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Chapter 55

Eva stood motionless beside the stairs. A terrible urge to vomit came over her. Had she been living in a world of lies? And what would she have to suffer now? Demetrius looked at her again, pale, and barely able to breathe.

"Eva, my love," he whispered.

A tear fell on Evangelina's face, while Monica rejoiced with joy.

"What did she say?" she asked, her voice choking.

It had only been one day since their wedding, only yesterday they had been on their honeymoon, spending their best days together, and now this.

"It's not what you think, I can explain," was the only thing that came out of the Italian's mouth.

"I'm pregnant Eva, I'm so sorry you found out this way, but I couldn't allow my child to be left fatherless just because Demetrio doesn't have the balls to say he slept with me when you were kidnapped," Monica spat victoriously as she saw Demetrio's perfect world fall apart.

Eva glared at Demetrio with hatred. A lump formed in her throat, was it true what she said?

Her head hurt from all the questions she was asking herself at that moment.

"Tell me this is not possible, Demetrio Laureti," she exclaimed, moved.

Demetrio looked at her, red with rage, and turned to Monica.

"You know very well that night didn't happen," he insisted.

"It happened, to me it happened, it's not my bloody fault that you don't remember it!" Monica's shrill voice was like a drill to Eva, and the more she talked, the more she felt like she wanted to die.

Eva ran up the stairs, she could not breathe, and she could barely speak.

"Eva!" shouted Demetrio as he ran after her. "Get out of my house, Monica," he shouted through clenched teeth before running up the stairs.

Monica smiled. She was going to get her way, and with it, revenge for what had been done to Santino. She would ruin this relationship and avenge her brother's death in any way she could.

Eva's body was tired from so much pain. She threw herself onto the bed, sobbing. Would she never be happy? Was the question she asked herself at that moment.

The urge to vomit came over her. She ran to the bathroom to do so when she heard a knock at the door.

"Eva, my love, please let me explain!" Anderson snorted, what did he have to explain? Was what he thought at that moment.

She had left everything for him, she was the mother of his children, and now, when it was only her turn to be happy, she realized that he had never changed and was still as promiscuous as ever.

She put her hands to her head, which hurt terribly as she cried inconsolably.

"Go away, Demetrio, get out of here, I want nothing to do with you!" she shouted from the other side of the door.

Demetrio felt a pang in his heart at that moment. He loved Eva and he would never fail her, he was sure of that.

"My love, let me explain," his voice sounded so far away that Eva could hardly hear it.

"What do you want to explain, Laureti? Are you telling me it is all a lie? That she is not pregnant. And that you have not slept with her? Do you take me for a fool!" she cried angrily.

"My love, it's true, please listen to me."

Eva opened the door angrily. Her eyes were red, and she could hardly breathe.

Demetrio tried to reach for her hand. It hurt him to see her like this, when only a few days ago they had been so happy.

"Let go of me! You are leaving my house. Because this is my house and the house of my children, I am your wife now and I have the right to everything you have."

Demetrio stood still, barely able to breathe and unable to understand the redhead's words.

"Eva, don't do this, my love, yes," he whispered with shining eyes on the verge of tears.

With all the pain in her soul, Eva stuffed all the clothes into the Italian's suitcase and took him out of the room.

"I never want to see you again in my life. You know how much this hurts me," she cried, her voice barely audible. "That while I was struggling to remember you in Italy, with a psychopath I thought was my husband, who turned out to be my best friend, and an obsessive one at that," her voice cracked. "You were rolling around with another woman, why did you seek me out, Demetrio Laureti?"

Demetrio felt a sharp pain in his chest, he was a healthy man, but the pain of losing Evangelina caused him severe pain.

He left the room clutching his chest. Guillermo, who had heard everything and was waiting on the stairs to talk to him, saw him rolling on the floor.

He rushed to him, barely able to speak.

"Demetrio! Demetrio!" she shouted as soon as Eva came out of the room. Panic took over her mind as she saw him rolling around in pain.

"Demetrio, what's wrong?" she asked nervously. "Dad, Dad, we have to take him to the doctor, call one of the drivers to get him in the van, quick!" she cried nervously.

A few hours later, Demetrio received urgent treatment. He had suffered a pre-infarction due to strong emotions. Eva was sipping a cappuccino in the hallway when she saw Monica arrive at reception. Her body tightened at the sight of her, and an immense rage came over her when she heard her.

"What room is Demetrio Laureti in?" she asked the receptionist.

"Are you related?" the girl manning the desk asked kindly.

"I'm the mother of one of his children," the bastard said with a smile.

Eva was not known to be a nice person, she never was. She approached the girl with a murderous stare and pulled her arm.

"Who do you think you are?" she sat in her face with contempt.

"Let go of me Eva, I'm pregnant!" Eva raised an angry eyebrow.

"Whose?" Monica's cheeks turned red at that moment.

"How so?" she asked doubtfully.

"Who the hell are you pregnant by?" She asked her again with his haughty look. Monica wanted to answer, but Eva would not let her. "I mean, because I know women like you very well, they're such bitches, they don't get off with just one man, and even less if they're married with five children!" she shouted angrily.

Monica felt as if she could not breathe.

"Look, stupid," she let go of his grip. "Demetrio will have to answer for my son and marry me because I was a virgin when I was with him, okay?"

Eva looked at her with a smile on her lips. Even though she felt like she was suffocating with anger now.

"You better get out of here, Demetrio Laureti's only woman is me!" she shouted.

"I don't think so, my dear, I'm leaving, but I'll be back."

She brushed past Eva, who felt horribly nauseated by the foul perfume the girl wore.

"And I want you out of my company," Eva said hatefully.

The girl turned away, clenching her fists. Did she have the right to chase her away?

"You're not my boss!" she shouted in the middle of the hospital room.

Just then Antonio arrived with Luisa and Jade.

"What are you doing, Monica?" he asked the woman who was arguing with Eva as if she were one of his own.

"This little woman wants to drive me out of the company and I'm not going to let her leave my son without a job and without his father, he has a right to that too."

Antonio's eyes widened like saucers.

"I thought that was clear." Eva looked at Antonio. Did he even know?

"What do you mean, Antonio, you knew?" she asked, confused.

Eva felt her cheeks blush at that moment. She was on the verge of bursting from all that had happened.

"Everything has an explanation Eva, I will give it to you and to you Monica," he turned to the woman taking her by the arm. "Eva is Demetrio's wife, and when she says you're leaving the company, get your things ready," he explained as he pulled her out of the hospital.

Eva combed her short hair with her hands, trying to breathe. A few days ago, she had been the happiest woman in the world, and now she felt like her world was falling into a million pieces.

"Now you can tell me what's going on." Luisa hugged Eva to reassure her, as the girl looked as if she might fall at any moment.

"When Santino kidnapped you, Demetrio was desperate. The business dealings in Russia, plus your disappearance, plunged him into despair. Demetrio was at a loss, he had to send Filibert to Russia on your behalf and also hire a new secretary."

Eva crossed her arms impatiently. <What's that got to do with it,> she thought, annoyed.

"After a few months, when he had already been operated on, I invited Demetrio for a drink. He was in a bad way, he had been told that day that you were not in the United States, and he felt that he would never meet you."

"Speak up, Antonio! What does it have to do with Demetrio having a child with that broad?" she asked angrily.

"Eva, that night Demetrio drank too much and when he woke up, he was in a hotel with Monica. He says he doesn't remember anything, but the sheets in the room were stained with blood."

A pain settled in Eva's chest. Demetrio was her husband, and the mere thought of him with another woman hurt, and a lot.

"I understand," she whispered, trying to breathe.

"Eva, if I were you, I'd wait for the baby she says needs to be born." Eva looked at Jade who had intervened. "Demetrio loves you madly, we as well as your parents are witnesses of the great love, he has for you and how he fought to find you, besides that your children would not be in need."

Eve looked at nothing, what should she do, leave the man she loved or wait and not be defeated now that they were about to stop suffering?

"Besides, Demetrio told her to forgive him, that he didn't know what he was doing, that your absence drove him mad, that he didn't remember anything, and she agreed to forget everything. That is why it seems strange to me that he is coming out with this now, it's been two months," Eva sighed.


When Demetrio opened his eyes, he was in hospital. Several machines were attached to his heart.

He desperately searched everywhere when he realized what had happened and the person sleeping next to him was cold.

"Oh, my love, in spite of so much pain you are here with me. Forgive me my love, I did not want it to happen like this," he whispered, "I'm a fool for not telling you all this before. But I was afraid, I was afraid this would happen, to see you crying and suffering like this. But relax, my love, I will do everything I can to clear this up.

The next morning Laureti was released. Eva was with him all the time, but she did not speak to him, which hurt Demetrio.

Massimo and Antonio helped him up to his room. Demetrio could not exert himself or get excited, let alone have strong emotions.

"Ramona, please take the pill to the gentleman and make sure he takes his medicine," Eva ordered.

When the room was empty, Eva decided to leave. It suffocated her soul to be near Demetrio and not be able to hug him because of everything he was going through.

"Eva, please, let's talk," he held her arm.

Eva looked up at Demetrio with eyes on the verge of tears.

"Please, let me take all this in," she pleaded, her eyes shining.

Demetrio watched her for several seconds, then nodded his head. It was not easy, but he had to accept that Eve was broken, and that he was the cause.

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