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Chapter 60

The final.

They had organized a big party with all the entrepreneurs from the different Laureti companies. Demetrio had three companies, one for Android and iOS devices and others for apps and video games.

Eva was just getting dressed when Demetrio entered the room and slapped her hard on the bottom.

"You owe me a rematch," he muttered, arching an eyebrow.

Eva smiled and kissed her Italian. She met his gaze with those blue eyes that drove her so crazy.

"Mr. Arrogant," she whispered against his lips.

"Miss Evangelina," Demetrio said with a sideways smile, the only one he knew how to give.

"I think I can give you that revenge tonight, now that I can't give birth, I feel free in your arms, free to sin and scream your name." Demetrius smiled and kissed her. He loved her witticisms and her beautiful way of saying things, she looked sexual.

"Come on my love, don't make me leave this blissful party and throw myself desperately into your arms," he replied, slipping his hands under Eva's short royal blue dress to rub her intimacy.

"Ah, Demetrio Laureti, you'd better save that for another day," she quickly removed her hand as she kissed his lips passionately.

Demetrio smiled with pleasure. He loved to see her moan under his body or his hands or his tongue, it showed her that she was his and his alone, forever.

He adjusted his suit, the same color as Eva's, then combed her hair as he looked into her eyes in the mirror. Eva hated that he was so cocky, but she also found his manner sexy.

"Get out of the room!" she scolded him, a little jealous that he still had another girl looking at him for his beauty, which he was sure he would have more than one after him at this party, the way he was dressed and styled.

"Calm down, wild man, this little friend is yours." Eva looked at him and continued to comb her long hair. After a while it had grown a little longer and now it looked just like before.

She put on her heels and walked out, following Demetrio.

By the time they reached the large hall, there were more than a thousand people there, including executives, cleaners and secretaries.

Eva entered holding the Italian's hand. All the cameras were on them, dedicated to investigating this relationship that had gone on for so long and that had begun with a simple secretary-boss contract.

Demetrio, however, did not want to show much to the press. He greeted them, said a few words and left without looking at them.

Once inside, they went to the table where Massimo was sitting with Camille, who was about five months pregnant.

"How's grandpa, dad?" Demetrio teased his father, which Massimo resented and ended up annoying the whole party.

"Stop it," Eva shouted, giving Demetrio a hard elbow that made him fall over.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha," laughed Camille, who was very sweet and always laughed at the Italian's bad jokes.

"Don't worry, in-law, if you look thirty," Eva exclaimed, greeting Massimo with a big kiss on the lips.

Massimo smiled studiedly, only to have that smile wiped away by the next thing the company's arrogant CEO, Laureti, said.

"On each leg," the blue-eyed man shouted, making everyone laugh, including Massimo, who couldn't help but smile.

Just then Antonio arrived, holding Jade's hand. It had been a few months since they had finally gotten married, putting an end to Antonio's promiscuity.

"How do I look in this suit?" asked Antonio as soon as he arrived at the table.

"You look like a ranger, ha ha ha." Massimo laughed out loud. "You're the green one, the least popular."

Everyone turned to look at Massimo as he laughed, he rarely did, and when he did, it wasn't like that.

Massimo swallowed hard in disguise. No one could see his tender side; it made him look weak to others.

"Pay attention, my wife is going to give this year's speech," Demetrio said, turning his eyes to the beautiful woman who had been his secretary and who was now not only his partner in several businesses, but also the mother of his children and his wife.

Eva came on stage. She looked sexy in that dress and her beautiful flowing hair that made her look like a princess.

"Good evening," she said into the microphone. "I have come before you, managers, engineers, cleaning staff and everyone present from Laureti Corporate, to thank each and every one of you for the performance and growth we have achieved over the past few years. Laureti is not only one of the best app companies in the country and in Italy, but also in different parts of the world. For this reason, I have come to thank them for being part of the hard work, because although they tried to make us fall, we are on our feet".

"She's quite a poet," Antonio mused mockingly. "Who would have thought that your ugly secretary would become your wife?" Demetrio nodded his head as he stood up at his wife's beckoning.

He smiled in her direction and stepped onto the dais.

"Thank you, this is for you, Laureti Corporate." Everyone stood and applauded.

Eva took Demetrio's hand, she wanted to say so many things, but in the end she couldn't get any of them out.

"Demetrio, aside from this celebration for all the business, I want to thank you for being a part of my life during this great journey that has passed us by." Demetrio looked at Eva, who was on the verge of tears. Her eyes were sparkling at that moment. "We have laughed, we have cried, we have suffered, but we are together and we love each other with all our hearts."

Demetrio grabbed Eva's waist, pulled her close to him and kissed her, biting her lips a little.

"I love you, my beautiful secretary," he murmured.

They both left the stage holding hands. Eva invited Demetrio onto the dance floor.

Soft music moved his body to the beat.

"Thank you for being part of my life Eva, if you knew what I have been through, what I have lived before you, you have definitely come to brighten my world, my dear secretary."

"I love you, my love," Eva whispered in his ear at the same moment Demetrio turned her around.

Suddenly Eva found herself in a strange place. She looked at the man in front of her with a furrowed brow. It was him, it was Demetrio, dressed exactly the same as the day she met him.

She nervously went to a mirror to look at her reflection and was transfixed by what her eyes saw, it was her, wearing glasses, her hair pulled back and her braces.

Demetrio cleared his throat in confusion.

"Excuse me, are you Evangelina Anderson?" he asked.

Eva stood still, staring at her Italian in front of him.

"Yes, I am Evangelina Anderson and I am the millionaire's ugly secretary."

The end.

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