiet wedding with the minimal possible people in attendance.

“What?” Josiah asked, raising an eyebrow at her obvious shock.

“Is all that necessary? I mean, it isn’t like we love each other and this is a marriage that either of us have been looking forward to.” Rossalyn said.

“Yes, this is all necessary. I, for one, have been looking forward to the wedding for some years now. I just now found the woman worth marrying.” He informed her stiffly.

“I stand corrected.” She said, just as stiffly. “I just don’t understand the need for some big thing that is just big show for other people. We’d be just as married with a small quiet thing.”

“You’ll have to get used to being in this world. There is no such thing as a ‘small quiet thing’ in my world. Any life event, marriage, birth of children, deaths of loved ones, are all big things and must involve family and friends. Our life will be a public affair.” Josiah informed her.

“You’re making this more and more attractive all the time.” Rossalyn muttered sarcastically and reached for the coffee cup.

“Sarcasm is not attractive.” Josiah said.

“Yeah, well neither is being a pig-headed ass. But there you are. I’m not interested in lessons in mannerisms from you.” Rossalyn snapped back at him.

Josiah was shocked at her condemnation of him. He couldn’t find her observations unfair, but no one dared criticize him. There was a shocked and uncomfortable murmur from those that were in the room with them. How easily he forgot they had an audience when he was distracted by the beauty before him. She was clearly terrified of him, but she was brave enough to be disrespectful to him. He found it both amusing and amazingly frustrating. He struggled to find an appropriate response; his shock was so strong. Finally, he just gave a wry laugh and shook his head.

“Something amusing about my feelings toward you?” She asked, almost offended.

“No one has ever spoke to me that way. It amuses me that you are already that brave. But remember, stupidity resembles bravery in most situations.” Josiah warned her, though a smile was still playing at his lips.

“I believe that I’ll have enough license to say much of anything I want to you, so long as it is honest. That’s one of the things marriages are based off, isn’t it?” She asked.

“That is true, and why there isn’t any retaliation for your disrespect. I can see why you’d see me in that light. You haven’t had time to get to know me yet. Unfortunately, that’ll have to happen as we go along. There isn’t really a courtship phase between us. Or not a long one at least.” Josiah said.

Rossalyn picked the tray of food up and set it aside on the bed but kept the coffee cup from the tray. Almost instantly the tray was picked up and carried off by a woman that was in a black pant suit with a name tag that red Abigail. Rossalyn stared at her a little shocked for a moment but quickly turned her attention back to Josiah. She’d have to get used to people waiting on her constantly.

“Well, as you can see, I am awake. I ate breakfast and had my coffee. I’d like privacy to get ready for the day.” She issued another dismissal to him, reminding him of the night before.

“You dismiss people from your presence like you were born to be royal.” Josiah laughed as he stood from the chair next to her.

“Maybe you stumbled on a good match for you, then.” She said and it was an offer of an olive branch even if it was a weak one.

“That is what I’m counting on Rossalyn. Meet me down in the den when you’re ready for the day, though don’t keep me waiting long. There are a lot of people on the way here to get everything ready for the wedding.” He informed her.

With that, Josiah exited the room along with the other people that had entered the room with him. Rossalyn stared at the closed door for a few minutes, just drinking her coffee lost in thought. She knew that life was going to be challenging, especially while she was getting used to her new responsibilities and husband. She gave a deep sigh and tossed the covers from her legs to get out of the bed. In God only knew how many days she’d be married to that man. She was glad that she could at least be honest with herself enough to admit that she found him physically attractive. At least when he expected her to perform her marital duties that it wouldn’t be completely repulsive.

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