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CHAPTER 15- Zero Trust

Ava's POV

As I stormed into Xavier's home office, a whirlwind of emotions gripped me. Anger, frustration, and an overwhelming sense of betrayal. I could barely contain myself, my voice tinged with suppressed anger as I confronted him.

"Xavier, I'm sick and tired of being kept within these walls, left in the dark without you telling me anything!" My voice quivered with barely concealed annoyance as my eyes locked onto his.

Xavier, Alpha of our pack, seemed taken aback by my sudden intrusion. His usually composed demeanor wavered, his brows furrowing in concern. "Ava, there are reasons for my actions. I never meant to keep you in the dark deliberately."

"Oh, really?" I retorted, my voice thick with skepticism. "Because it certainly feels that way. I don't trust you. I can sense it, Xavier. I can feel that you're hiding something from me. And mark my words, I will figure it out."

Xavier approached me slowly, his gaze intense and sorrowful. "Ava, please understand. As your Alpha and your mate, I couldn't risk your life or have you meddling with danger. There are forces at play that could harm you, and I couldn't bear to see anything happen to you."

I scoffed, unable to comprehend his reasoning. "Are you saying that keeping me in the dark is for my own protection? That's a stupid reason, Xavier. I am not some child. I should face challenges too, not be kept apart!"

He reached out, his hand tenderly gripping mine as he pleaded, "Ava, I never intended for it to be this way. Trust me, my actions were born out of love and concern for you. I promise, once the danger has passed, I will reveal everything to you."

I pulled my hand away, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "I don't seem trust your promises Xavier. The doubts and uncertainty consume me. I need more than words. I need transparency."

An agonizing silence swept through the room as we locked eyes, the weight of our unspoken emotions hanging in the air. With a heavy sigh, I turned away, unable to bear the weight of this situation any longer. "I need some time alone to process this, Xavier."

He nodded, understanding etched on his face. "Take all the time you need, Ava. Just know that my intentions are pure."

I walked out of Xavier's office, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. Conflicting thoughts blazed through my mind, questioning whether I made the right choice.

I needed to figure out what had actually happened with Jake.

I feel enclosed in the walls of this environment.

The road ahead seemed uncertain, but I knew one thing for sure—until I could find reassurance in Xavier's actions, the doubts within me would continue to fester. Our journey to uncover the hidden truth had just begun, and it was up to both of us to find a way to reconcile our conflicting desires and forge a stronger bond.

With determination fueling my every step, I ventured into the unknown, ready to unveil the truth and figure out what had actually happened with Jake.

There's something about Xavier that just doesn't seem right to me.

The moment I stepped out into the garden, a sense of tranquility washed over me. The meticulously manicured hedges and vibrant blooms provided solace in this vast mansion, the only place I found truly entertaining. It was here, amidst the fragrant blossoms, that I could gather my thoughts and work up the courage to delve deeper into my investigations.

Xavier, foolishly blinded by his delusions, believed I would naively accept him as my mate. Little did he know, I saw through his deceit. What could an Alpha possibly offer me, other than potential manipulation and power? Thoughts of what his true intentions were had been haunting me for some time now.

Love, much like Xavier's supposed affections, was a treacherous territory I dared not venture into. I had already built impenetrable walls around my heart, and I had no intention of letting him break through them. My focus, instead, lay on unraveling the mystery surrounding Jack's death - my friend, taken from this world far too soon.

Walking along the winding path, memories of the night Jack was brutally murdered flooded my mind. The trauma and pain were still raw, consuming my thoughts and instilling a burning desire for justice within me. At night, I often found myself awake, replaying the events over and over in my mind, searching for any overlooked detail that could lead me to the truth.

I knelt by a bed of roses and absentmindedly plucked a petal, contemplating the many avenues I could explore to uncover the identity of Jack's killer. As I crumbled the soft, crimson petal between my fingers, a determination ignited within my being. I would stop at nothing to unravel the dark secrets buried within these mansion walls.

The sun cast long shadows across the garden, providing a fitting backdrop to my resolve. I stood up and brushed off the grass from my knees, ready to embark on a path that would test not only my abilities but also my resilience. Clasping my hands together, I vowed to use every resource available to me, every ounce of strength, to find justice for Jack. No stone would remain unturned.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I strode back toward the mansion, my gaze focused and my mind steadfast. The chapter of life I was entering was filled with uncertainties and dangers, but I remained resolute. I would face them head-on, unyielding in my pursuit of the truth.

As the heavy wooden doors of the mansion loomed before me, I took a deep breath. The challenges that lay ahead were formidable, and yet, I was prepared to confront them with every fiber of my being. Ava, no longer a mere pawn in this treacherous game, was rising above the pain, the trauma, and the hurt, ready to bring justice to her fallen friend.

I made my way towards the kitchen, eager to satisfy my famished evening.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door, the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked meals enveloped me, instantly whetting my appetite. To my surprise, Mrs. Jenkins, the head chef, was already bustling around the kitchen, orchestrating her culinary masterpieces.

"Good evening, Mrs. Jenkins," I greeted her, my voice a little anxious as my stomach grumbled.

Mrs. Jenkins turned towards me, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, Ava dear! You must be starving, aren't you? I could hear your stomach all the way from the dining room. Let me guess, another long day?" she said, her voice filled with empathy.

I chuckled sheepishly. "You know me too well, Mrs. Jenkins. It has indeed been a hectic day."

How smooth the lie slipped.

She nodded knowingly. "Well, then, worry not, my dear. I've got just the thing for you. I was preparing some of your favorites for dinner tonight."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as Mrs. Jenkins handed me a steaming bowl of tomato soup. "Thank you, Mrs. Jenkins. You're my lifesaver!"

She's the only person I feel warm around with around here.

Mrs. Jenkins smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's my pleasure, Ava. Don't you worry, I'll ensure you leave this kitchen feeling more than satisfied."

As I devoured the first spoonful of the warm soup, I could feel its soothing effect coursing through me. The rich flavors danced on my tongue, and the comfort it brought was undeniable. Mrs. Jenkins joined me at the kitchen island, leaning against the counter as we engaged in conversation.

"How is everything with Xavier, Ava?" she asked, genuine curiosity lacing her words.

I took a moment to swallow before replying. "Honestly, I don't even know."

I hated him. Didn't trust him as well.

Mrs. Jenkins nodded, a knowing look in her eyes. "You'll get the hang of it, Don't bit yourself too much."

Her words struck a chord within me, reminding me of something I often forgot – the importance of self-care. I looked at Mrs. Jenkins, grateful for her wisdom. "You're right, Mrs. Jenkins. Thank you for reminding me."

She patted my hand gently. "It's my pleasure, Ava. Now, finish your soup, and I'll pack some delicious treats for you to take along later."

The warmth of Mrs. Jenkins' care washed over me like a comforting wave. As I finished the last spoonful of soup, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards her. It was more than just the food she had prepared; she had nourished me with her kindness and wisdom.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Jenkins. I really appreciate everything you do," I said, sincerity lacing my voice.

Mrs. Jenkins smiled, her eyes twinkling with pride. "It's my pleasure, Ava. Now, go and conquer the rest of your evening. I'll make sure you're well-fed for whatever awaits you."

I bid her farewell, feeling energized and cared for, both physically and emotionally.

Okay that was a total lie.

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