Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter TwentyFour

Margons' P.O.V

I stood over the hills of the town of Playtom, you could smell the food and beer from here.

My eye socket encrusted with blood, the one who stole my concubine will be killed and slaughtered.

I could smell the magic in the air, the lust of killing was also quite strong.

"Little concubine I can smell you from here, did you really think that it was over?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Sir we have news," Garofalo stated.

"Well what is it?" I demanded.

"Sir we have gotten news that King Arthur has been reincarnated and he may or may not be located here." He explained.

"That's ridiculous, King Arthur's been dead for over a milionia and reincarnation is a myth." I stated.

"We know that sir but he's been seen here." Garofalo stated once more.

"Then I reckon we must move quickly." I say loud enough for my group to hear me.

"Yes sir!" They exclaimed.

A knights P.O.V

"I think we went the wrong way," Galaine insisted.

"Why do you suppose that?" I questioned tiredly.

"No one out here seen nor heard of him as of recently." Galain said letting his stirrups hang from his fingertips.

"That is true, should we head back to Camelot then?" I asked, my body is getting sore from riding.

"Let's stop at Playtom for the night and head back in the morning." He said yawning.

"Alright, we are pretty close anyway." I agreed directing, shayna my lovely mare towards the village.

Lucas's P.O.V

I lifted Ariel off me gently and placed her back on the bed.

I got up and began the bath, hot water gushed into the tub loudly and I winced worried I might wake her.

Since I was still undressed I took a step into the hot water of the bath, it burned my skin in a delectable way.

All I want to do is submerge myself beneath the water, it felt good against my skin.

The dirt and grime began to turn the water a brownish black color.

Sighing I picked up the soap bar and lathered my body completely, as the spuds grew over my body.

It felt like the first time I felt completely clean, I laid back and watched as the soap disappeared in the water.

Next I lathered up my hair feeling the grease, blood and grime throughout my hair, it was tangled and the tight pull of my hair between my fingers pulled loose.

I laid my head back and put my hands through my hair a couple more times as I rinsed out the bubbles.

For the first time in years I felt good, felt clean; my hair no longer filled with sticks and mud.

I pulled the plug of the bath, laying here watching the water drain itself with specks of dirt remaining at the bottom.

I got out and looked to my right, a large fluffy towel awaiting to be used to dry myself, I took graciously.

I dried off, opening the wooden door to the bathroom, steam escaping like heat waves and the relief of the cool air against my body.

Ariel sitting up, her body wrapped around the blankets as the only part of her showing was her eyes, as she stared contentedly.

"You didn't sleep," Ariel said a frown in her voice.

"I couldn't sleep, so I took a bath." I replied honestly, she nodded thoughtfully.

I walked back to bed and laid beside her, my head feeling light and warm.

I beckoned her to me and she obliged with a warm smile, and we fell asleep.

"You will learn, my child, that humanity can save us all," words from a man I can't see, but the voice was familiar.

"What happens if I don't?" I asked doubtfully, these words were not my own, it was as if this was a mere memory.

"Well son, if you don't then I have failed you." The voice spoke solemnly.

"What will happen then?" I asked slightly frantically.

"I will have no choice but to condemn you," He said sternly.

I stared hard at the bright light of where the man stood, but to no prevail to intimidate him.

"That is a choice only you can make," was all he said before it faded to black.

I awoke to the sun in my eyes, was that a dream or did it actually happen?

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned, reaching my arms above my head with a stretch.

"Good morning," Ariel whispered with her eyes still closed.

"Good morning to you too." I whispered back with a kiss on her forehead.

She slowly sat up taking a moment in her sleep-like state.

"Would you like to take a bath before we leave?" I asked sitting up against the backboard of the bed.

She nodded as she got up and made her way to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

I got up and collected my clothes off the floor.

’Rise and shine sunshine,’ Lucifer said dully.

’Shut up, Lucifer.’ I mumbled getting dressed.

’That's an awful way to greet someone first thing in the morning,’ He said, pretending to be hurt by my comeback.

’Neither is hearing your voice first thing in the morning,’ I shot at him.

"Wow, what did I ever do to you?" He questioned erratically.

"Would you like a list?" I muttered.

The door of the bathroom opened and Ariel peaked out.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

"Uh, no go enjoy your bath. I'm going to head to the market to see if I can find some clean clothes." I announced.

"Okay, stay safe." She replied as she closed the door once more.

I finished getting dressed and unbolted the room's door, opening and closing it behind me, I heard talking from two doors down.

"Looks like he's been here," A male voice said.

"Or maybe he still is, we just have to keep our eyes open." Another man said.

"Looks like our quest isn't finished yet then," the first man's voice replied with a sigh.

I tried to think back to wear I heard the voices before and that's when it hit me, it was the knights who were looking for me from before.

I have to get out of here quickly, I moved fast down the stairs and out the doors onto the streets.

I moved through the alleyways agiley, looking for the market doing my best to blend in with the town folk, walking around as if I knew where I was heading.

After an hour I finally found the market, little trinkets and clothing placed on tables as well as food and sweets.

’How are you getting clothes and things without any money?’ Lucifer questioned making me stop in my tracks.

’That's a good point,’ I thought back. ‘Is there any way you could help me with that?’

’After being rude you want my help, that's a change of pace. Lucifer said sarcastically.

’Well you may as well make yourself useful," I accidentally replied out loud, realizing a child heard me.

"Who are you talking to?" The kid asked with a pressing look.

His clothes were as dirty as mine and he seemed to be about 7 with missing teeth and newspapers beside him.

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