Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A monster like everyone said

"I haven't heard anything from his uncle since I informed him of his disappearance" Nate said to Kayla and their other friends who are getting really worried

No one is saying anything about what happened and it seems like all news about the strange girl and Peace has been swept under the carpet, even his uncle who he thought will help them isn’t doing anything

"I can't believe we lived in the same house with that demon" Beatrice said after a few seconds of silence.

"Does anyone know where his uncle stays?" Sloane queries

"He is the national hero, that scientist that provided an antidote to the virus years ago" Kayla answered


"We can easily find his place on the internet then" Ryan said and bought out a laptop.

They got his company address and wrote it down on a sheet of paper and then tried calling the direct line to his company but it was declined

“How about we try visiting him?” Nate suggested

"I will go with Nate" Ryan said and everyone turn to Kayla

“Are you also coming along?” Ryan asked her but she shakes her head negatively

“I have to return home tonight” she told them…


Scott's POV

Scott got off the phone with the prime minister and asks his driver to turn the car around towards the school where the incident happened.

He ponders on the situation at hand and thinking of the last words of one of the scientist who lost his life a few hours ago and wonders if what happened many years ago is going to repeat itself.

Judging from the situation of things now, it seems that Francis actually knows more than what he disclosed to the NFIs years back. He recall his father’s last words to him before he disappeared and is later found died without any explanation as to what killed him.

The night Parker returned to check on his family after so long, he reveal to him about the virus which turned the whole country into a chaos and confessed he and two of his students created it and further explain that something similar will happen in the nearest future but he has to protect a little girl so everyone can survive.

Scott doesn’t understand the meaning of his words then but lately, he start to put the pieces together and everything points to Francis being the mastermind behind a disaster that might befall the whole nation

He is certain the girl his father talked about is the one that disappeared but clueless as to where she is, he prays he gets her before Francis does and…


The driver swing his hand to the other side so he won't run into someone, Scott hit his head against the seat in front of him and groans in pain

"Am so sorry boss" the driver immediately apologize after getting a hold of the situation and stops the car.

"Check if the boy is okay" Scott manage to say and raise his body backwards

The driver got out and sees Nate on the floor, Ryan who went to receive a phone call rush to him

"Did you get hurt? You should watch where you are going?" The driver yells at him and Scott got out of the car

Nate quickly apologize and tries to get the dirt off his clothes, he sees Scott approaching them and immediately recognize him.

Peace admires him so much and has his picture in his room so he was able to recognize him

"Professor Scott" he said in greetings and he answered him with his head

"Let's go" Scott motioned to his driver and turn away but Nate stops him

"Can you help us find our friend?" He asked a perplexed Scott and Ryan also turn to him confused

"What are you saying? We should leave" Ryan said and pulls him away

"Who is your friend?" Scott asked before they could leave

Nate pull away from Ryan’s hold and showed him a picture of Peace which he recognize as the boy who is together with the mysterious girl

“We contact his uncle few days ago but we haven’t heard anything from him so we became worried and plan to go to him”

“So why are you telling me to help you?” Scott questioned

"Peace always avoid talking about his uncle and he believes that he wants to hurt him" Nate answered

“Do you know who his uncle is?”

“Yes, he is your friend. Professor Francis” Ryan answered him this time and Scott is surprised by the link Francis has with the boy.

“You two should come with me” he said and they get in then he ordered his driver to head back to his office so they can discuss properly

Judging by the video he watched, the young man was trying to protect the girl from being taken away by Francis’s men so there is no way he is working together with his uncle.

Scott is convinced that the Peace guy can help him to find a lot more that will help in the investigation

One of the scientists, Lloyd who Dennis concludes is the leader of Francis’s research team, insert a long blue tube into her body and Dennis cried out in pain. She has been inserted with different tubes and her blood has been drawn many times but it seems like their aim hasn’t been achieved

At first she didn’t feel anything but today seems more painful than ever and Dennis cried out. She doesn’t know how many days they have spent in there and she is more concerned about the fact that no one will find them till they are killed and disposed by the bodies that are being taken out of the lab every day.

Dennis looks towards Luther and sees that he is still unconscious as usual and look away from him blankly

"Bring him here" she heard the familiar and horrible voice which belongs to Francis.

Dennis sees Peace walk in and is immediately agitated, she hasn’t seen him since he got carried away and she has been really worried about him

“Peace, are you okay?” she said attempting to stand up from the chair, suddenly regaining her strength but the power from the seat force her back

“Dennis” he also called and rushed forward but the door is closed and he could only watch her through the closed doors.

After he was taken, he has been locked up in a room for one week and was only let out two days ago, he demand to see Dennis but no one answered and Francis only let him come here after few days has passed to see her

“Why are you doing this?” he turned to his uncle staring daggers at him.

“To rule the world” Francis said with a snicker look on his face and sat down on one of the chairs provided by Jeremy.

He stare at the both of them as they suffer and feels satisfied, he need a rage and a change of emotion in Dennis for his research to work and he has taken care of his dear cousin for almost two weeks, he is going to make use of him properly now

“Can you let us go? I promise we will stay out of your sight” Peace begged, it breaks his heart to see Dennis tied up to different mechanism

“Do you really feel love for someone who isn’t human like you? She is someone that can kill you if she is out of control” Francis said not knowing how Dennis managed to win the love of his dear cousin and signal to Jeremy

Jeremy comes forward with two other hit men and together they hold the unsuspecting Peace down then Jeremy step forward and without warning hit him really hard with an iron baton

“Ahh” he screamed out in pain as blood ooze out from his wound, Dennis also screamed taken aback by their action and tries to break free again.

There is a loud noise from the mechanism and her action caused a problem with the tubes but she still isn’t able to break free

“What are you doing?” she yells at him and cusses at the scientist standing beside her to let her free.

Francis smiles satisfied to see the expected reaction and tell her man to continue; he needs a severe anger reaction from Dennis for her body system to go out of control and for that, he needs something that will make her desperate like Peace.

The monitoring machine connected to her body start to move as Peace gets more hits and Dennis continue to scream until she couldn’t take it

“Is there a better progress?” Francis asked

“This is not enough to start anything, if we start with this it might go wrong” Lloyd answered him and injects her with something to aid her mood but she suddenly went weak

“What happened?” Francis jolt out of his seat and approach the small room anxiously

“I don’t understand” Lloyd answered confused and tries to inject her with another one but stops when Dennis starts to laugh.

“You bastards” she cussed them and wriggles in pain after trying to resist the effects of the substances in her body

“What are you up to?” Francis questioned but she force herself to laugh the more despite the pain

“You are trying to achieve your aim by infuriating me” she said and chuckles.

“Go ahead and kill him, you won’t be able to achieve anything anyways” she told him and rests her head back on the chair arm

“Yeah, that’s more like it. There is no way a monster like you will fall in love with someone” he said knowingly

“What nonsense are you saying? I might be different but am not a monster like you” she shouts at him

"Why are you acting so innocent? Have you forgotten how many people you have end their lives?" He said matching her tone

"You even killed your own people who came to save you and killed hundreds of my men" he added pained by the great number of people he has lost in the hands of a little girl

Dennis’s memory jolt back to the men who came to their house years ago and she shudders in fear and what she might have done to them, she has always been curious about what happened to them and how they suddenly disappeared while she has no memory of it

“I guess you really forget everything, I can’t believe that dumb Parker, does he think erasing your memory and suppressing it will change who you really are?” he said and Dennis stare at him strangely wondering how he knows her father.

“And what does he mean by suppressing and erasing my memories?” she questioned in her head, the machine beep as it gets a reaction from her and Lloyd goes closer to work on it

"I am not a murderer" she murmurs in denial.

“What do you mean you are not a murderer?” Francis laughs mockingly

“You are created to kill, you are a blood virus that is your purpose” he said finding her bitter expression entertaining and continues

“Have you truly forgotten how you killed almost a hundred people on your first trial after being created?” he said laughing while Dennis keeps denying his words

She doesn’t want to believe that she is truly a monster like what other believes her to be, she shakes her head furiously. It feels like her head is being ripped apart and she fights hard as some unfamiliar memories begin to become clear in her head…

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