Chapter 5- fiesty type


He seemed to have followed behind me, but he hasn't passed by, maybe has?

If my seduction is a success or not, how will I get back to Paul or my aunt? I feel so mentally drained before I even start to put my thoughts together and now I've poked my fingers with these glass.

I know I'm a crybaby, so I'm not surprised that I'm already crying even though the cut is a little one.

I blow the tip of my index finger where I got cut as I sniffle.

"It hurts."

"Of course it does, cry baby." Oh shit how did Gloria know I was here.

"The glass you broke cost ten dollars bitch, how are you gonna pay for that?" She asks and the minions behind her laugh.

Ten dollars? She's got to be kidding me, we had this glass in the cellar for years before my aunt took them out just recently.

I don't give them a reply because I have to gather the broken shards as fast as I can so I don't end up making my aunt lose a customer to bad client service.

"Miss Nancy is so gonna get you fired this evening."

"Yeah right and she's gonna have nowhere to turn to." Another one said and I remember her to be Tonia because I am the one in charge of the hiring process and I thought she'd be a good people pleaser.

And yeah, I was right, because she does know how to butter up the strong and step all over the weak.

They'll get tired soon and leave, but I have to clean up the mess I made. However this seems to infuriate them even further then I realize my hair is being pulled from my scalp the next second.

My scalp burns and I immediately drop the glass I gathered to the ground to free my hair from her harsh hold.

"Let me go." I slap the back of her palm but I earn a kick in my chin in return.

Isn't he going to do something about this or is he just going to watch me get hit by Gloria.

I regret listening to Paul and not taking those karate classes from back then.

"You deserve this bitch. Do you think I didn't see you rubbing your watermelons on that customer?"

"I.." I hate that I feel weak at this moment. The pain in my jaw and my scalp is indescribable and as much as I try to focus on something else to relieve myself of this pain, I end up wincing.

"What customer, please let me go."

"Let you go?" She scoffs and yanks my head up so I'm looking directly into her eyes.

The viciousness in them makes me wish I had a better boyfriend who could defend me or maybe the stranger I saw with Chloe could do that. But like they say, men are scum so I guess I'm left alone to defend myself.

But how do I go about this?

It's two against one.

Gloria and Tonia.

"Hold her hair for me, let me do something to that horrible face of hers." Gloria says as she aggressively leaves me to land on my butt.

I'm lucky I fell far from the glass, else I'd have had my behind pierced by the glass. My wrists aren't so lucky though and coupled with the pain in my chin and scalp, I feel like I'm about to pass out.

The dizziness washes through me and I blink several times to clear it away and the next time I open my eyes, I notice her ugly wide palm swinging towards my face and I close my eyes and swing my face to the side to dodge it but I know there is no getting away with how determined she looked.

There is no day that passes without me having s taste of Gloria's viciousness, but she seems to be in the worst of moods today.




Why haven't I felt the slap yet?

What's wrong? I open my eyes and take side glances, but her palm is nowhere in sight.

Maybe she removed them from my face already.

I reach my little fingers up to my face but I do not feel the normal sting.

"Come here." I hear a deep masculine voice from above me.

Am I in heaven? I look up only to be met with the handsome face of the man Chloe Amagi was with.

Isn't he the same reason why Gloria went all out on me tonight?

Why didn't he do anything while she was pulling my hair with her dumbass minion?

I pout and look back down, pretending to find the hem of my skirt interesting even though I can't seem to get his handsome face off my mind.

"Come on, don't be a stubborn baby girl."

He called me baby girl, he's such a huge flirt, but he's also the most handsome guy I've seen the whole night, so he's heard the right to be as flirty as he wants.

I feel him lower himself behind me, "does it hurt?" He asks, placing his fingers on the back of my palm and I swear to God, I've never seen fingers as sexy as his.

I can't wait to find out how they'll feel inside me.

He traces them up to my elbow and I can't help but shiver because of how sensitive my skin has become because of him.

"Come with me." He tells me and holds my elbow to help me up.

I yank my hand from his, "I can get up on my own", I tell him, but I end up stumbling into his embrace.

He has a faint scent of chocolate smells of chocolate and I get the scent of the champagne he was drinking off him.

"Careful baby girl," he whispers in my ear and helps me up in a way that I have to lean in on him. My head on his hard sturdy chest as he holds me with my hand just underneath my breast.

"Hmm." I whisper into his chest and follow his lead. I do not realise the change in environment till we are inside his car.

Simon POV

Did she get lost or is she still in shock by what happened earlier?

We walk past the stage and dance floor yet she doesn't do anything to protest. I thought she was the feisty type, why does she look so dazed.

I guess she's all beauty with no brains and though I don't mind where I get my girls from, I'd like them to be at least smart.

"What am I doing here you pervert?" She sounds startled as she continuously tugs at the seat belt.

"Woah woah, calm down girl, let's go get your wounds treated." I tell her, but she's not having it.

She looks like she's going to turn the car upside down and it makes me wonder why she didn't use this same energy while dealing with the girls from earlier.

"Don't you fucking tell me to calm down. Where are you taking me? Are you some sort of pervert or what? Freaking stop the car." She trashes her leg around while trying to figure out how to unbuckle the seat belt.

Is she dumb or is she pretending to be, either way, I can't continue driving at this rate lest we get into an accident.

I ease the nose of my Lamborghini Yrus back into the parking lot. Thank goodness I hadn't moved too far.

She seems to calm down when she realizes what I just did.

"So tell me, where were you taking me?" She asks, still trying to unbuckle the seatbelt.

"We have to get your wound treated, baby girl." I tell her as I lean in to help her with the seatbelt.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" She asks while learning back into the chair until there is no space left.

"And what are you trying to do?" She asks as she heaves a breath which makes her chest even more full than they actually are.

"Trying to unbuckle your seat belt of course, so we can have a normal conversation like the adults that we are." I tell her and she looks calm for a while until my hand brush her exposed cleavage. I notice she sucks in her breath and I can't help but do the same.

I mean, damn those boobs are smooth as fuck.

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