Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter TwentyTwo

I took her hand and pulled her quickly to the entrance as it is only a couple dozen feet away from us.

The specks of sand dusted on my bare arms felt blistered as I moved agilely towards the next sand dune, I felt my skin redden and began to blister in this ridiculous heatwave.

Once I got to my destination, I fell back against the dune feeling the burning sensation on my back making me sit up straighter and bolstering despair.

I looked back making sure they didn’t hear me hiss in pain, they were walking toward me.

‘Shit’ I thought in my head as I strategically moved around it trying to not wince or make any sound.

I looked over to where the girls were standing, and Ariel hid on the other side holding Gracie with her hand covering Gracie’s mouth making sure she doesn’t make a sound.

“That was strange I swear I heard someone or something over here.” The first soldier spoke.

“I think we are just hallucinating from the heat, we are in metal suits dressed in the desert, whose bright idea was this?” The second soldier questioned.

“The king, his majesty heard rumours going around the kingdom about our past king rose from the dead, but you should know what we are looking for.” The first soldier said ridiculously.

“Wait, King Arthur has risen?” He exclaimed.

“That’s what we are here to find out, have you been hearing anything I’ve been saying?” The first shoulder asked, shaking his head.

“I apologize I believe the heatwave might have melted my ears, in this metal helmet.” The second soldier jokes.

“We should be on our way, the faster we get this job done the faster we can get home.” The first soldier replied.

“Good idea lets go.” The other answered and began to walk back to their cavalry.

They got on their steeds and galloped off.

I took a deep shaky breath.

“Everywhere we go people think we are Arthur, it’s quite a nuisance,” Lucifer commented on the situation that just went down.

I stood up from my crouch after they were far enough in the distance they wouldn’t notice.

Ariel let go of Gracie and sighed.

“Why were we hiding, it’s not like we are in trouble,” Gracie asked annoyed.

“The reason being is that they are looking for me,” I spat.

“For you?” she took a minute and looked me over, my blond hair is getting long enough that it’s in my eyes, and I had gained a bit of weight since I have been eating a bit more recently.

She walked up to me and moved my hair away from my eyes with her delicate fingers, her breath hitched and took a step back.

“You said that your name is Lucas correct?” Gracie asked her eyes suddenly looked a lot older.

“Yes, my name is Lucas,” I verified.

“What is your last name?” She asked still eyeing me.

“I don’t remember,” I answered honestly.

“He is an Orphan, he didn’t have one,” Ariel said in my defence.

“Very odd, could it be you may have been related in some way?” She asked her self quietly.

“Could it be you are related to the hierarchy?” She questioned again.

“I’m unsure about any of those things however I was left on the orphanage’s doorstep when I was just a baby, so, unfortunately, I have no recognition.

“-And you have magic, look like King Arthur, and you have acquaintance with Merlin, that’s quite a few coincidences wouldn’t you say?” She spoke putting the story together.

“I’m not sure where you are going with this,” I replied confused.

“Do you not know the story of King Arthur?” She questioned flabbergasted.

I shook my head. “Do you know what she’s talking about?” I asked Lucifer.

“How would I know what humans do, I don’t care enough to even fathom the thought.” He replied.

“Dear Lord,” She prayed.

I felt Lucifer shivered at the name, and I smirked.

“How do you not know about our history?” Gracie asked.

“We should get a move on, it’s not safe here.” I started changing the subject.

“Should head north if we want to get out this desert,” I said looking over the horizon.

“What about the soldiers?” Ariel asked.

“They went south, not north so we should be alright for the time being,” I replied as I secured my Carnwennan into my waistbelt.

“They said they heard rumours in the kingdom, which others will recognize you.” She said walking north.

We followed quickly behind as the sky was about to hit dusk, the sand became tenuous as it became more and more difficult to walk in.

Looking at the far distance I could see a small village, but none we had encountered before, the houses were warm and built anew, and the light from indoors illuminated the village.

It was enticing, it was welcoming all I thought is that for once I may be able to lay my head on a soft feathered pillow for a night and that was enough to encourage me to walk faster.

“A village,” I said out loud realizing that we will finally be in civilization.

“It’s about an hour away still,” Gracey said huffing.

“Who cares, if we walk faster it will be less than an hour,” I answered in half run.

We ran tiredly as the sand thinned out to find blades of green grass, and the smell of smoke and burning metal electrified my senses, as it was obvious swords were being in the making, and the smell of cooking food filled the air from the homes and markets of their people.

We were close, but still far enough to almost seem hopeless in running, but that didn’t matter to me the thought of a full stomach and a place to sleep is all that mattered.

The girls, on the other hand, did not run in fact they were quite far behind me which once I realized I slowed down.

“Come on you guys are being so slow,” I whined.

“We are tired and hungry Luke, why don’t we rest here for tonight and keep going in the morning,” Ariel asked as she yawned.

“There isn’t any food here but there is in the village, besides, wouldn’t you want to share a bed with me like we did when we were little when you got scared?” I asked fondling a piece of her hair and placing a kiss on the top of her head, she blushed and looked down.

“We are almost there then we can get some food and rest and continue on our way.” I negotiated.

“Okay fine,” She finally caved in.

I took her hand and pulled her quickly to the entrance as it is only a couple dozen feet away from us.

The sound of low chatter came from behind the medium sized gates, as there were two gate keeper’s that stood by for the travellers and citizens.

“Halt, may we help you?” The man in armor stood with his hand raised at chest level.

“We are travellers looking for a place to rest,” I explained as Gracie walked up behind us.

“All three of you?” The other gate keeper asked as he stood closer to the gate.

“Yes, sir.” I nodded politely.

They looked at each other and nodded for us to enter, my excitement has risen as the doors of the gate parted.

Lanterns are held high illuminating the stoned path towards the market and small pubs, I could smell frying meat from a mile away and my mouth watered.

“I’ll pay for the food today, so eat what you’d like.” Ariel said smiling.

“Really, are you sure?” I asked hopeful.

“Of course, we take care of each other, besides I’m also hungry.” She admitted with a laugh that I feel like I haven’t heard the sweet melody in a while.

I smiled back as I kissed her lightly as my stomach growled, and I laughed it off, Ariel entwined our fingers together as we walked toward the hustle and bustle of the small village with Gracie silently walking behind.

Children ran past laughing and chasing one another with enticement, that was until one ran into a man behind us.

I could hear the thump as the boy fell backwards, we turned our heads in shock as we watched the man turn to face the boy.

“Oh no.” Lucifer spat inside my head, but before I could question his sudden outburst Ariel walked up to the man, he had hair black as night and ice grey eyes.

“Excuse me sir, but you look very familiar have I seen you before?” Ariel eyed the man, but I took a moment to realize that Ariel and the man looked very similar.

“Yes quite a few times.” The man answered solemnly.

“Do you have a recognition of where, I apologize for my lack of memory. I'm having a difficult time placing you.” Ariel said with her eyebrows knitted together.

“Not a problem my child, I shall explain why you recognize me so, if you join me for dinner.” The man replied with an ultimatum, Ariel looked at me hopefully, curious as to why it matters so much I agreed.

“Wonderful, there’s a quaint pub down the road not far from here we can have  a bit of privacy.” He said helping the small child up and patting him on the head telling him to go play with a smile.

I was hungry anyway, my stomach grumbled all the way down the road, as we made small talk and Gracie followed back quietly.

The pub was small and built with bricks and wood with a wooden sign over the doorway, but I didn’t try and give myself a headache from trying to read.

“I hope you’re paying,” I muttered loud enough for him to hear me.

“I’m guessing you carry no money?” He questioned unphased.

“You guessed right.” I replied following him inside.

The lights have been dimmed to meet the setting, with tables and chairs made out of polished red wood and candles on every table.

We made our way to one of the tables and sat down and waited for the waitress to take our order.

“Well what can I get ye’?” She called over with a pencil and a notebook in hand.

“I’ll get the steak and potatoes as always dear,” The familiar, unfamiliar man said.

“Yeah, I knew what ye was gettin’ I was asking’ the youngins’.” She nodded toward us three.

“I’ll get the same thing.” I answered.

She nodded as she wrote it down on paper and looked back up looking at Ariel.

“I’ll have chicken,” She answered sitting up tall in her seat.

“Yes, ma’am.” she spoke writing it down.

“-And for ye’ miss?” the women asked Gracie.

“Just some water please,” Gracie said with a polite smile.

I looked over at Gracie with a puzzling look, she must be starving, why won't she eat something?

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