Chapter 8 - Welcome to Dark Moon

"Zoe, you don't know everything about being a werewolf and luna. I don't want you to accept this just because of me. I want you to make the decision because it's something you want. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you ever had any regrets. Why don't you take some time to think about it." Ryder said even though he wanted to turn the truck around and take her to the pack and never look back. She put her hand on his cheek with a small smile.

"You're right. I don't know everything about being a werewolf and luna, but you'll teach me. Things are moving fast, and that's okay. Of everything you've told me today, one thing has become crystal clear. I want you, Ryder, and I want to be with you. We'll figure the other stuff out as we go. I always go with my gut, and right now, it's telling me I should be with you." Zoe was speaking from the heart. She knew it wasn't rational to jump head-first into something she knew nothing about, but she'd never wanted anything more.

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" Ryder asked, holding her a little tighter.

"I've never been more sure of anything. Let's go to your pack and show them you're no longer alone." Zoe answered before moving to get off his lap. Ryder stopped her.

"You're amazing, and it's not my pack; it's our pack." He pulled her close and kissed her deeply. Zoe smiled when he pulled back.

"Can I stay there tonight, or are we coming back here?" She asked. One thing Zoe knew for sure was that she was going to be wherever Ryder was tonight. He got a sexy grin on her face that made her heart swell.

"You can stay there if you want." He answered. Ryder pictured her in his bed with her scent surrounding him, but he wasn't sure she'd want to share his bed yet.

"Great, come inside with me, and I'll pack a bag." They got out of the truck, and Zoe led him into her one-bedroom apartment. It wasn't large, but it was comfortable.

Ryder looked around while she packed. Her apartment was eclectic. Everything was different and unique, but it went well together. There was an old beat-up wooden rocking chair next to the pristine cream-colored sofa. A multi-colored shag rug was in the middle of the room, bringing a splash of color. When he noticed a shelf with pictures on one wall, he looked them over.

There was a picture of Zoe graduating high school with a big smile on her face. The next one was her graduating from college and then med school. The last was one of her standing with a plaque showing she was the Chief of Cardiac Surgery. He noticed in every picture she was alone. Her smile was bright, but no one was there to celebrate her accomplishments. Ryder vowed he'd be by her side to celebrate everything she did, no matter how big or small, from that point forward.

"I'm ready to go," Zoe said, walking over to his side and looking at her pictures.

"I wish I had known you when you had these taken. I would have been by your side with each goal you met." Ryder turned to her and kissed her forehead.

"Me too, but I'm glad you're with me now. Come on; I want to see the pack." Zoe said, grabbing his hand. Ryder mindlinked Chase so he could be prepared.

"Zoe and I are on our way to the pack to introduce her as my luna. She's staying for the night. Can you have the cook prepare something special for dinner tonight?"

"What? She's accepted you and everything already? Yeah, I'll get right on it. Do you want me to tell people you're bringing your luna, or do you want it to be a surprise?" Chase was hoping Ryder wanted it to be a surprise. He'd love to see everyone's faces when he introduced Zoe.

"Let's make it a surprise. That way, those against me won't have time time to prepare. We'll be there soon."

Zoe was excited and nervous about meeting those in the pack. She wondered what they would think about her being human when they were already against Ryder. She may be new to this world and have no idea what she's in for, but she was ready to face it all for Ryder. As they began driving, she moved over to sit against him, and he slipped his arm around her.

"So, should I be prepared for people to hate me when we get there?" Zoe saw his expression tighten.

"There will be some that aren't going to be happy I didn't mate with a she-wolf from the pack. They should know better than to say anything disrespectful to you because you're their luna. Make sure you stay with me at all times. Until I know all those that don't want me as alpha, we'll trust no one other than Chase and his mate Sonia." Ryder answered. He didn't have a problem throwing everyone in the dungeon for being rude to Zoe, but he hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Zoe gasped when they pulled up the long road leading to the pack lands. She saw giant wolves running on both sides of them.

"Those are the guards. When we get to the pack house, we'll have a bunch of people waiting for us because they've mindlinked the pack telling them I'm not alone." Ryder said. He was prepared for the backlash. They may be used to him being quiet and reserved, but he wouldn't be like that if they did anything to his mate.

"Wow," Zoe said as they pulled up to a large log cabin that had to be four stories high. It was more like a resort than a house with how long it was. She'd never seen anything so beautiful. When she took her eyes away from the enormous house, she saw dozens of people standing near it, and more were coming. Zoe relaxed a little when she saw Chase standing in the front with a petite woman with short curly blonde hair who she assumed was Sonia. They were the only ones smiling; everyone else looked uncertain.

"Remember, stay with me," Ryder said, looking into her wide blue eyes. He knew this was going to be overwhelming for her. He wanted to introduce her quickly and then take her to his room to relax until dinner. At dinner, he would make a formal announcement.

"I will. Don't look so nervous. I'm used to people not liking me." Zoe replied with a small smile. Ryder opened his door and pulled her out his side, not wanting to separate from her to walk around the truck. Zoe noticed that most of the men were big, but none were as big as Ryder. Several of the women were glaring at her. She clutched his hand tightly as they walked toward the whispering group of people.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sorry I've been away today. As you can see, I've found my mate. Her name is Zoe. We're going to rest for a while, and then we'll be down for dinner where you all can get to know her." Ryder glanced around the crowd daring anyone to say anything. Most people smiled or clapped, but Zoe noticed a large amount of them began whispering and looking at her like she didn't belong. She recognized those looks; she'd been getting them most of her life.

"Congratulations, man. Zoe, it's nice to see you again." Chase said, shaking her hand.

"Hi Zoe, I'm Sonia; it's so nice to meet you." She wrapped her arms around Zoe and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry about anyone looking like they want to tear you apart; they're just jealous. If anyone says one thing out of the way, you send them my way. I'm happy to have you here."

"Thank you both," Zoe said with a genuine smile.

"I'm going to show her our room, and we'll be down for dinner. Can you have some snacks brought up, please? We haven't eaten anything since breakfast." Ryder said as he grabbed Zoe's bag from the truck and pulled her to the house.

"Will do," Chase answered.

When Zoe stepped into the pack house, she stopped. The log cabin theme continued inside with all wood floors. The furniture she could see was also wood. The chairs had huge comfortable cushions that she could see sinking into with a good book. Ryder led her to the wide staircase. When they reached the second floor, they walked to the end of the hall to large double doors and stopped.

"Would you rather use a guest room?" Ryder asked with his face flaming. Zoe grinned up at him.

"For what I have planned, we're not going to be doing a lot of sleeping, and we need to be in the same room." When he looked at her in confusion, she chuckled. Pushing the door open, she pulled him inside. It was the largest bedroom she had ever seen. There was an enormous bed that looked bigger than king-sized. A large dresser was on one wall. A massive fireplace was on the other wall, with a couch and two chairs facing it. Zoe didn't take too much time looking around. She pulled Ryder straight to the bed.

"Are you tired?" He asked, unsure of what to do. He thought they would sit on the couch and talk more about being a werewolf.

"Nope, not at all. How long until dinner?" Zoe asked, looking up at him with a twinkle in her eyes.

"A few hours, why?" Ryder didn't know why he was suddenly nervous, but his mouth went dry, and he found it hard to swallow.

"It's time we get to know each other, and I don't mean by talking." Zoe pulled her blouse over her head and her skirt down before he had time to blink. Ryder felt himself straining against his pants. Seeing her in nothing but a pale green thong with no bra made him suddenly feel light-headed, so he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Uh, what...uh," Ryder couldn't speak. All he could do was stare at the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Pull yourself together. Our mate is offering herself to you, and all you can do is drool over her. Stop acting like a damn puppy." Axel said in his head. Zoe walked over and pushed his legs apart so she could stand between them, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Ryder, calm down. We don't have to do anything if you're not ready, but I want you. I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel." Ryder looked into her eyes and saw her desire.

"I'm ready. I just didn't expect you to want to so quickly. Are you sure?" His hands were shaking when he reached out to touch her. He slid his hands over the soft, smooth skin on her back. Ryder almost moaned out loud at how good it felt to touch her. Zoe leaned down and kissed him sliding her tongue into his mouth and taking his breath away.

"I only do things I'm sure about." She pulled his shirt over his head and pushed him back onto the bed. Ryder didn't know what she was going to do next, but he wasn't going to stop her.

Zoe met his eyes and smirked as she slowly unzipped his pants. She saw him holding his breath as she slid her hand inside, groping him through his boxers. That wasn't enough; she wanted to see him. When she tried to pull his pants down, he raised his hips so she could remove them.

Once he was lying naked in front of her, she stepped back and admired him. Ryder truly was the most beautiful man she'd ever met, both inside and out. She had never put her mouth on a man, but looking at his penis standing tall, she had to taste it.

Ryder closed his eyes when he felt Zoe wrap her hand around him moving up and down slowly. When he didn't think he could take anymore, he felt her tongue lick his tip. His eyes flew open, and he stared down at her. She was grinning at him as she licked from the bottom of his shaft all the way to the tip before taking the head in her mouth and sucking lightly. He moaned in pure pleasure.

Zoe liked the effect she had on Ryder, so she kept taking more and more in her mouth. His breathing was getting shaky, and she knew it wouldn't be long before he was coming. However, it was like a whirlwind hit her. One second she had him in her mouth. The next, she was hauled onto the bed, and Ryder was leaning over her.

"What are you doing?" She asked breathlessly. Zoe saw his eyes flickering back from dark to light when he smiled down at her. She felt a shiver of excitement when she realized Axel was there too.

"I will not come before my luna."

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