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Chapter 3 Mr. Valencia actually has a daughter out of wedlock?

The heart-wrenching cries of the girl instantly pierced through the entire wedding venue, causing shockwaves among the guests and a frenzy of camera flashes.

The girl's mournful sobs were accompanied by the word "Daddy" directed at Mr. Valencia. Was it possible that she was Mr. Valencia's illegitimate daughter? The revelation was nothing short of astonishing.

Antonio, meanwhile, frowned and cast his gaze downward at the tear-streaked face of the child clinging to his thigh. His instinctive response was to push her away. Who was this wild child calling him "Daddy" out of the blue? And yet, the resemblance between her and him was uncanny. No, he couldn't have an illegitimate child. It must be some terrible mistake!

Bending down, Antonio seized the back of the girl's collar with a firm grip, his face contorted into an ugly scowl. "What did you say? How dare you!"

Harper, however, remained undaunted by Bad Guy's menacing threat. She managed to squeeze out more tears and pouted in grievance, "Daddy, why don't you recognize me? Aren't I your cute little one anymore? Is it because of that bad woman?" She pointed accusingly at Lisa, her cries intensifying. "I hate this bad woman! It's because of her that Daddy didn't go see Mommy when she was seriously ill! Mommy is so pitiful!"

Externally, Harper's tears flowed continuously, but internally, she reveled in the chaos she had ignited. Bad Guy, how dare you bully Mommy? Let's see what you'll do now!

Amidst the guests, whispers began to circulate, cautious but audible:

"Tsk tsk tsk... Who would have thought that Mr. Valencia, who always projected a clean and pure image, would actually have an illegitimate daughter?"

"Who in the upper class is really clean, anyway?"

"That's true, but this is too despicable. He abandoned the sick mother of his child , doesn't recognize his own daughter and still shamelessly proceeds with his wedding."

"How can you be sure that what the girl said is true? What if someone deliberately framed Mr. Valencia?"

"Just look at her face. she's a mini version of Mr. Valencia! How could it be wrong!"

The whispers reached Antonio's ears, and in an instant, his temples throbbed with anger, an emotion he seldom let loose. "The wedding is cancelled!" he announced abruptly, picking up Harper and departing swiftly without a backward glance.

Lisa was caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, and the words "the wedding is cancelled" felt like a thunderbolt to her head. She had invested so much effort to reach this point, and she couldn't bear to see it all crumble.

But after just a couple of steps, her high heels snagged on her dress, causing her to lose her balance and tumble forward in front of everyone. Her shoes flew off, and her wedding dress tore apart, revealing her fair skin, a shocking sight that left everyone stunned.


At that moment, Lisa wished for nothing but to disappear. She had nowhere to direct her rage except at that mysterious child who had appeared out of nowhere. Lisa vowed to herself that she would exact revenge on the girl.

Meanwhile, Antonio's face grew livid as he departed, tightly clutching Harper under his arm. Harper, however, didn't expect Bad Guy to react so violently against her, and fear crept into her heart. "Put me down! You bully Mommy, and now you're bullying me too. You're a big Bad Guy!"

When she saw how far away from the ground she was, her little face turned pale with fear that he would throw her hard onto the ground to hurt her. She struggled frantically with all her limbs.

"Help! Someone is trying to murder his own daughter!"

Antonio threatened through gritted teeth, "Shut up. Once I find out who's behind you, we'll take care of you together!" It was evident that he believed this girl was likely sent by a business competitor to tarnish his reputation.

Harper was genuinely terrified this time, as well as extremely angry. She had no desire for a father with such a volatile temper and violent tendencies.

On the other side, Ethan had closely followed the commotion and witnessed it all. He grew increasingly concerned, unwilling to let the villain take his sister away.

Rushing forward, Ethan slammed into Antonio's lower back. Take that, Bad Guy!

Antonio had no inkling that someone was behind him and suddenly stumbled forward in pain. Harper, still in his grasp, bit his hand hard. "Ouch..."

Harper finally wriggled free from Antonio's hold but landed hard on her buttocks on the ground, uttering a soft "Ow!" in pain. Ethan quickly helped her up, and the two children exchanged a quick, tacit nod before running off in opposite directions.

Antonio, angered and bewildered, surveyed the surroundings. Why were there two identical-looking children? He shouted, "Stop right there!"

His face darkened further as he received a call from his assistant. If it weren't an urgent situation, she wouldn't have dared to disturb him.

Suppressing his anger, Antonio answered the phone hastily. "I'm on my way now. Notify the police not to allow anyone to take Brady away!"

In a police station office, Sarah sat gripping her purse tightly, her heart seething with anger after hearing about the accusations against her brother. Brady stood accused of attempting to rape Lisa's sister, Lusa Randall. Lusa, traumatized by the ordeal, wanted him imprisoned for life.

Sarah knew it was another scheme orchestrated by those two sisters, who had held a grudge against her since childhood. However, their poor acting had consistently fooled their father.

Yet, her father had long been blinded by his new wife, favoring the two sisters while disregarding Sarah and her brother.

Those grievances belonged to the past. Sarah had no interest in dwelling on them. What she hadn't anticipated was that even after she and her brother had left the family behind years ago, the two sisters would continue to haunt them.

At this moment, an officer came into the office with a serious expression. "Miss, the victim's family has expressed that they won't allow anyone to bail out the prisoner."

Sarah's displeasure was evident. She knew all too well who wielded such power—Antonio. He was truly protecting those despicable sisters, and they seemed determined to send her brother to prison.

But Sarah was no longer a helpless lamb awaiting slaughter. She had made up her mind to protect her brother and secure his release. Recognizing that continuing with police investigations would only waste time, she swiftly left the police station.

However, as soon as she stepped outside the station doors, she ran into someone she least wanted to see—Antonio.

Seeing his face again, five years later, brought back memories of his betrayal, and it sent shivers down Sarah's spine. She had once loved him wholeheartedly, but after the events of five years ago, love had transformed into a profound hatred.

Thinking about her brother's situation, which was also connected to Antonio, intensified her disdain for him. Her eyes bore into him like fiery darts, as if she could pierce him.

The moment Antonio stepped out of his car and laid eyes on the woman standing not far away, his gaze sharpened, and his black pupils constricted.


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