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Chapter 1 Unexpected Encounter

"Sir, are you inside?"

Elisa Brooks knocked on the door of this luxurious suite, holding two bottles of rare wine in her hand. Her stepmother said that a major client was staying there and asked her to deliver the wine to him personally.

However, Elisa knocked for quite some time without any response from inside. Just as she thought there was no one in the room, suddenly a pair of large hands pulled her inside. After a dizzying spin, a hot male body pressed down on her.

Elisa panicked and screamed while the red wine spilled all over them both. The room was instantly filled with its intoxicating aroma.

"Sir! I'm just here to deliver your wine. Please let me go!" There wasn't any light in the room so she couldn't see who he was or if he really was their big client!

The man seemed not to hear anything she said as his fiery breath enveloped Elisa tightly and pushed her onto the sofa.

He couldn't hold back anymore; his desire surged within him like an unstoppable force ready to burst out at any moment.

"Just for a little while... don't be afraid..." His voice sounded hoarse beyond recognition.

Hearing those words made Elisa even more frightened than before; she struggled desperately trying to escape from his grasp.

"I beg you, please let me go! I'm only here delivering wine. If you need someone else, I can call someone outside!"

Underneath the hazy moonlight, seeing how pitifully Elisa cried made it hard for him to resist but eventually succumbed due to strong aphrodisiacs coursing through his veins.

"Now I only want you!" The man leaned down and kissed away her tears...


She didn't know how much time had passed when finally he fell asleep exhausted beside her. She stumbled out of the room and back home.

"Hillary, don't worry. How could I bear to let you marry that disabled Simon Iverson? Let that slut Elisa marry him instead!"

In the living room, her stepmother's words were like a bolt from the blue; they left Elisa rooted in place.

What did her stepmother mean? Was she supposed to replace Hillary Brooks and marry Hillary's fiancé who was also disabled?

Elisa's eyes turned red with anger. "Margaret Hansen! You married my father fifteen years ago, and I've always treated you as my own mother. How could you do this to me?"

Margaret was caught off guard but quickly reached out to grab Elisa's hand pretending everything was fine. "Elisa, please help your little sister since she is still young. Besides, both of you look alike so no one from the Iverson family will notice..."

Elisa trembled with rage; last night she had been humiliated by someone else and now her stepmother wanted her to take Hillary’s place by marrying a cripple!

Marriage is such an important matter especially when it comes down to whom one truly loves.

"Why should I have to replace Hillary just because she wants all the wealth and glory of being part of the Iverson family? Why won't anyone listen?" Elisa refused.

Seeing how rebellious she was becoming Margaret raised her hand high before slapping Elisa hard across the face.

"Who do you think you are?! It’s an honor for someone like you - a lowly woman -to be able to marry into The Iverson Family! What right do YOU have for rebellion!"

The slap made Elisa stumble backward while tears streamed down uncontrollably on her cheeks.

"Elise if you refuse then there will be no more position for you in our family!" Andrew Brook’s voice suddenly boomed through their conversation leaving even his own daughter with no way out.

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