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Chapter 26: Kissing her forehead

Leonard's Pov

I exit the building with Andrew and walk to the parking lot. At first, he insisted on bringing the car to me but I wanted to walk a little, get Veronica out of my head and stop my pulse from beating so much.

Although I tried to look calm and controlling in front of her, my insides were at a war with each other. Her touch was becoming a drug to me and I was afraid of getting addicted to it.

Whenever I touch her my heart instantly elevates and I find myself breathing harder than ever. This never happened to me before even though my share of women in this lifetime let's say is more or less equal to a ballpark.

Nobody made me this nervous before, even during the time in the shower only God knows how I tried to control my little buddy against her body, but with every touch, I find myself craving more of her.

Licking her neck, biting her ear, kissing her cheeks are all pathetic affectionate things that a boring couple that fears sex does. I'm not that, I never kissed someone's cheeks before. It's always a sucked-up kiss and then down to business.

Now that I think I never actually felt anyone's body like I did with her. Touching her smooth skin with my manly fingers, stopping at her core, and massaging her beautiful thighs, I never experienced this before.

All these clear shots of her taking space in my mind are very weird, it's like all I do is think about her. Like now, still thinking about her and how she runoff from the studio before.

I don't know what that was but the look on her face was very satisfying. She looked really cute when she tried to hide her shy face from everyone. I smile when I saw her leave with the towel, a part of me wanted to go after her but I didn't want to come as needy and clingy.

Now as I'm walking down the parking lot, I see Monica on a call with someone near the entrance, I assume the car is Veronica's cause for once it was the same car I saw that day at my villa when she came to visit me and the other was her faded figure on the front seat.

I don't know what came over me but my feet automatically got me near her car, Monica soon notices my presence, and her expression changes from nervous to scared.

"Where is Veronica?" I ask her as I slip my hands inside my pocket,

"She's sleeping" she points to the car and I slightly bend down to see her sleeping peacefully on the passenger seat, "I thought it was you" I whisper and smiled

"Sorry" looks like she heard me mumble, I clear my throat and straighten up "nothing"

Remember few seconds ago I was trying to figure out my weird behavior around Veronica well it happens so that I don't need to figure that out. The answer is right here and it's her. She's making me do this stuff with her.

She's making me want to be weird around her, laugh with her, play with her, get intimate, and never have to leave each other's side. Like this time, I want to drive her home, tuck her inside her bed, and wish good night to her.

For a second that thought scared me that maybe I'm feeling a little too much about her and by the time I realize what this feeling exactly is things will get complicated.

So just like a test you know to sort my inner doubts, I may have decided to do the stupidest thing, and instead of regretting I'm enjoying it.

I put my hands in front of Monica asking for the keys. She looks at me with a quizzical expression not understanding what I was asking for.

"The keys" I gave her a sideward look "give it to me"

Her eyes slightly widen but then it goes back to normal again, "Sorry uh...Mr. king but I..I.. uh.. I can't" she nervously bit her lips.

I roll my eyes and search my left pocket for my phone. I don't want to come as a petty man who goes on snatching car keys from the juniors but someone else can, right? I mentally laugh.

I turn my phone on and quickly texted Andrew to come here at gate seven.

Few seconds later, he walks into the lot and takes a stand beside me watching Monica with a clueless look. I crack some knuckles and introduce them to each other.

He gave me a sideward look asking me why I'm introducing them to which I roll my eyes. I gently hit him with my shoulders asking him to get the keys from her but like an idiot, he just stood there with a confused look.

"Get me keys from her dammit" I growl and lean against the car, seriously I had to open my mouth.

"What keys?" he raised his eyebrows and gives an awkward smile,

"The keys for this car, here" I point to the big black car that I was leaning on, "Get me the keys for it"

"From where?" he rubs his fingers through his hair trying his best to figure the situation out but I know what he was trying to pull.

"From her" I clench my teeth,

"Who is she again?"

Oh my god, I can't believe this man is my right hand. When the time actually comes where we had to communicate through our eyes then I'm getting a fucking bullet in my head. I push him to the side and snatched the keys from her hands. "Asshole" I mock and got inside the car,

"Sir, I can't let you drive " Monica suddenly steps closer to the car stopping me midway from entering, I forgot she was here. Doesn't matter though, against my huge build it's difficult for her to push me aside but like her boss, she's also stubborn. She tried her best to push me on the other side but Andrew got her and pulls her to himself,

"There's really no point" he whispers to her and glances at me "Go" he mouthes,

I quickly get inside the car and turned the engine on, "don't worry I'll safely drop her home" I assure Monica with my handsome smile, and pulled the gear "Later" I wink at them and drive off.

As soon as I hit the road, I took my chance here to steal a look from her. I wanted to see how she looked while sleeping cause all this time I either saw her glaring at me or wanting to punch me with her cute little fingers.

I never saw a peaceful-looking Veronica, so when I hear her breathing the curiosity inside me took a turn. Thankfully the traffic lights turned red and I halt the car on the road.

I turn my face and look at her. She was resting her head on the tip of the seat and leaned her head on the window panel. I pull my seatbelt a little to move forward towards her and put my hand under her head supporting it lightly and placing it in the middle.

"You'll get a cramp if you sleep like this" I softly whisper and adjusted the seat to smooth it out like a bed.

She wakes up a little to adjust her head and then goes back to sleep, I slowly take in her feature as she nuzzles close to me,

Her beautiful long eyelashes, the faded sound of her breathing instantly lifts my mood. The overwhelming feeling I had few minutes ago was gone. I rest my head on the headrest and close my eyes,

I stay like that for a few seconds before the sound of a car honking behind me wakes me up. I put the seatbelt around my waist and pulled the gear,

The smooth ride to her home was over within seconds when I view the building her apartment was on. "Okay we are here" I let out a breath

"Should we stay like this?" I look at her, regretting that I might have sped my way here,

I was enjoying the peace with her, but now when I had to leave her and go back to my world it kinda felt depressing but it's not like I have any choice.

I slowly got out of the car and walked to her side, " looks like we need to part now" I slowly unbuckle her seatbelt and pick her up careful of not waking her up.

I slid her from the car and close the door with my foot. Walking inside the building I enter the elevator and push the button with my knuckles,

Thanks to the background check of her I knew where she lives and what floor her apartment was on. As the door opens the sight of an empty hallway greet us,

I walk through the hallway to her door to get stuck, there's a passcode for her apartment and I don't know shit about it.

With her, in my arms, I can't call someone, and putting her down on the floor is not an option so there's only one thing I can do now,

I'll try to knock on the door with my foot and if nobody answers then I need to take her to my place.

I knocked on the door with my foot twice but nobody answered which kinda made me happy. I look around in the hallway and it was empty. I don't know what I was hoping for but at least I tried before taking her to my place.

I brought her back to her car and drive off to my place on Upper East Avenue. I DMed Andrew about the situation and he replied with a grinning emoji next to it was an angry face that showed his two emotions, one as a friend and the other as a big brother.

I put my phone down and park the car at the entrance, the guard immediately took my notice and opened the door for me, "close the surveillance around this place, I don't want any pictures of us taken" I order him and I got inside the building.

I took the private elevator and looked down at her who was still fast asleep in my arms, without any care for the world. Looks like she didn't get any sleep last night. Wonder what she was doing last night that she couldn't sleep at all, I roll my eyes at the thought,

The elevator opens directly to my living room. I walk out and carry her to the guest room, I thought of putting her in my bedroom but knowing how her temper is it's better to take her in there instead of my room.

I walk through the living room and stopped outside the guest room, thinking should I leave there or not. I mean on second thought what would she do if she find out she spend the night in my bedroom like big deal, right?

I paused stomping my feet thinking what to do then my so-called brain teased me and told me to leave her in my bedroom. Worst comes worst she'll burn down my penthouse but who cares. I'll deal with her.

I quickly turn and walk upstairs to my bedroom, I crack open the door with my foot and slowly very delicately put her in my bed,

I switched some night lamps on and covered her with the blankets, "I'll see you tomorrow" I bend down and lightly kissed her forehead,

After tucking her in I got washed up myself and decided to watch some game before taking a nap, I walk to the kitchen and got the beer from the fridge when it hit me. I fucking kissed her forehead. No lips, no tongue was involved just a simple forehead kiss.

I stood there in my kitchen with the beer can in my hands panicking as I started sorting out the weird feeling.

I slightly glance upstairs to my bedroom and this adrenaline sweeps over me. "I kissed her forehead" I bit my lip and closed my eyes tightly trying to get the thing out of my mind.

But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get her out of my head.

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