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Chapter 23: shooting day

Veronica's POV

"Which one is my room?"

"That one" Monica replies

"It's private right?" I ask and she simply nods,

I walk to the make-up room thanking Monica that she got me a private one. After last night's dream, I'm kinda beat and I needed to make sure I don't look tired or restless in any kind. I don't want to mess up my first shoot because of one dream.

I got inside the room and sat in front of the mirror looking at myself, although I didn't have any dark circles, my eyes still looked tired. I can't shoot like this, they'll know something is bothering me and Marlin is really strict it doesn't matter if she had a thing for me once but when it comes to work she is really professional.

I think I need some eyedrops and maybe a hot coffee.

I texted Monica to bring me the stuff while I try on some fittings for the shoot. This time she decided on a spring look so their crafting with fashion was very finessed.

Each look was well versed and they expected nothing but perfection which means me. Not mean to sound arrogant or something but when it comes to modeling I'm a perfectionist. If there's one thing I love about my life it's Modeling.

Although I'm taking my time away from the runway shows doing cover shoots doesn't mean less work. I want to do everything perfectly and honestly. Opera decided to choose me for their newest collection in spite of the controversy that only means they know my worth or they are just playing loose ends with the rating stuff.

Either of those has me in it and that concludes my objective. A model, not more than that, not less than that.

I push back those insecure thoughts and focus on the hanger of dresses in front of me. Not that I don't enjoy any self-critical thoughts but right now I got a shoot and I can't afford to mess it up because of one lusty dream.

I focus my attention on the designer clothes making vivid attempts to forget about that dream, I don't know how am I supposed to face him after actually seeing the image of me and him on the bed.

As soon as I think about our position on the bed my heart immediately starts thumping and I feel like a seventeen-year-old girl who blushes when her crush's name is mentioned " get a grip Veronica" I bit my lip,

I walk to the other end of the room where all the dresses were placed and gently view them.

Spring shirts, halter tops, off-shoulders, and other varieties of blouses were placed on the left side of the room. The pants collection was in the center and the right had jewelry.

I've got my share of selected outfits starting from a wide collection of beautiful spring jackets, leather belts, colored scarves, knee boots separated from the lot.

I gently stroke the fabric and feel the texture when I hear the door open and Monica comes into light followed by a few stylists. I softly greet them and take my stuff from Monica.

"Stay with me" I order

She stayed with me in the room while the stylists get me into this lemon color sundress. Soft fabric, beautiful color, and very light assuming the theme is spring.

They tried a couple of jackets on me to suit the background of the dress and decided to go with the white oversized jacket and matching boots

The hairstylist did my hair, attaching few hair extensions while the makeup artist powdered my face with light colors.

I was sitting in the middle with my coffee as everyone tried to make me something I'm not. My hair was occupied, my eyes were closed as they applied eyeshadows on them. Marlin even comes to check the progress and orders few of her men to ready the next outfit,

About an hour later when I'm done with everything, Marlin comes to give her final verdict. She carefully looks me up and down and slowly pats me on the shoulder "you didn't lose your charm"

I fake a smile and follow her to the photo shoot area. As I'm walking side to her I can't help but notice this is my third shoot with her in the same year which seems really suspicious to me. I mean despite knowing I wasn't in America she still chose to work with me to the extend she decided to fly four thousand miles across the borders.

It just seems like she's hiding something and blame it on my old habit my curiosity makes me weak. I need to ask her if something's bothering her.

"You want to say something" I give her a look,

"Why do you think I have something to say?" she looks back with a hesitating expression but clearly managed to control it like an expert.

"Just a feeling"

She didn't say anything and I decided not to stretch it. If she has something to say then she'll find me.

I stop before Kayden the cameraman and greet him, "Pleasure to work with you again Veronica" he shakes his hand, and like that we begin our first shoot.

I stand in front of the backdrop and face the cameras, "Veronica ready?" Kayden asks with the camera in his hands.

I nod my head and strike my first pose,one-click, two-click, and like that, I did some wall pose, half dropping the jacket look, the expressions, and more before they got me into my second dress,

Leonard's Pov

I hit the steering wheel and drive off to Luxeify the studio where Veronica is currently shooting. Thanks to Mr. Kinley he found the perfect loophole for me to start the game without breaking any rules.

I remember I once sponsored a photoshoot in Germany for my friend Charity and she really loved it. She even offered to help me in the future if I decided to sponsor another shoot.

"Well, the time has come, I've found the perfect shoot I want to sponsor" I speak through the bluetooth,

"Really" she screamed with joy "tell me"

"I'm currently on my way there so could you do the honors" I speed up,

"OMG, you don't how long I've waited to hear that"

I crack a smile " then let's give you something more"

"What what?" she cheered like a baby

"I'll be one of the models" and just like that she went to her silent mode obviously taking the shock.

There's one thing about me that everybody knows is that I'm not a person to engage in front of a camera. Ik my life surrounds controversies and scandals but none printed my face.

The public doesn't know how I look like and all my exes don't own one single picture of me, cause for one I don't click and the second my PR team is very strict when it comes to my personal business that means making sure my face isn't revealed to the public.

So for all these years my face was a black shadow in the eyes of the public, there were many rumors that I may have some illness that affected my face or I may be insecure about my looks and some even drew their own vision for my face. Blonde with blue eyes, black silky hair with hazel eyes, abs maybe tanned skin or height not more than 6ft.

I sometimes find it funny when I hear these gossips about me. They are so desperate to see my face that creating rumors and gossips is the only way they satisfy their inner curiosity.

That until Veronica enters my life and makes me change some rules about my life starting with revealing my face to the public. I know at some point I had to reveal my face but I pushed backed those irrelevant thoughts but now I think maybe I'm ready.

After I got chosen as the sixth most attractive man without any face revelation people thought I used a buttload of cash for these titles. Yet then again nobody knew what I look like so maybe after this shoot I can finally get the title of the sexiest man alive on the planet without any ranking.

"You'll present yourself in front of the cameras" her voice interrupted my thoughts that actually had me grinning like an idiot.


"What changed your mind? I've been trying to convince you for the past few years to make a revelation but nothing changed. What work this time?"

"Nothing, I just decided it's time to reveal my face"

"Why now?"

"Don't ask so much" I changed my voice, she's getting too personal

"It's related to her right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows knowing exactly who she's referring but obviously, I wouldn't admit "Who?" I tried to play dumb.

"Veronica" she blurts her name that immediately got my heartbeat,

"It's not like that" I clear my throat, "She's got nothing to do with it"

"You want me to buy that crap?"

" Can you just arrange the thing I asked or not ?" I tried diverting the conversation but she's really sneaky when it comes to stuff like this.

"Don't try to change the topic, Mister. You have no clue what's happening in the circle"

"Yeah the godforsaken circle of yours, oh, which I don't give a crap about"

"Right that's why Andrew's here pretending to be Mr. Shakespeare to collect rumors for you"

Shit, I told Andrew not to dress up as fucking Shakespeare, "No crap that's Andrew"

"Do you know the rumors about you and her is spreading like fire?"

"Nothing new" I smile when I remember one or two rumors Andrew mentioned last night,

"Leo listen don't take this in a wrong way but I don't think engaging too much with her is good, her life is already very complicated so it's better not to get dragged into it you know,"

"What if I want to get dragged into her life?" I pressed my lips and shut my eyes regretting the thing I just said, "I mean like become friends with her or something" I try to correct, but obviously who am I kidding?

"Friends? you and her? don't make me laugh Leo. After the stunt you pulled at the party, I can tell this very sure she's not a friend to you"

"I uh" I tightened my grip around the steering wheel and tried to say something that will disagree with her but nothing came.

"You fucking marked her Leo and I know very well what that means"

"That's good then, help me with the shoot and I'll tell you why it is different this time"

"Ha knew it, the difference. It's always the start of something unexpected"

"Are you trying to be my dating guru? whats with the philosophy Jesus"

"I'm warning you as a friend dumbass"

"Yeah well I can handle my business, you go mind yours" I hung up the call and stepped on the accelerator speeding my way to her studio.

Charity just gave me a shit load of stuff to worry about. Thinking back to the time I met Veronica, I didn't think stuff. I just looked at her and saw the same shadow I'd been hiding away from everyone.

I usually think stuff, I'm a businessman for god sake, every step I take is very carefully written. Everything I do in my life is usually strict like a schedule even with my dates but I didn't think of that stuff when I met her.

I didn't think, I just followed the lead my heart laid out for me and that is the thing bugging me ever since. I really need to play this game with her and sort this out because if it's sexual then the game will be enough but if it's something else then I'm fucked.


"Veronica honey there's been a slight change with the shoot" Marlin informs me in her sweetest voice,

"I'm not doing any more interviews" I raise my hand up like seriously, Mr lewis already hooked me up with one interview, I'm not taking any more.

"No that's not it,"


"You'll have to shoot with a partner" she itches her teeth like begging me to accept the request she just dropped on my shoulder.

"What partner?" I narrowed my eyes

"Someone made an investment for the shoot a few minutes ago with a request that the CEO of king enterprise will reveal his face through this shoot" she puts her fingers together like a pyramid and screeches her eyes, "please Veronica I know you never did a shoot with a partner but it's really important for our magazine. The CEO whose face is unknown to the world is using our issue as a means to fill the curiosity of the public which itself is big news. So, will you?"

She's looking at me with baby eyes and I'm too weak to deal with someone's pleading eyes. I let out a breath "Fine, alright but-" I paused midway when I realize what she said just now, CEO of what enterprise?

"What is the name of the enterprise?" I asked hoping what I heard was not true but like always I was wrong.

He is coming here to shoot with me and I know very well what he is planning which means I'm screwed cause not only I'm turned on, cause of my stupid dream but I'm really out of control whenever I think of him.

That alone said this first seduction will be very had for me.

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