"Mouth shut, okay, see you in class only, until you're sure your stalkers got tired of looking," I warned my friend as we walked away in the hallway.
He snorted in disagreement, "I dislike the idea, but okay," he folded his arms, but then hung onto mine, "Can I come with you to the stadium," he looked at me with little puppy dog eyes and I rolled mine.
"What part of we can't be together because there are crazy psychopaths trying to annoy me out of existence, didn't you understand," I questioned obviously, pulling him off my arm.
"Amy, don't be mean, I want to watch the training," he said, feigning suffering and I gave myself three soft taps on my hundred, unable to believe that my best friend could behave in different ways at every instant.
It seemed as if he had some kind of multiple personality.
He needed a psychiatrist.
"You're not going to leave me alone until I say yes," I looked sideways at him and he shook his head, determined to pester me all the way to the field if necessary, "Evan will be there."
"I'm not going for Evan, Amy, for God's sake," he rolled his eyes, "I'm going for Matt and the others who do play."
I gave her a jab, "Hey, don't be mean."
"Fine, but take me," I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Good, why do I have to tell you something," I organized my clothes and walked out with him trailing behind like a lapdog.
"Is it interesting enough to give up on me," he asked curiously and we walked out of the classroom building, to walk towards the stadium just behind, "That doesn't happen often."
"I'm starting to regret it."
"Why are you so mean?"
I smiled short and hugged him to which he started pouting tenderly. I didn't understand why he did that, knowing it would make me uneasy.
I loved him so much that even in our fiercest fights over the situation with Evan and what I endured in my life, we were still together. We had become inseparable.
"You just want sweaty men for the view," I questioned and we arrived at the entrance of the huge place, where a warden was guarding.
"There's nothing more interesting than sweaty men running after a ball," he lifted his shoulders and the man sitting in a chair, smiled at us.
He already knew me and his other shift from the many times he had accompanied Evan to training with his teammates.
We entered the place and the first thing that fell to our eyes was the green field, where the men we knew were running back and forth.
Lucas couldn't help but gasp.
Normally the practices were private and only if the players invited someone was they let them in and since I was already part of them, since they knew me from going everywhere with Evan, except to their games, then it was easier to get close to the team.
They all had different classes, but they had been chosen for that team because of their build and how good they were at running after a ball.
Matt was very fast, even though his closest friend was one of the running backs, but he also blocked players very well and got through because of his body size.
They had picked a good quarterback.
There were actually quite a few players on the team, over fifteen, but Evan was sparingly selected to play with the eleven who should have been on the field. I didn't understand why, and he never talked about it, but being on the team helped his resume and he was planning to go on an exchange, so it gave him points to have been part of his college soccer team.
We made our way down the bleachers to the first few, where we could see more, but clearly Lucas wasn't going to let me miss the opportunity to be in a stadium surrounded by big, burly men whose shirts were sticking together from sweat.
Especially Matt's.
"Let's go closer," he tugged my arm.
"Lucas," I whined.
"Don't say anything, I want to see them closer, please," he continued in the same plan and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"I want to sit here, over there they might hit me with the ball," I said trying not to get carried away, but at the end of the day, despite his feminine aura, he was still a man and had much more strength than me, "Says the voice of experience."
"I'm not going to let you let me in with you, so I can't see those big men with the excuse that you invited me and not look like an obsessive," he commented as we approached, but I decided to stop putting up resistance and give in to his requests.
As we were on the stairs to go down to where they were sitting to rest and watch the game, he grabbed my arm tightly. I gave him a dirty look as he hurt me.
"I'm nervous, sorry," he smiled with unbridled excitement and I shook my head in amusement.
"I'm used to it, although I didn't mind the first time either."
"Well, but... Stop," he didn't finish saying, when he stopped me abruptly.
"What's wrong?"
"Gwen," he said and I brought my gaze to where he was doing it, getting the unexpected surprise of seeing her there, but then I remembered that she was dating Matt. It was logical that she would ask him something like that.
"It's Matt's outgoing, I'd forgotten she could come over now," I folded my arms and Lucas looked worried.
"So what do we do, do we stay?"
"Do you want to go," I looked at him intrigued and he denied, "Then walk," I tugged him by the arm he had tied to mine and listening as he complained about seeing her, as he had some anger at her for how we were both treating each other, we approached the men, "Evan," I called, attracting the attention of everyone nearby and Lucas squeezed me again surprised.
"Until you came," he said and immediately changed his expression when he saw Lucas, "Did he make you?"
"Shut up," I said, but someone appeared beside him.
"Amy, I didn't know you were coming too," Gwen said, looking at me somewhat menacingly, as if I had just stolen a golden pass from her that I thought only she had.
I tried not to roll my eyes from noticing that sort of thing.
"She has since I joined the team," Evan answered for me and I smiled along with him. The woman next to me didn't appreciate hearing that at all, as she nodded a little annoyed and walked away toward the field.
Matt wasn't around. He was playing with four of his teammates on the field with a soccer ball, as if it wasn't enough that they had to run after a ball and catch it with their hands.
"Is something going on between you guys," my friend questioned curiously and I lifted my shoulders.
"Envy, no big deal," the three of us watched the woman meaningfully approach Matt, trying to show off that she was with the most desirable quarterback in the community.
"I don't know what Matt saw in her, it's horrible," Lucas spoke up this time, joining the conversation. He didn't have a hold on me anymore, he seemed more confident, "He had better tastes, but he's going downhill."
"It's good sex," commented someone else who was listening to us and it was the team's catcher; he was a big built guy, dark and could knock over a bus if he felt like it. I smiled as did Evan, while Lucas didn't disguise that he had been taken in like a surprise bullet by this man," Hi Amy, is he a friend of yours," he pointed to Lucas and I nodded.
"Yes, his name is Lucas," I pulled him forward to me, but he seemed very shy, "Lucas, this is Jerry, but they call him Big Guy."
"A pleasure Lucas," the receiver said and my friend tried to respond with a handshake.
"He's a little shy at first, but when he gets confident, sometimes you don't even want him in front of you," I said as a joke, trying to calm Lucas' nerves and it wasn't because of shyness.
He was too sexual and he would get into that state when he liked what he saw; he was like an animal looking for food and I knew that the idea of devouring him whole was going through his head.
It had nothing to do with shyness. Lucas was very social and was very social with people.
"Well, it's always nice to have new guests," he smiled, "Have you heard about the college anniversary party yet?"
"Yes, Evan told me about it."
"Are you going to participate," he asked and I looked at Lucas, who put aside his shyness, to see my expectant face.
It was clear that I had not yet informed him about it, even though the party had not yet been informed to all the students. Only very few people, including Gwen, knew about it.
"Weren't you planning to tell me," she complained.
"Yeah, that's why I let you come," I rolled my eyes and took him aside. Evan went with Jerry to the court to join Matt and the rest of the team in the game.
I hadn't seen the coach, so I figured they were trying to warm up in their own way.
We walked across the grass, holding hands, and he kept waiting for me to say something.
"They volunteered their fraternity to celebrate the anniversary of the university and the team. I thought I'd tell you later, why I don't know if I want to go," I said and he widened his eyes.
"How," he stopped me and grabbed my shoulders, "Amy, it's the anniversary party, do you know how crazy it's going to get and you don't want to participate?"
"I don't know, my grandfather is sick and I'm having a hard time getting out. I'm afraid something will happen to him," I shrugged and he gave me a small hug.
"I know, but what if you leave him a camera to watch him on your cell phone," he asked and I looked at him frowning.
"Are you crazy, where am I going to get to do something like that," I crossed my arms.
"I've got another cell phone at home, we can just raise them, don't you think?"
I took a deep breath as I looked at him. He was trying to convince me again, no matter what.