Chapter 3
Becca Simone had assembled them all, “A part of the school was breached last night”, she spoke aloud, “we would have our school leaders check it out alongside some selected set of people, which you would be grouped to check out different places, as you all go, we do expect you to learn, keep your eyes wide and your ears attentive. You will all assemble here again tonight”. She spoke up. Everyone was grouped into four, made up of 12 students. Lisa and Allison and May stood together, preparing for the search after they had all gathered that night.
May had come fully prepared, this first training she had wanted to take the chance to learn more, knowing why they were breached, as they were all students, was there something in the school they needed, she had thought. Just as her group moved around the field as assigned to them, a male with brown eyes walked up to her. You should not get yourself too much into this search, you and the rest of the girls are nothing but females, what could you possibly do? I bet you all would be dying first if anything would ever happen. Insulted, May kicked him right at his foot, and the boy stopped at his track, wincing at the pain, as she walked on with the rest of the group.
Soon enough, sounds like shuttling off the grass surrounding them were heard, they had stopped for a while trying to be careful enough, positioning themselves quietly, the leader of May's group had quietly ordered the group to form a circle, which they did. Just then someone jumped out of the bushes, scaring them all, the leader noticed he had seen the boy in a class, he is fully human, a fighter in the first year. We were all startled. The leader moved closer to him to notice if he was in any way harmed, but he wasn’t. He was asked by the leader why he was out late by this time, he replied he comes out here almost every night to get ahead of things he couldn’t understand. He was ordered along with two juniors to go back to his dorm so as not to get suspicious of things happening. Just as they left and everyone had lost focus, May heard yet another sound but decided to take it as nothing, just because the rest of the group didn’t bulge or hear anything. Just then from the corner of her eyes by her left, she noticed another movement.
She tapped the closest person to her before she could get a response, a huge man had jumped on the girl closer to her, slashing her with a hunting sword, killing the little girl instantly. May gasped, rushing to stay way before he could get to her. He was about to use the same sword on her, but not until the leader came to her rescue, using his sword against him, they clashed. The group leader elbowed the huge man, knocking him off instantly just as he was about to cut his throat off. He tried to slash the huge man but he dodged it. It took her a while to notice what had happened as she was shocked and ashamed of herself for not being able to defend herself. From the corner of her eyes yet again she saw close to two men running towards them, the leader had ordered them to run back inside the school and check for classrooms to find whatever they could use in defending themselves as he tried fighting them off to buy them some time.
The first man tried hitting the leader and successfully landed a blow on his jaw, the leader retaliated immediately by landing him flat on the ground, and as the second man tried using his sword on him, he got hold of his hand and twisted it, giving him a single knock-out punch on his right cheek. Then, he started running back inside the school, trying to locate where the others are. Before he could reach for the classroom door, one of the enemies got up from the ground, came after him and used his sword to slash his arm, and he bled profuse., May ran out of the classroom with a shield as she picked up the leader's sword and lunged it at the man, stabbing him on his right arm. The enemy’s sword dropped on the floor, he fell on his knees holding his right arm as he groaned in pain. May used the opportunity to help carry the leader inside the classroom they had been in.
May was so glad no one noticed how well she had aimed, not even the leader he was laying in pain, “good”, she had thought. They laid the leader on a bench in the classroom, they had to stop the bleeding and tread it, a senior female tied a piece of clothing around his arm to reduce the bleeding, she knew at that moment, someone needs to go to the medical room to get anything that can be used in treating the leader's arm as well as find a way to lock the school gate to avoid further trouble.
May decided to be the brave one doing that as they can’t be in here forever. Just as she opened the door,she got hit by something, she almost gave a blow to whom she had thought was an attacker, not until she had her eyes up and realized it was from the cne of the guys from the cafeteria, the one everyone whispered about. He was in a class higher than hers, “he isn’t in our group why is he here”, she had thought.
“Have you seen my sister? I heard you were in the same group as her”. May gave him a weird look making it known to him that she doesn’t know what or who he is talking about. He realized and said to May, “Katie, yes, Katie, she is my sister have you seen her?” May be about to tell him to get her inside the classroom and realized she hadn’t seen her since they had all fled, so she shook her head, as he lowered his gaze disappointed, with a scared face as he grabbed her arm tightly, “then let’s find her” he said to her as he shouted, May jerked away from him and a strip of blood was oozing out her skin from where he was holding her earlier, due to the impact of jumping backward, the force made his nails scratch her, she closed her eyes in pain for a minute, he realized what happened and tried apologizing but she took a step backward, and she said in a calm tone, “I would help you find her” as she walked away with him following fast at his back.
They walked along the hallway with no weapon, and a creepy sound made them stop immediately, they heard another creepy sound from a dark corner, and they turned to face it not knowing what was coming for them. They walked slowly into the darkness, Katie stood fearing for her life as she heard the footsteps, “Katie”, her brother Charles said in a low voice.
Immediately she heard her brother's voice, she ran out to him and hugged him so tightly, “are you okay?'' he asked her. She nodded while looking at him. As she was answering another of his questions, her eyes grew wide, he asked what was wrong and before she got the chance to answer him, the man at his back lunged at them, she pulled her brother along with her, and Charles turned to find May so that they can get to a safe corner, but she was nowhere to be found.
May searched everywhere trying to figure out if she got all she needed for the treatment, she came out of the medical room in the health center and turned to where she had left Katie and Charles, but couldn’t find them, just then did she see blood stains on the floor, fearing it might be that of Katie's. She ran to the nearest door, then she saw a man moving towards two figures. She had seen Katie and Charles, she quickly held the sword she had taken tightly as she shouted and attacked the man, turning him the other way round, so they could escape, just as they had done that, she shouted to Katie to pick up the medical tools to take it to the classroom, informing them to run as she would be right behind them. May succeeded in slowing the man down as they locked the door, standing guard of the room. One of the seniors worked on treating the leader as they came up with a plan to capture the man.
They had set up a tiny fish line as a trap, just at the door, so as soon as he entered, he wouldn’t be able to move any further as the tiny fishing line would cut off his head. It’s a trap they all knew about from their various homes and castles, it was a transparent fishing line sharper than a butcher's knife, you wouldn’t see it coming, it just happens. One needs to be careful about that, she had told herself. Just then the door opened wide and not one but two men rushed in, but couldn’t get any further as their eyes grew wide, they had entered their deaths even before they knew it. Everyone in the room gasped in horror as they watched the heads of two hunters roll right in front of their very eyes. The fish line is now stained with blood. May had thought that was all as she got the chance to lock the gate before she got to the medical room. She was almost proved wrong when the leaders and students from other groups came, Charles had rushed to set off the trap so as not to kill any of the studenst that might come in. They had rushed in armed but it was all over already. Almost daybreak they were informed to tidy up the place and get to training two hours later today just to have some rest.
Everyone was happy and sad about today, as they now knew what their training would entail, May thought, as she caught Miles staring at her, she knew he wanted to rush to her, ask her if she was injured or not, hug her but she wouldn’t allow it. May was keeping a low profile in the school, the almighty King Simone’s daughter, no, that’s not how she wanted to make people approach her or make friends with her. She needed a name of her own, on her own she thought as they all moved out.