Alice was uttering indecipherable words, but it sounded like music in Alex's ear. He resumed sucking on her breasts, alternating between them and sometimes kissing her on the mouth. The taste and Alice's body made him crazy and addicted, wanting more and more. They lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling while their breathing normalized.
Alex - You are very nice Fluer, I hope you liked your tattoo.
Alice - I didn't even see it, but I liked it, especially the method used to do it. - they both laughed - but now it is my turn to do yours.
Alex - Are you sure? - a little anxious
Alice - Absolutely, that was the deal - steals a kiss
Alex - ok, you win and what are you going to do and where? May I know? What will be your method?
Alice - Don't be curious, trust me, ok?
Alex - Fearful - ok.
Alice - Relax monamour - smiles debauchedly imitating Alex
Alice climbed Alex's body, sitting on his hip, rubbing herself against him and kissing him, driving him crazy. Then she took the material and started to make a tribal of a wolf on his chest. As she did this she licked his nipple over and over again. She rolled over on his cock without fitting just to provoke him. That's how she went until she finished the teasing drawing.
Alice - There you go monamour, now you are marked by me forever, just as I am marked by you. No matter where we are and what situation we are in we will never be alone, we will always have a little bit of each other in us.
Alex - how profound this is Petit, you are wonderful, perfect. He pulls in for a kiss training his tongue on Alice's mouth exploring every particle of her mouth, with his hands he fits Alice on his p* helping her ride.
He had all the experience with sex , she had none, but it didn't matter, things flowed, the fit was perfect. Alice spent the whole weekend with him, they had a sex marathon, they enjoyed every corner of that place, in bed, sink, bathroom and even on the floor. But as all good things come to an end, Alice needed to get back to her friends, back to Tokyo. Dulce and Alex said goodbye, promising to keep in touch, taking each other's number.
The next day with bags packed already at Paris Charles de Gaulle international airport Alice, Tom, Kim and Mike were just waiting to go home. Alice was overhead thinking about Alex and hoped to say goodbye to him, but he didn't show up, much less send her messages.
Kim - Alice, Maria Alice I'm talking to you friend
Alice - What is it?
Kim - I've been talking to you for hours and you are in the world of the moon.
Alice - Alright, let's go too, I need to use it too
Kim - honey let's go to the restroom, we'll be right back, take care of our stuff
Tom - ok - kisses
Tom and Mike keep talking and the girls go to the restroom
Kim - what's wrong with you girlfriend ? You look weird
Alice - ah girlfriend I thought Alex was different, but apparently he just wanted to use me, he said such nice things to me, we spent the whole weekend together. Exchanging tattoos
Alice - yes - show me - he did it on me and I did one on him
Kim - my friend, your parents will kill you, how could you do one on him if you never even got close to a studio?
Alice - doing it - shrugging - I thought he liked me. he was so cute defending me at the party and after his house we spent 3 days together, making love. But apparently I was just one more for him. He didn't send me any messages.
Kim - sorry friend, don't be like that, you will still find someone who loves you.
Alice: "Don't worry, let's go, the boys are waiting for us.
They used the bathroom quickly, on the way back they saw a magazine on one of the benches at the airport and immediately Alice recognized it was Alex.
Tina kunakey was photographed in a bar with a mysterious young man with much intimacy. Could it be her new boyfriend?
Alice was devastated when she saw the magazine, she started crying immediately, Kim hugged her tight, taking her to the boys, because at that very moment it was announced that they were to board
Kim - don't be like that friend, everything will be fine, let's go back home, let's forget this imbecile right?
Alice - He used me, he lied to me friend, how can it be? - crying
Tom - approaches Mike - what's up Maria?
Kim - I hand him the magazine - It happened, that Alex is an idiot who hurt our friend
Tom - aaah if I catch him
Mike - That's what I get for rubbing it in with anyone
Tom - Shut up now. Don't talk to Alice like that.
Mike - whoa ? I didn't say anything too much, her problem is that she rubbed herself, she gave it to a stranger and then she's there making dramas
Kim - You're disgusting Mike, I hate you.
Tom - I think you better keep quiet if you love your life. Let's go soon - pulls Alice for a hug - don't be like that Maria, we'll take care of you. Soon you'll forget this idiot, okay? - kisses her forehead and wipes the tears from Alice's face.
On the plane, Kim gives Dulce some medicine to help her sleep; it was almost 13 hours of travel and she slept the whole way. Her friends were worried about her being so sad like this and what she would say to her parents seeing her so sad.
Arriving there after waking up Alice put the best smile on her face so that her parents did not notice the sadness.