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Chapter 23

Around a few months forward, based on the earth's calculation, the nemostellars became the idols of the entire citizens of New York City. They were instantly liked by them since they always handled the troubles that came from nature or the monsters that suddenly appeared.

As they handled every trouble that came, they also tried to find the cause of the troubles, especially the appearance of the strange-form monsters.

In the second week of September, 2500, they had a meeting with the safety council to discuss the possible causes that might play role in rising the monsters to the earth. In a medium-size room, Zen showed the virtual presentation which was already prepared two nights before. Through the thin blue screen, some pictures and videos appeared. Those things were related to the dangerous condition in some other countries, especially the ones that were outside America.

"Okay, since all of us have acknowledged about the appearance of monsters and some of natural disasters, I am as the leader of the special ones eager to express my personal opinion towards the recent situation." Zen opened the meeting with his tensing smile.

Jason as the captain of the safety council stared at him seriously. He responded, "Okay, just go on with your opinion and the main point, Zen."

Zen directly pressed the virtual rectangular-shape button that entitled 'next' and said, "Right, Let me highlight the first cause of the previous earthquake whichever happened around three months ago."

"The main cause is the giant monster which was destroyed by the nemostellars. It was beyond our expectation since we never thought that there would be the giant monster appeared from the bottom of the ground." Zen continued by mentioning the vital reason of the past earthquake along with his personal opinion as the captain of the nemostellars.

In the middle of the explanation, one of the safety council member whose name was Judy interrupted, "Is that the only main cause? Have you ever thought of how the monster could exist?"

Listening to the questions eased Zen in finding the other factors of the causes. However, those interrupting questions were refuted by Ricker, "Well, excuse me. I guess you can save those questions in the end of the discussion. You will mess up every data poured in the beginning, though."

The warning instantly rose the young woman's anger a little bit. Nevertheless, she did not unleash it. She still controlled herself by stroking a tiny smile on her pale skin. At the same time, from her pale skin, some green lining strokes appeared. Those green strokes were like roots of green plant. Obviously, the young woman was not a human, but she kept hiding the identity from people around her, especially the safety council members.

Then, while those strokes were still on the skin surface of the woman, Storm accidentally spotted the appearance of the green strokes. Suddenly, he spoke in his mind, "There is something odd with this woman. Yeah, from her appearance, she looks normal, just like the other human beings. However, those green strokes are barely found in common human's DNA. I must tell this to Zen later."


When Zen had finished her explanation, Jason stood in front of the meeting members and changed the virtual slide into his own document that contained the pictures about the upcoming safety project. The project would be generalized for all people in the world.

"So, I, as the captain of Safety Council, have several safety projects. Here there are." Jason opened his virtual screen as he spoke.

In just a few seconds, the three dimensional picture of the city appeared. In the picture attached, there were the tiny citizens and the traffic activities running. Then, the giant shield instantly appeared from Safety Council Building. "This is my first project to protect the citizens," said Jason proudly.

"Please explain the details and how it will work." The president uttered with enthusiastic smile as he stared at the virtual screen.

"This shield was mainly made of metal and iron. Besides that, it has the extra protection that comes from the additional steels on the top of it. I believe that it is quite unbreakable. It will work as the sky turns darker, and the shield notices that there were some strange-shape aircrafts entering." Jason explained the details.

Those explanation was heard by the nemostellars. All of them were thinking and imagining if the shield project would be done. In a few minutes, Blaze asked, "Didn't you remember dan some aliens or monsters can be very strong? I'm afraid that this shield is not what we really need."

"Wait, let me recall some past memories." Jason asked permission to the meeting members. Then, around six minutes later, he responded, "Well, I still have another project if the shield may be considered as fragile."

"Go on with the next one please," asked the president briefly. He was a kind of person who would observe every possibilities in detail although there would always be one choice to go.

"All right." Jason nodded and pressed the mini remote control on his left hand, "CLICK!"

In a second, the three dimensional shield changed into the shape of giant tank that was floating in the sky. The giant tank was also able to flying higher. "The next thing that might be possible is this powerful floating tank." Jason mentioned the idea with the same pride in his smile.

"Wait, is it able to be operated on the ground?" Ryker asked directly although he had not acknowledged the details.

"Sure. It has dual-mode. We can save the citizens by letting them to go inside the tank." Jason added.

"Then, the tank will continue its task? Fighting for the monsters while having the people inside of it? You are really joking this time, Jason." Zen who really concerned about the citizens mentally protested.

"Well, at least, it protects our citizens from the damage and loss." Jason tried to take the positive side.

"Can we see another project or idea which is less risky? I mean the project is really suitable for the citizens and country's safety." Storm initiated.

Jason was silent and directly showed another project that deals with chemical subsrances. Through the picture, all of the meeting members could see that there was a giant rectangular pool in the middle of the street with the green color liquid inside.

"This is the last project that I think can work, the acidic chemical pool." Jason said as he prepared himself to get the other rejections from the nemostellars or the president.


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