Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Fight Again

As the clouds were almost finished to form the giant body shape that was followed by head and the hands, the citizens who previously were calm became very panic. Some of them were running and trying to find some places to hide. While the rest of them glanced on the clouds and the dark sky since they thought that it was such an abnormal phonemena.

"Get ready!" Zen flew to the sky and led his partners who followed him behind.

When all of them were floating in the sky, the giant cloudy monster stepped and stompped on the ground, "BAMM! BAMM!"

Those beats directly shook and broke the ground. It also made all the citizens shocked. "WAAHH.." Most of the citizens screamed as they ran across the street and tried to hide somewhere else.

"Another monster's greeting, hm?" Cassian whispered as he looked at the cloudy monster.

Then, the cloudy monster waved its right hand, and it crashed the top of a few skycrappers, "BRAAAKKK!!"

The screams of the people followed the damage of the buildings as they ran along the street and seeked for the places to hide.

After that, the cloudy monster exhaled its breath that instantly made some of the buildings freeze, "FFUUHHH.."

"KREECKK.." The thin ice started to form on the buildings' surface which made the people uneasy and even more panic.

"BOOMM!!" A few tiny pieces of the buildings' block started to fall on the ground. It made the situation look more dangerous.

"Let's go!" Zen invited as he started to fly towards the cloudy monster. "We should move fast before the cloudy gets madder and destroys everything, including us!" added him.

From there on, the nemostellars flew and followed Zen behind. Once, they arrived and stayed in front of the cloudy monster. "Take this, Cloudy!" Alaryc threw a few big stones to the monster.

The monster then smiled and screamed, "HWAAARRRHH!!"

At the same moment, as it screamed aloud, the blue fire came out from its mouth. It caused some damages on the other skycrappers and the grounds. Moreover, it left the blue fury on the broken asphalt as well.

Blaze smirked as he looked at the monster's reaction. He followed by throwing his fire ball attacks continuously, "Take this, the mournful monster!!"

Again, the cloudy monster just screamed as it felt hurt by the fire ball shots. Then, as it got madder and wilder, "GRAAAHHHH! HOOOAARRHH!!"

The monster smashed up the tops of the few amounts of towers. It instanly fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Unfortunately, there were some people who were injured by the broken pieces. "Run everyone! Run!" A man with some bruises on his forehead shouted to the people near him.

As the people ran along the street, the monster kept attacking the tall buildings, but before the buildings were smashed, Storm endured its right hand by freezing it. "Hold on, Mr. Cloudy Moody," said Storm as he put on his maximal power until the monster's right hand was covered by ice and snow.

Realizing that the power applied on the right hand was opposite with his, Blaze then flew lower to the monster's giant feet. "We need to make him suffered, just like in the hell and the poles at the same time." He added while he opened both of his hand palms. The fire instantly appeared from it.

Then, he aimed both of his hands to the cloudy monster. It really made a big hole on the center of the monster body once the fire blazed continuously. However, the monster did not seem to feel hurt. It stroke a playful smile, then laughed horribly, "HAHAHAHAHA!"

Through that kind of situation, Zen commanded the rest of his members wisely, "Let's combine our power together. This cloudy monster is super strong. We can't do it individually!"

As it had been commanded, all of the members made a huge circle around the monster's body. They looked like a tiny rope that would fasten the monster slowly. At the same time, each of them gathered their special powers together.

Although they had the different elements of power, it caused the dark red color laser beam that sliced the monster's body, "SLAASSSHH!!"

From the combination of power, it might feel that the dark red laser beam could only slice the body. Nevertheless, it also had some potentials to break down the elements of the monster's body.

"ZZHAAASSSKKKK!!" The voice from the separated elements of the monster was heard.

When the elements of the monster's body separated, it caused the disappearance of the cloudy monster completely. "FUUHH.." Storm exhaled lightly once he stopped unleashing his power.

"Yeyy, we made it again!" Sirius said joyfully with the optimistic smile on his tiny face.

Afterwards, they landed on the ground as many people tried to express their gratitudes towards their recent effort. "Oh, thank you very much, heroes!" A woman with blonde hair said as she tried to shake Zen's hand.

In contrast, before her hand touched Zen's, Blaze refused the offer, "You're welcome, Miss, but we don't shake hands usually. Our skins are really sensitive. Again, thank you for your understanding."

The explanation uttered by the fire controller was also acknowledged by the rest of the citizens. As a result, some of them offered to pay the lunch at the most ellite restaurant to the nemostellars. Since they all felt starving, they agreed and accepted the offer.

While they were enjoying the fancy menus in the five-star grade restaurant, a vice president who was having a meeting with the president punched the table quite hard when he knew that the cloudy monster was killed successfully by the nemostellars.

His frowned skin was reddened. He said, "How dare they are! The monster is my truest friend. We cannot let them win, Calvin!"

"Calm down, Kevin. It is only a small part of our bigger project to destroy the world." Calvin replied as he sipped his coffee slowly.

"Let's show us our true self, Calvin. I cannot let them destroy and beat us!" Kevin still could not tame down his furious emotion.

"Don't act impulsively, Kevin. Be more patient. If we show ourselves truthfully, the citizens may run and move to Mars. Have you ever imagined that kind of thing happened?" Calvin stated the potential that might occur if they revealed their identity publicly.

Kevin then held his own tongue. He was suddenly speechless since he just noticed that his impulsive act might harm his nation which was not the same as human races.


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