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Chapter 52

Eva felt her heart beat faster. She bent down to the level of the children, who watched her with admiration, to take them in her arms.

"Mommy, mommy, we miss you so much!" the triplets said tenderly.

Eva lovingly stroked their heads. She held them close to her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her breathing became labored.

She sighed to see her firstborns, the ones who gave her the joy of being a mother.

"I missed them so much, my darlings, I missed them madly." Eva looked into their tender eyes and caressed their cheeks. The joy in her heart was great. "You can't imagine how much I love you, with all my soul."

Fernanda, who was the most sensitive, took her mother in both hands and kissed her on the forehead as a sign of love. Her eyes were watery.

"I love you, Mom, I missed you too much. Daddy, he slept with us every night so we wouldn't miss you so much, but I thought about you every day." Eva looked at Fernanda. She was taller and much wiser. The little woman was growing up so quickly.

"I love you too, daughter, I love you with my soul."

"And we love you," the boys said in unison.

"Do you want to meet your little brothers?" asked Eva excitedly, wiping her cheeks.

"Yes!" they shouted together.

Demetrio walked up to them and they greeted him as if it had been a long time since they had seen him. The paternal bond had grown a lot after a year. He sat them down on the couch so that Guillermo could put the twins on his lap.

"She's beautiful, she looks just like me," Fernanda exclaimed in admiration as she looked at the little girl in his arms.

"We already have someone to do our chores for us," the twins said excitedly.

Eva looked at Demetrio and together they burst into laughter.

"Don't move, I'm going to take a picture," Guillermo asked when he saw the children together, as they always should have been.

"Daughter!" cried Luisa as she approached her daughter. Right behind her was Romana, holding a handkerchief to wipe away tears from the emotion of seeing Eva again.

"Mama!" Eva ran into her mother's arms, who hugged her affectionately and then embraced Ramona, who continued to cry.

Demetrio watched them all. He thanked God that his family could be reunited.

That night, the five of them slept together, hugging each other. Demetrio woke every hour in despair. The whole time Eva had been gone; he had been so afraid that he still couldn't believe she was close to him again.

"I thought it was a dream, that they were with me again," she sighed when he saw her at his side. He looked at his little family, all sleeping peacefully, and prayed to God to let him be like this forever.

He went downstairs to get a glass of water. He was drinking from his glass when he felt Evangelina's hands encircling his naked back, making his skin bristle and his heart pound.

He turned with a jerk to see Eva's sweet eyes looking up at him, biting his lips, and understood that he was looking for the woman there.

"I thought you were asleep," she said, caressing his face.

"I looked for you in the bed and didn't find you, so I came to see what you were doing, I don't want you to be able to leave my side."

Demetrio smiled mischievously.

"Is that it or are you horny?"

Eva opened her lips in surprise, reached past him and pulled a strawberry yogurt out of the refrigerator, which she began to open mischievously.

Demetrio curled his lips into a pout.

"Eva!" she giggled as she let some of the yogurt bounce off his cheeks and then licked it with her tongue.

"Did you see what you did?" he asked, pulling down his boxer shorts and dancing with his friend, who immediately jumped up and down.

Eva bit her lips with desire and immediately bent over, leaving Demetrius surprised at her stance. She poured some yogurt and began to suck with pleasure.

"Ah, fuck Eva!" the Italian exclaimed, stroking Anderson's short black hair as he parted his lips in a half gasp.

He looked down to see what he was doing and found Eva looking up at him with lust from below.

He smiled as he moved her hair and, in a few minutes, he felt his glans explode. Eva drank all of his juice and smiled as she watched Demetrio roll his eyes in excitement.

She stood up shaking. Her panties were soaked and she could barely breathe. She leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Now it's your turn." Demetrio licked his lips.

One week later.

Eva was ready to return to the company. Eager to resume all her activities, she had taken the babies from her breasts, she had a lot of unfinished business and it was time to get started. Demetrio had gone ahead and she had to catch up. She looked at her silhouette in the mirror. She looked radiant, although she would have liked her hair to be longer, but she thought it would grow out later. She remembered Santino and a thick feeling surrounded her, but she thought to erase those feelings from her mind that hurt her so much.

After saying goodbye to her children, she went to the office. Everyone looked at her with admiration and greeted her with joy. Eva did the same. When she got to her office, she thought about going to Demetrio's first, but she didn't and went to hers to find an unpleasant surprise.

"Who are you?" she asked, looking at a woman with fine features and brown hair. She was very beautiful.

The girl smiled sweetly and approached her.

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Evangelina, I am Mr. Laurenti's secretary." Eva blinked several times, not understanding the words of the girl, who smiled tenderly, turned her steps with an arched brow and walked to Demetrio's office, which she entered hastily.

"I can explain," Demetrio said calmly with his hands. Eva looked at the blonde annoyed as she crossed her arms.

"What about Filibert? Or rather, why does she have my office?" she said, her face red with anger.

Demetrio stood up quickly.

"My dear, she's about to move into the other office, calm down, it's just that I didn't have time to tell you this week." Eva crossed her arms.

"Demetrio, and why isn't Filibert here? He was your assistant," she turned red with anger.

"Filibert is in Russia, doing your work, Eva, I had to send him, I didn't know who else to tell, the company has grown a lot, we have many more employees and branches."

"But a woman?" The redhead gritted her teeth.

"Eva, stop being jealous, for God's sake, dear, I'm not the Don Juan of old," he smiled calmly.

"I don't know, I don't know what you've done in a year."

"What are you implying?" Demetrio's brow arched in annoyance; did she think he had betrayed her? "You're wrong my love, you're the only woman in my life, at this point you shouldn't distrust me, we've been through a lot, Evangelina Anderson."

Eva approached Demetrio. He was right, but she was very jealous and she couldn't help it. Demetrio was a Don Juan, she saw him with many women and no matter how much she wanted to, the feeling of belonging she felt for him would not go away.

She hugged him to relax him and kissed his lips.

"I'm sorry love, it's just that I love you so much, now that we're together and happy, I don't want anything or anyone to spoil our happiness."

Demetrio pulled her arm to kiss her.

"Nothing will come between us, Eva, we have overcome a lot and now no one can hurt us, just trust me." Eva nodded her head.

That day Eva worked with Demetrio in his office, the girl had to move into Eva's old office when she was a secretary. Although Eva still felt uncomfortable with her, there was something about Monica that bothered her and she couldn't figure out what it was.

It was late at night when they got home. Eva kicked off her heels in the driveway to go inside. She was tired. She had had a hard day, going through all the unfinished business of the company over the last year was a lot.

She turned on the light to see a little, everything was paid for and she couldn't see a thing.

"Demetrio, where is everybody?" She asked Demetrio who was standing behind her when he heard a loud bustle.

"Surprise!" Eva stood still. They were all there, and apparently it was her birthday.

"Happy birthday, my love." He looked at Demetrius, who smiled at her indulgently.

With all the time she had been out of memory, she didn't know it was her birthday.

Everyone came over to congratulate her. There were several of Demetrio's employees there, those whom Demetrio trusted. They were mostly executives and engineers. Plus, the Chinese partners and Alexander.

"Eva, my dear, happy birthday, I'm so glad you're well and with your family," Alexander greeted her.

Anderson was overcome with emotion and gave the Russian a big hug. She was very grateful to him for everything he had done.

"Thank you, Alex, I'm really very surprised, I didn't know it was my birthday." Demetrius circled her back, marking his territory a bit. They were just as jealous, though they would try to deny it.

"I heard about Santino, I'm so sorry." Anderson lowered his gaze.

"We'd better talk about happy things, we're all going to the garden. I have prepared a party with karaoke, not only to celebrate his birthday, but also to celebrate that my wife is here with me and that our love has finally triumphed."

Eva looked up to kiss him on the lips.

They all went out into the garden. Everything was perfectly decorated that day

Two big tables with different appetizers and, as Demetrio said, a dance floor with live music. There were more people in the garden, including Monica, which Eva found annoying, but she didn't want to ruin the party.

The kids were with Jade and Ramona at one of the tables. The twins were with Guillermo and Luisa.

Eva greeted everyone, then sat down to have a glass of wine when she felt someone sit down next to her.

"Eva, forgive me for talking about you." Eva turned her eyes to Monica. "I brought you this present." Eva smiled hypocritically, there was something about her that bothered him. She took the small gift and thanked her.

The girl stayed at her side, which bothered Eva a little, but she didn't want to be rude.

"Attention, attention." Antonio's voice came through the microphone. "Today is a special day, we are happy because today is the birthday of our friend Evangelina Anderson de Laureti, besides we all know that she was absent and the suffering of Demetrio's crybaby was unbearable." Demetrio looked at him angrily, and everyone burst out laughing.

"Demetrio loves you very much, doesn't he?" Eva looked at the girl.

"Madly." A grimace formed on the woman's lips, "And you, Monica, do you have a boyfriend?" Anderson asked curiously.

"No, I am waiting for a beautiful and good man to come into my life." Eva sipped her wine. "Just like Demetrio." Anderson coughed at that moment.

What did that idiot say!!!

She wanted to ask him, but Laureti's voice into the microphone pulled her out of her rage.

"Eva, my love, I want you to know that I love you very much and I am happy that you are here with me and our children." Eva smiled as she saw Demetrio spectacularly on stage, nervous and with his eyes on her. "Today, like last time, I want to ask you to marry me and to be happy at my side."

Eva got up from her chair and walked over to him, who took her hand tenderly.

"Of course, I accept your love," she said, and Demetrius put the ring back on her finger.

Eva looked at the ring with joy. It was the same ring as the last time.

"It should never have left your hands," he said and kissed her lips.

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