Chapter 3


I kicked my door shut a little more forcefully than was necessary, angry that all my efforts so far at finding a job had yielded absolutely no results. It was exactly a week and one day today since I'd moved into this tiny apartment with the hope of having a fresh start. So far the only thing I could describe as fresh was the tears that streamed down my face every night before I slept.

Tossing my bag on the coffee table after taking out my phone, I began dialing a local pizza place to place my order. I hadn't expected moving here to be easy or to even help me with the heartbreak I was currently going through but I'd hoped that it would at least help me take my mind off things. And in a good way.

I walked my phone and my bag to my room, putting on my laptop the instant I got to my bed. I turned on the internet even though the network here was shitty and began browsing through online job ads. I paused my fingers over the keys, an ad catching my attention.

It was a receptionist job for some sort of hotel and the proposed pay was quite good. I bit my lip, wondering if I should apply for it. I'd never worked as a receptionist in all of my twenty six years on earth. I didn't think it was difficult though. You basically just smiled at people and gave them directions on what part of the building to visit to fulfill whatever purposes for which they had come.

Finally deciding to click the link, I heard a knock sound on my door. Picking up my wallet, I stalked to get my pizza. If I didn't find a job soon then I was definitely going to end up getting evicted before I even got to pay my rent twice. I got the soda I'd bought earlier from the mini fridge and made my way back to my room.

I finished with the online interview for the receptionist job and then moved on to other sites to see what available offers I could find. Three online interviews later, I got a notification in my mail. Almost absent mindedly, I proceeded to check it out, my mouth hanging open when I saw what it was.

The hotel had sent me a semi-congratulatory message, also attaching extra details about the location and stuff for me to go over. I ran my eyes hurriedly over the mail, my whole body humming with excitement. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I'd gotten the freaking job!

Moving my laptop from its position on my lap to the bed, I rose to my feet and began my infamous victory dance. Suddenly, things were looking like they could actually work out. I felt a surge of true happiness for the first time since I'd found out what a cheating bastard my fiance was.

Quickly accepting the job offer, I made a mental note of the time I was supposed to be at the hotel the next day for a physical meet up. Though the pay was quite nice, I doubted it would be enough for me to pay my bills and still live as comfortably as I wanted. I still had to find an extra job that would pay nearly the same amount as this one.

I shook my head and quickly halted the direction of my thoughts, determined to simply focus and be happy about the fact that I'd gotten this job. Whatever happened next was going to happen with or without me worrying and overthinking it. I opened a new tab on my laptop and googled the basic things to know about being a receptionist.

Turns out it was a little more complicated than I'd thought.

I didn't even bother trying to locate the hotel on my own the next morning. I couldn't risk ending up in a ditch somewhere and missing out on what was such a golden opportunity, it was basically a miracle. I had googled the hotel early this morning. The Enchanted Garden it seemed was a luxurious five star hotel.

I was at the point of figuring out why they didn't already have a receptionist in their employ when I realized it was absolutely none of my business. I stared out the window at the massive building the cab driver had killed the engine in front of.

Paying him the fare, I walked out and stood motionless for a few seconds, simply taking it all in. I didn't believe I had ever stepped foot in such an expensive looking hotel before. I looked down at my skirt, button down shirt and heeled sandals, praying that I was rightfully dressed for the occasion.

I walked into the building, my heart instantly dropping when I noticed someone standing behind the front desk. I wondered if I was too late and they had already given away the position. Inhaling a steadying breath, I trudged towards the brunette.

"Hi," I greeted, giving her a small smile which she happily returned. Shit, I thought. If this was the new hire then she obviously had her game on. She had only smiled at me but somehow that was enough to put me at ease and make me feel welcomed. "I'm here for Frankie Gale."

The brunette looked down at her computer and then back up. "Do you have an appointment set up with her?" She asked politely, typing away on her keyboard. I took in the priceless art pieces in the building, already knowing that whoever owned the hotel had to be filthy rich.

I gave her a small nod. "Yes, I do." I stated, replying to her question. She typed away at her keyboard some more before giving me directions to her office. I thanked her and began making my way up the spiral stairs. Once again, I felt like I was wasting my time going through with this.

They obviously already had a receptionist, and one who actually looked to be competent in her job. I didn't understand why they seemed to be searching for someone else.

I managed to find Frankie's room, with the word secretary written boldly on a placard. I knocked twice before twisting the door knob and walking in after I'd been asked to come in. Like the rest of the hotel, her office was spacious and beautiful, different paintings and murals lining the walls.

A dark haired woman sat behind a desk, black framed glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. She had on a straight knee length gown and black stilettos. Even without makeup on, she looked absolutely stunning in a sexy nerd kind of way.

"Are you Sierra Lane?" She asked, pushing her seat with the back of her knees and rising to her feet. She was an inch taller than me in her heels, her movements fluid and confident. She motioned for me to take a seat in front of her desk after I'd accepted her hand shake.

"I am," I finally replied, having a seat. She sat back down and then studied me silently for a minute in a way that got me a little on edge. Her head tilted ever so slightly to the side and she looked to be having some sort of debate in her head.

Again, I wondered why I was even here in the first place and if there was something I was missing. Maybe I hadn't read the ad properly and it hadn't been a vacancy for a receptionist. Or maybe the receptionist had been some kind of undercover and I was meant to have read the words backwards or some shit.

She motioned for me to hand over my files. I stretched my arms, giving them to her. I didn't know a single file inside that could help me secure the job. There was no document indicating that I had worked as a receptionist anywhere before.

The closest thing I'd come to being a receptionist is bartending, and I'd quickly rang the owner up and asked for a letter of recommendation. It seemed like a smart thing to do.

"How old are you?" Frankie asked, briefly giving me her undivided attention. I discreetly released a steadying breath, preparing myself for the physical interview. I replied that I had just turned twenty six some weeks back.

There was a moment of silence before she asked another question. She wanted to know if I knew anything at all about being a receptionist. Someone had obviously caught on to the fact that I'd never worked as a receptionist before. Funny how she didn't think to ask that yesterday. She had even seemed a little desperate.

I ranted off a few of the things that I'd learnt from my Google search last night. I tried to somehow non verbally communicate that I was definitely able to handle the job though if the lady outside truly was their receptionist then I doubted that I had much on me to beat that.

The interview continued for a few more minutes. I got a bit confused at some point when she began asking rather personal questions then I figured that I had no work experience she could possibly ask about.

When she was apparently satisfied with my answer she rang someone. My heart raced as I listened to her side of the conversation even though I made a point of taking in the decor of her office. I fixed my gaze back on her as she rounded up the conversation.

"Someone is going to take you to the store to get your work clothes," She informed me a little excitedly . I kept a straight face despite wanting to let out a piercing scream. I still couldn't believe it. I'd seriously gotten the job. Like for real. "Can you begin work now?"

I couldn't hide my surprise. Did she seriously want me to begin immediately? I quickly tried to remember if I had any pressing needs back at home that I needed to attend to. Coming up with nothing, I gave her a small nod in reply. "I can."

She fell back on her seat, a huge sigh of relief escaping her, finally letting go of the whole professionalism thing she had going on. She stared at me, a smile on her face.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that," She confessed. "Steph isn't exactly supposed to be at the front desk." She explained. "And even though she won't admit it I knew she would rather go back to handling the accounts."

It took me a second to realize that Steph must be the brunette lady at the counter. She really had been welcoming for someone who was only just temporarily handling the position.

"I'm happy to start immediately," I assured her, masking that I was infact absolutely delighted to be starting now. A knock sounded on the door then and she asked whoever was on the other side to come in. A broad shouldered man walked in with a little brown haired kid.

"Aunt Frankie!" The boy called out, a wide grin on his face. He released his hand from the man's grip and ran towards her. She stood up to receive his warm hug, ruffling his hair and grinning just as widely. I couldn't help smiling myself when he slapped her hand off his hair.

Frankie turned her attention to the man, nodding her head at him in acknowledgement. "Thanks Dave," She told him. He gave her a nod of his own, fixing his eyes on me briefly before exiting the room.

The boy plopped down on Frankie's seat and tried to arrange his hair, fixing his attention on me. I stared back, fixing my gaze intently on him as well. We seemed to be locked In a silent eye battle, both of us not blinking as Frankie proceeded to properly close the door.

The kid was a little intimidating. He tilted his head to the side, staring at me like he was trying to figure me out. Suddenly, his lips broke out in a wide grin. I felt my heart cave at how cute he looked. Giving him a smile of my own, I winked at him, feeling ridiculously happy that I had passed whatever test that has been.

Just as Frankie took a step in our direction, a knock sounded on her door again and she turned to see who it was. There was a short lady on the other side. She seemed to be older than both Frankie and I.

"Jenna will take you to the store," Frankie said, directing her attention to me. I took as my cue that I was done here and rose to my feet. The little boy, looking to be about five or six years old waved his hands at me. I waved back at him, thanked Frankie and then trailed behind Jenna.

I was finally getting my life back on track.

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