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Chapter TwentyThree

"Okay so, who are you?" Ariel questioned eying him carefully.

"Ah my dear, I fear if I tell you, you will not listen." He replied a small smirk placed upon his lips.

"So will you not going to tell me?" She questioned getting irritated.

I kept quiet I know what happens when she gets mad.

"I have to tell you, whether I want to or not, it is my duty." He sat up straighter.

"Alright well, hurry up I'm very tired." She replied.

He took her hand gently in his and took everything in me not to let go of my anger.

"My darling girl, I am your father." His words came like swords and they were meant to cut deep.

"What kind of joke is this?" Ariel half-laughed.

"Its no joke Ariel, It's true." The man said holding her hand between both of his.

"Lies!" She pulled her hand away  as if he'd burned her.

"Shall I explain?" He asked calmly.

"If you were my father you would have kept me, instead of sending me off to an orphanage," she stated quieter because the dirty looks the other patrons gave us.

"The orphanage was your mothers doing, however there is a reason for that as well." He spoke quiet as his iced eyes sparkled in candle light.

"Fine, please enlighten me." She spat as she withdawalled herself farther from the table, farther from me.

I stayed where I was as I watched the candle glow higher the more angered she is getting.

"When your mother and I were together I went against my orders, and as did she. However we loved each other I was willing to give everything I had for your mother as well as you. But I had no choice but to go back I planned to come back." He spoke honestly you could see the anger in his eyes yet he is keeping it at bay.

"Why didn't you?" Her voice broke but no tears, yet.

"I have, but by the time I came back, your mother was gone and you were already in the orphanage." The man eyed me for a second.

"Here ye' go," she placed our meals in front of us.

"Thank you," I said with a polite smile.

"No problem, hun. Lemme know if you need anything else." She smiled back and walked away.

I began to eat, until Lucifer decided to open his mouth.

"Oh for the love of the unholy." Lucifer spat in my head.

"What?" I thought back.

"Her father is Gabriel." He seethed.

A piece of steak got lodged in my throat for a moment making me choke for air, everyone at the table turned and faced me as my face turned red with embarrassment and finally was able to swallow it down.

"Are you okay, I told you before to eat slowly." Ariel said worried.

"Yes I'm fine," I lied.

"Did you mean the archangel Gabriel?" I questioned in my mind.

"Yes, who knew your friend's father was an archangel?" He said irritably.

"Yes there seems to be a lot of coincidences lately," I said dryly.

He didn't reply; he disappeared to the back of my mind.

"Why didn't you come get me anyway?" Ariel asked, turning back to the conversation prior.

"You were safer there then you were with me," he answered cutting a piece of steak.

"How would you know you were never there," she spat.

"Oh but I was, I've always been around just never made it known to my dear child." Gabriel bellowed.

"More lies, if you were always around you would have known about the-"

"Kidnapping, the scum that deflowered you?" His eyes flickered in disgust but turned back to no facial expression at all.

"You knew? You were always there?" She asked breathlessly.

"Every step of the way, Ariel I barely ever left your side." He said placing his utensils down.

"You didn't stop them, you didnt help me you might have been there but you did nothing to stop it you, you let them-" she broke down in tears.

As hungry as I was, it wasn't worth watching this, I got up from the table and held out my hand.

"Let's go Ariel." I demanded gently.

She took my hand and I helped her up from her chair.

"Your not my father your a coward." Ariel said as her hair fell in her face, her hands in shakey fists as her tears fell tearing me apart.

"Ariel wait," Gabriel demanded as he also got up.

"Your not worth my time." She said as she turned and began to leave.

He grabbed her wrist, and I had enough.

"Let her go." I said through barred teeth.

"I can't let you go with him," he eyed me closely.

"You don't have a say of what I do." She said slowly ripped her arm away and took my hand, we walked out then and there into the barley lit streets.

Gabriel's P.O.V

I looked over at the burned women who sat across from me, and I put a small smile on my face.

"Its been quite a while, Grace." I said as my heart yearned for her touch but I was still angry over the conversation I just had.

"That it has Gabriel." She said it was cool as stone.

"She has no idea who you are, does she?" I asked snidely.

"Not a clue. I plan on keeping it that way." She answered as she took another sip of her water wetting her ever dry lips.

"What are we going to do about this?" I questioned.

"I'm unaware of what you mean." Gracie responded.

"Our daughter is with Lucifer." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"That's quite an accusation, don't you agree?" She said.

"Its not an accusation, it's a fact." I said coldly.

“That would explain the amount of magic he has…” She trailed off.

“Magic, he does possess strong magic however it cannot be sensed, whatever magic is being given off is not Lucifers.” I say my hand covering my mouth in a thought processed manner.

“It seems we have more of a reason to bring her back, if what you say is true.” Gracie replies.

“Even if we explained to her the urgency, she seems to be too close to him for us to attempt to pry her away.

Lucas's P.O.V

Once we were far enough from the tavern I stopped making her halt also.

"Didn't you want to take Gracie with us?" I asked softly.

"If she didn't follow that's on her.” she said not looking at me, I didn’t have to see her face to hear her annoyance in her tone.

"Right, that's a good point. However it is getting late and I'm very aware how tired you must be getting, should we look for a quiet place to sleep?" I asked, rubbing her shoulders gently.

Ariel turned to face me, and I wrapped my arms around her in an embrace. It irritates me that this is as close as we can get.

As we parted I looked into her eyes for the first time since that night I swept her off her feet.

Once our eyes made contact she began to cry and fell against my chest as we stood in the middle of the alleyway.

I picked her up into my arms and carried her into the closest inn around the corner, I placed her down as I got us checked in.

She took my hand and followed silently to our room, I unlocked the door with a click.

The words Gabriel threw at Ariel, stuck with me. He isn't wrong, the way I am, Lucifer still takes control periodically.

Maybe I should distance myself from her, I felt her hand grab my wrist, shaking I swallowed hard.

She's so stubborn she wouldn't listen to me anyway.

I opened the door to let her through, but instead she pulled me in with her.

I barely had time to close the door behind me before she placed her soft lips against mine.

"A-Ariel-" I whispered trying to get her attention, but no luck she pulled me closer.

This is a bad idea, I know this will end badly but the room is spinning on anticipation and ecstasy.

I have to tell her no.

I laid my head back for air but instead she began to kiss down my neck and I could feel myself slipping deeper, I could feel my eyes change, shit.

I can’t let him take control.

I picked her up and placed her on the bed, her silk like skin reminessed from the moonlight coming through the window.

I kneeled in front of her, her eyes luminate in the dark

"You're so beautiful, and its not that I don’t want this, because Ariel I very much do. But-.” before I could finish she let out a raggad breath, one that could tear into your very soul.

I closed my eyes and swallowed harshly.

I want to give her everything.

‘Stop thinking about it and just do it already.’ Lucifer said annoyed.

‘As long as you can control me I will never do that.” I thought back.

“Please, Lucas, I-I feel so worthless, and I just need to be close to you.” Tears filled her eyes as she spoke.

I made my way onto the bed and pulled her close to me holding her in my arms. “You’re not worthless.” I place a kiss on the top of her head before continuing. “You’re the most sacred treasure, and the way I am right now, I don’t want to ruin anything until I get my head in order.

She sniffled softly her face nuzzled in the crook of my neck.

My hands are gently around her waist.

Her vulnerable state, and soft skin would be enough for me to lose my control and give her what she feels she needs, if it wasn’t for my predicament.

I hate Lucifer, the thought of having his offspring angered me, she was mine.

I will fight everything I have to keep her.

She nuzzled herself against my chest as she fell asleep, all I could do is hold her close.

How can I protect her, when I can barely protect her from myself?

I didn’t sleep, I couldn’t.

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