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Chapter 28

As it had been discussed, the remaining members of Brave team were prepared by the advisors of the kingdom before they were asked to enter the rocket. Their preparation was about the safety during the outer space journey and their meal pastes.

For about a few seconds, they were commanded to enter the rocket one by one. After all of them sat in the seats, the pilot started the machine and asked them to fasten the seatbelts because the speed of the rocket might be very fast.

As it was instructed, all of them obeyed. Then, the rocket was truly speeding as it float in the sky. Durìng the journey, a few members exchanged words while the rest of them enjoyed their own activities, such as working out, reading books, or listening to the outer space podcast.

"Well, I never think that we will land on Earth ever since our team are declared to be lost." Jax started the conversation as he enjoyed sipping the mint chocolate paste with his hands.

Then, the statements were replied by Mace floating around the blank seats freely, "But here is our own day. The winners still need us as their helpers. I'm proud despite of knowing the truth."

At that moment, Chiper with the monster radar in his right hand commented, "I cannot wait to destroy the monsters there although I feel somewhat discouraged."

Listening to his seat mate statement, Tristan asked with his frowning forehead, "What makes you discouraged, Chip? We own powers, don't we? we should not feel that thing."

"I'm afraid if we are less stronger than the chosen ones since they have adapted with Earth earlier than us." Chiper revealed his reason honestly.

Mace then calmed him down by saying, "No need to worry. As we are sent to Earth for helping them, it means that our powers have no comparison to theirs."

Jax hearing the statements said, "Plus, we need to proof that we are the best although we are sent a little bit later than them."

With the supportive words he heard, Chiper nodded with his joyful smile. "Hopefully, we can perceive the same position as the chosen heroes."


Around some hours forward, the tiny rocket which was ridden by Bright Team members landed safely, far away from the president's house. However, Drake noticed the arrival and said, "Finally! It will be super helpful for me and the others to have the rest of Bright Team members."

"Come on, guys! Let's welcome our brothers! They have arrived here." Drake called the other nemostellars who were busy with their own activities.

Harlin having finished with his lunch walked towards Drake and said, "Where are they now?"

"Let me check the radar first," said Drake as he took the small android-shaped radar from his pocket.

Through the radar's screen, it showed the map and the exact point that lied on the location, it was near the manhattan area. "We must reach there before the government notices them," said Drake calmly.

In a couple of seconds, Zaiden and Blaze appeared with their balance running speed. Then, Blaze said, "We need to use car, otherwise one or a few members of safety council may see us in the sky."

"Oh yeah. I almost forget about that fact though." Drake responded as he took the car key on the living room table.

Then, a few seconds onwards, the rest of the nemostellars got out from the bedroom, including Storm. Since he had heard the conversation between Drake, Blaze, and Zaiden, he asked, "Let's reach them. At least, they must know about the aliens and its relation with this country's government."

With the command, Drake gave the signal to his members to follow him. In less than ten minutes, all of them were in the monster truck-type car. Once the unique vehicle entered the crowd of the street, some people caused noises by throwing comments or even critiques.

However, those things were like wind blowing for them although they could hear it clearly. Their only priority was about the earth and country's safety. Around twenty minutes forward, they arrived at the location pointed by the radar.

From there on, they got down from the car in turns. With the help of the radar's guidance, they looked for the rest of Bright Team members. At the same moment, when they walked around the streets in their findings, Tristan noticed them and shouted, "I'M HERE!"

The shout was heard by Cassian and Blaze, so those two nemostellars directly walked towards Tristan, and the others just followed them. "Where is Jax and Chiper?" Blaze hugged Tristan in friendly way for a while.

"They are in the rocket still. Maybe, they still need some time to get used to with the new habitat." Tristan uttered while he released his hug from Blaze.

At the same moment, Alaryc suggested, "Why don't we discuss the problem in the rocket instead? we can also talk other things. It is more private than talking here."

"Good Idea, Al." Drake complimented his brother.

Tristan reacted with a tiny smile and nod while listening to Alaryc's suggestion. At that point, all of the nemostellars entered the mini rocket, but once they saw each other surprisingly, they didn't discuss the topics directly.

First of all, Zayden clapped his hands, and the rocket was instantly unseen. Unfortunately, the people walking around there didn't notice the disappearance of it. Subsequently, Drake opened the discussion by telling the main topic.

"Well, the most important thing we need to concern about is the aliens in the government and safety council. These things are rumors based on the news I saw yesterday," said Drake with his serious glance to the rest of nemostellars.

Chiper with his silver hair blinked a bit and commented, "Aliens? Do you mean that aliens pretend to be human beings?"

"That's what we mostly predict about, Chip. Especially, the news reveal the blurred pictures, and one of them clearly resembles the president," uttered Harlin casually.

Acknowledging the truth, Tristan rose his eyebrows and said, "Well, we need to take further observation. I mean the hidden one."

"Hidden observation? Is it like we secretly enter the government through camouflage?" Cassian tried to get what Tristan meant by.

"It can be, or you can send either me, Chiper, or Jax to spy on them." Tristan offered himself or his teammates to do the spy things to find out the aliens.

Drake hearing the offer said, "Wait, let me think about it for a while."


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