Chapter 6


This day has started well for me. Mum had called me early in the morning with some good news and the excitement had made whatever sleep I had to flee.

I push open the large windows in my bedroom enjoying the lightening sky outside. The cold wind not so much. Brian had spent the night at his friend’s place so I have the place all to myself this morning.

If only his mother was still alive; we would be having a sensuous morning together, cuddling up in each other’s arms. A mix of conflicting hormones coursed through my body. First was sadness as it hit me that she wasn’t alive and the next was the sensation of stirring in my groin.

Despite the biting, someone has decided to arise. I adjusted my silk pajamas but the sensation of the material just aroused me farther. I tried to think of other things but my mind decided to pick on the lady at the coffee shop.

“I think it is time for a cold shower,” I shouted out loud and headed to the bathroom before things got out of hand.

An hour later, I was heading to the first of many meetings; all of which are related to the upcoming gala. Some of the attendees I have to personally follow up on their RSVPs.

It was late afternoon when I finally walked through the doors of The Enchanted Garden. The doorman gave me a small nod of acknowledgement as he closed the door behind me.

He was one of the few staff who treated me as a normal human being.

I looked at the foyer and was mildly surprised to see a new face at the reception desk. She was talking on the phone then hung up and attended to the man in front of her.

As usual I passed through the security booth, emptying my pockets. I passed through the scanner, collected my keys and watch. If they had their way they would pass me through without being searched but I had to set an example for everyone.

I approached the desk to hear her welcome Michael Justins to the hotel. He was a regular guest but one of the most difficult ones. Last time, he had complained about the air-conditioning in the room. I’ll have Frankie do a follow up on his stay.

“Hi, are you the new receptionist?” I asked. She was too busy writing, so she didn’t look up, instead she just nodded in response.

“Please look up.” I said, hiding my trace of irritation.

My eyes widened when she looked up, and so did hers.

At that moment, my voice stuck in my throat but I held my gaze, questioning her.

Damnit Jayden, you are her boss. With those words I composed myself.

“Uhm.” I started, my voice dry and patched. I wanted to ask her for a bottle of water that I knew were kept at the desk. But I knew she’d know I’m nervous. “You work here now?”

I mentally slapped myself for asking such an obvious question.

She nodded yes.

“Oh, good.” I uttered attempting to act casual. “It’s so nice to meet you here again. Particularly because we’ll meet more often.” I realised that I had said too much already.

I coughed lightly. “My name is Jayden, this is my hotel.”

I stretched out my hand. She muttered wow and I wondered if it was because of the size of my hand or what.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Sierra.” She replied shaking my hand and smiling back at me. I couldn’t resist and felt my smile widen.

“I’ll see you around, Sierra. It’s so good to have you here.”

I headed down the corridor and took a left leading to my office. I could feel her gaze watch me. I entered my office using a side door to avoid bumping into Frankie and Brian. I wouldn’t want them to see me in such a state.

I went straight to the wooden cabinet and pulled out a whiskey glass, pouring out half a glass of 18 year aged Scotch. I gulped it down in one gulp, feeling the hot burning sensation going down my throat joining my already stirring loins.

The main door opened and Brian rushed in smiling at me. He hugged me then quickly jumped aside. The little rascal made me miss his head.

“How was school today?”

“Nothing new, just the usual. Oh yes I need you to sign for next month’s trip,” he rummaged in his bag and handed me a white envelope sealed with the school’s crest.

I took a letter opener from my desk, slit the envelope then pulled out the letter. I read it and signed my permission. It looks like I will have two weeks to myself, I thought as I sealed the letter in my own brand of envelopes.

“What about our trip, are we still going this weekend?” he asked as he took the permission slip. I could hear a little uncertainty in his voice. I pulled him close to me and hugging him tightly.

“Nothing will make me cancel the plan, I promise.” I ruffled his hair before he could pull away. It always made me happy doing that.

It reminded me of how dad used to do that to me up until when he passed away. He did it because I hated it as a child and teen. But later I started loving it and always looked forward to it though I’d act like I hated it.

“Enough dad,” he whined and wriggled out of my arms. He straightened his hair and stuck his tongue out. He opened the door almost bumping into Frankie on his way out.

Frankie walked in, “I didn’t hear you come in.”

I knew she was lying, and she knew I knew it too. She handed me some papers that I read then put aside.

“I see you got someone very quickly,” I said looking at her.

She nodded, “She applied yesterday and was ready to start on the spot. She doesn’t have much experience but she clearly knows how to handle—”

The sound of raised voices travelled down the hallway cutting Frankie off.

“Where is the bloody, office,” a loud voice shouted.

Frankie quickly dashed out of the office. I could hear Sierra’s voice trying to calm the irate person.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. I had expected this but first I am going to let those two handle it as much as they could. The shouting got louder and I shook my head.

I debated whether to down another shot of scotch but I decided to take water instead. Just as I unscrewed the cap the door opened slightly.

Frankie’s head popped in and she anxiously said, “Sir, I think you are needed.”

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