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Chapter 29: The walk of disaster

Leonard's Pov

After asking the most regrettable question from her, I'm on my way to the office. Today we have an important meeting discussing the launch of our own publishing company.

If everything sets right with the budget and the five-year plan of investments then this publishing company would be a huge source of profit to the company.

I just need to get the results from today's meeting then fly to Rome as soon as possible. I'm wasting a lot of my time here.

Andrew texted me twice last night saying they found the Viking's main headquarters and both the mole is in their hold so if everything goes right then I can fly out tomorrow.

But there is one thing that is bugging me, I don't want to leave Veronica here. I may be gone for a month and in that time I'll lose my sense if I don't see her with me.

I'm getting addicted to her presence so a month without her is torture to me, physically and mentally. I can't leave her here. I need to think of a way to bring her along with me.

After changing few lanes and wasting my time stuck in the traffic, I reach my office and quickly park the car in front of the building.

Mr. Ozart and Mr. Calloway make their way towards me as I hand in the car keys to the valet. The two directors who always stay by side, informing me about the meetings and almost everything until I reach my study.

"Is everything ready for the meeting?" I ask Mr. Ozart and he strictly answers yes,

"I want to see every basic detail for this project right from the budgetary planning to commissions and the five-year profit trip. No mistakes should be made with the investment and make sure Mr. Tiffany sticks with the project plan. I don't want him to make last-minute suggestions and fuck up the entire project. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir"

"Also, I'm flying to Rome tomorrow for some things, it'll take me a month or something to come back till then my dad will handle the things for me,"

"Alright sir"

"I will be on calls and making forefront decisions, so you can update me once every week"

"Yes sir"

As the elevator door opens, we all get inside it and made our way to the meeting.

After two hours of intense conversation with a group full of sixty-year-olds, the end result of the meeting was up to my satisfaction. Now giving the green light for the publishing project I can without any concern leave the rest for my beloved father.

All now I have left to do is think of a possibility to convince Veronica regarding the trip.


Veronica's pov

I throw my shoes on the floor and envelope my precious couch as I scooch closer to the pillow, I'm back at my place.

I rest my head and stare at the ceiling feeling guilty for running away like that, but this was the only thing I can think of at that moment.

He wanted me to wait for him, at his own place like we're in a sort of relationship. That idea freaked me out, no matter how tempting it sounded I was still afraid to let myself feel those things.

I extended my right arm to grab the TV remote from the coffee table as I put few pillows down my waist and switch the tv on, I channel through one of the news channels and I saw few reports about King Enterprise,

They were showing the party that Leonard hosted couple weeks ago with my name written in bold letters with a question mark beside "New Couple Alert?" I roll my eyes and change the channel.

When I finally found the show to my liking, my phone started vibrating. I pick it up and found Mr. Lewis's name on the screen.

"What?" I pick his call up

"Okay listen I know I shouldn't have pushed the interview on you, today was supposed to be your day without any meetings but I think you need to come down to the studio"

"Mr. Lewis I' don't want to argue with you on this matter. I made it very clear about not working today"

"Veronica if it wasn't important then I wouldn't be calling you on Sunday at nine-thirty in the morning"

"I don't care, I'm not going to work today unless you-"

"There's another rumor" he fiercely interrupted me

Silence spread on both sides of the call, nobody spoke for a good thirty seconds before I hear him slowly say my name as if assuring me that everything will be okay.

My eyes were closed tightly as flashbacks from two years started playing in front of my eyes, the same call, the same message, and the same fucking day. It all started coming back to me and when I thought I was happy even for a little bit, things have started to go down,

"Veronica?" I open my eyes and stick the phone close to my ears as if trying hard not to miss any details or more like reminding myself that it's happening.

"I found it through Mr. Kidman" he continued, "thankfully he heard the rumors from his daughter and immediately contacted me"

I was nodding my head as I take in every bit of the information he had when my eyes wander to my study room,

I remember Leonard giving me few shreds of evidence when we first met at his place, luckily I have them with me.

At first, I didn't think I would be using Leonard's collected files but I can't let the same thing happen to me again. She needs to learn her lesson and I'm not the same person as I was two years ago. She can't toy around me anymore, and not in the god's hell am I giving her a second chance to ruin my career,

I regretted running away last time and giving her exactly what she wanted, I hide myself from everyone as I believe those false rumors about me, their false assumptions, and fucking tagline that describe me as something I was not.

I believed their lies and somewhat that was the cruelest thing I did to myself, I forgot who I was as I started describing myself like the world pictured me, and to be honest in midst of those two years, I fucking lost myself.

I don't know who I am anymore.

They labeled me with their perspective and nobody asked for my opinion, nobody searched if the rumors were true, they all joined together to expel me from the industry and they got what they wanted, but I'm not going to be the victim again.

If she wants to play dirty then I don't mind joining in, but this time the game will follow my rules. I know what I need to do and I can't believe I'm saying this but Nicole Jasper I'm ready to teach you the meaning of Karma.

I took a deep breath and asked Mr. Lewis to schedule the interview like he meant originally. They wanted a story about my return well let's tell them then.

It's not like I'm lying, I did return to face Nicole but got lost in between Leonard and that drive but now they are taken care of by the owner himself so let's get back to where I actually belong.

I cut the call and rushed to the study room, closing the gate behind me I walk further into the room and stop in front of my table.

I went to the other side searching each file section on the table, the adjoining drawers. the cabinets, every place where I could have kept the files.

After fifteen minutes of playing treasure hunt, I found the files on the shelves. I grab the entire thing and put it on the table.

I go through some stuff and found the pendrive that has the recorded footage of Nicole doing well let's say transacting business in a very unprofessional way with one of the directors of the media industry.

Along with that I even got their conversation from January 2018 two months before the tragedy happened.

I walk out of the room and changed my clothes from the first-floor closet, I wore my favorite black leather pants with a matching oversized checkered shirt and paired it up with white boots.

I grab my purse and decided to let the hair down as I made my way to the door, wearing my sunglasses and leaving the apartment, queen style.

I walked to the elevator and messaged Leonard to watch the news today, let him see the files he gave me are coming in handy.

I got inside my car and drove off to my studio "The Silver Lining"

After thirty minutes drive I reach the studio and saw Monica waiting for me outside, "Good morning Miss Matthews" she greeted while holding the door for me,

"Good morning to you too and also, sorry for ruining your Sunday" I took my glasses off and lightly smile at her,

"It's okay Mam" she shyly nods and walks our to the conference room,

On our way to the conference room, I couldn't help but notice there weren't any eyes on me like before, they weren't looking at me with their weird doubtful eyes ready to judge me, instead, they were bowing their heads and smiling nervously at me,

I wonder if it's the rumor that got the sudden attitude change, I call Monica out and ask her about the new rumor which,

I seriously forgot to ask Mr. Lewis in the morning, so that had me a little curious. She turns and with a gentle smile says " It was the same rumor from two years ago"

I nod my head with a half-hearted smile, thinking about that rumor that spread like a wildfire back then, but weirdly there's no reaction this time, not even judgemental eyes scanning me from head to toe,

"Don't worry mam" as if she saw the doubtful look on my face she assured, "as soon as the rumor got leaked someone already silenced the entire industry, so many people still don't know if there was even a rumor, to begin with"

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows, someone silenced the entire industry? who would stop a rumor for someone they don't even know? or do they? do I know someone like that?

"I don't know much mam, but someone really big in this industry hushed all the rumors and even warned the workers from spreading the word so nobody even dares to talk about it"

"hushed them? like, threaten?"

"Maybe or used their weaknesses, anything is possible"

"Yeah but an industry with over five thousand workers it's meant to leak out from somewhere"

"I doubt it would happen. That person is really influential and I think people kinda fear him so they'll try to stay in his good books"

"Wow, I wonder who did it for me"

"Your prince charming maybe" she laughed, and I gave her an unbelievable look like prince charming doesn't exist in real life unless it's your father looking out for you from the heavens,

I look up and cross my fingers, thinking about dad, and wonder if it's one of his doing to protect me from this cruel world.

We finally reach the door and opened it. I search the room for Mr. Lewis, "come with me" I grab Monica's hand and lead her to the private arena where Mr. Lewis was talking with few directors,

I clear my throat to get his attention. He turns his face and softly smiles at me, he excuses himself and makes his way toward me,

"You're on time" he holds my hand and pull me to a more private space with Monica, "the reporters are already here" he looks at me "I've already arranged the setup so just me give your signal and we'll begin"

I nod my head; when I told him about the plan I thought he would flip out and point out flaws telling me to ditch it and just focus on a revised interview but to my surprise, he agreed.

He arranged everything on the set and even asked Mr.Shelter the head of the news channel to show the interview live.

While was driving, I did happen to see few billboard video ads about my interview. Some charts were also put up in the main street where it's usually crowded.

Everyone was clicking pictures of the billboard, some were gossiping about me and how unwanted attention I was looking for through this interview while others were shooting a live insta video of the time square with the billboard as the background.

The interview will broadcast at five in the evening leaving me with seven hours to get things right. There were so many arrangements left that I was freaking out but who knew Mr. Lewis would already have taken care of it.

That left me with my script and the intervention time for the special video I want to play on live, not the transaction one but giving few scenes from there would work out just fine, I can also play dirty.

My original idea was to go for the recorder but now that she hit me twice I'm thinking to take a bet as to who can be dirtier. To my interest, I even found more evidence through Monica the first time I told her to investigate.

I totally forgot besides Leonard I was also investigating Nicole. Finding something to show that I'm innocent and nothing I did was wrong.

So on the way to the office, not only was I panicking, I needed a little hope that this time it'll work in my favor. I really hate having these self-doubt thoughts and no matter how hard I'm trying to ignore them, without anyone's assurance it's pretty hard to just go with it.

I hear Mr. Lewis faint voice in the background and shake my head,

"Monica " he calls and asks her to get the things ready before I hit the stage,

After six hours, of arranging the needful and having done all the basic edits of the recorder and the video clips, it was time for my interview.

My heart was racing as I look up to the crew, they all had been very helpful and pretty patient considering the time gap. Everyone cheered me on and wished me luck before the screen light turns green signaling us that the show is on.

Mr. Lewis came by my side and stroke my hand like a father who's nervous to see her daughter perform on the stage for the first time, "I know you'll do great Veronica so get out there and be yourself" he fists his thumbs up and wishes me good luck.

I pass a smile at him and make way to the backstage, the reporters have been waiting for quite a while now.

I take a last look at my phone waiting to hear from Leonard but he hasn't even seen my message yet. I wonder if he's busy or probably just ignoring my message but a little good luck from his side would have been better.

I put my phone on silent and take a deep breath, "Okay let's do this" with that I walk my heels to the stage and welcome the unexpected.

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