3- Travel far away
- Noted - Penelope said and winked at both friends with two slight shoulder movements and a magazine smile. Aiko smiled and let out a slight giggle, the professor paused for a moment looking towards the end of the room, the whole class turned and cast glances towards Penelope, Aiko and Fabiana and the girls remained silent watching the professor seriously. Penelope began to take her notes about the 18th Empire and the infrastructures that Nefertiti included during her rule.
After a college day full of laughter from her friends and on-time deliveries from her professors, she finally has time to be at peace in the privacy of her home, she takes off her shoes as she enters her house, and undresses until she reaches her room. Her cat, Charlie walks toward her meowing and wrapping his bushy orange tabby tail around her. She bends down, now barefoot, and kisses Charlie on a white fuzzy mole on his orange-striped blond back.
- Hi love! It makes me so happy to see you! - He assures.
Charlie meows staring at her with his big, catlike, aqua-green eyes.
- May the Goddess Aphrodite bless you - she whispers and caresses the little cat-like face, smiling.
She takes the clothes she has just taken off and puts them in the laundry basket in her room. She takes a loose robe of soft, cool chiffon fabric and covers her body, a sort of Roman tunic, made by her favorite dressmaker. Usually when she is at home, Penelope enjoys wearing dresses and skirts in the style of ancient Greece, but when she goes out she prefers to look more casual and conventional. She looks out the window and the weather seems to predict a strong storm, as the clouds turn gray and lightning can be heard in the sky of Valencia.
Immersed in words that dance across the blank page in word, as her long, coral-colored fingernails dance across the laptop, she remains focused and her mind far away. She shifts her shoulders and grabs her brown hair, so long that it falls to her hips, as she dances while sitting at the desk, letting herself be enveloped by the music.
"I am titanium" - Sings and dances Penelope.
Now Something Just Like This plays and Penelope starts typing in front of her laptop. She is doing research on the Greek Isles for a tourism article about the best destinations for historians and geologists specializing in Greco-Roman culture. He actually plans to pursue a graduate degree in ancient history and Greco-Roman geology as soon as he finishes his Bachelor's degree in Ancient History. But she enjoys very much, in general, researching and writing for the area of tourism and geography, including the best destinations in the world and other curiosities that people always want to learn, because for some curious reason they keep calling to certain lands or regions of the world. Penelope assures that they are reincarnations, other lives in past times where people lived, and that is why in this life, they are born with a strong desire to return to those lands. If her theory is true, probably in her next lives, Penelope will have an irrational desire to live in Venezuela, because in this life she is Venezuelan, and loves her country.
She starts watching images about the Greek Islands, suddenly, the screen next to the laptop turns off. She lets out a startled groan and turns the screen off and on. Then a map appears in front of her, which apparently has been dropped by google and enlarged on the screen.
- Great, my laptop has gone crazy - He says and rolls his eyes. He tries to return the browser to his investigation of the Greek islands but the image seems to remain fixed on the screen.
She watches her more closely
"Island of Cyprus, pilgrimage for this year" he reads aloud, he overlooks a photograph of a beautiful island with crystal clear waters, next to a map.
Suddenly Penelope hears a whisper full of freshness and calm and the curtains of her apartment are moved by the cold breeze as the rain resounds. The breeze comes in and a scent that reminds her of the smell of lavender and canola permeates her apartment.
The screen recovers and a page appears where it talks about the Pilgrimage to the Island of Cyprus. The breeze blows in, lifting the curtains slightly and moving the flame of a candle, which decoratively illuminates the room.
"The island of Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea, it is an island paradise where its beautiful landscapes conquer the hearts of travelers. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea, 113 km from Turkey and 120 km west of Syria, it also borders the Greek island of Kastellorizo, located 150 km from Cyprus. The island of Cyprus became a member of the United Nations on September 20, 1960. It is the Island known as the Island of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, come and enjoy this September 20th an unforgettable trip to the Island of Cyprus on a pilgrimage to the Ancient Goddess Aphrodite".
Penelope, dressed in white wings, is ready to attend the costume party at teacher Jaquelina's house. She knows it will be an important party so she has taken great care to make her angel costume as real as possible, she even bought a white mask decorated with pearls and feathers and made up her eyes in silver and white tones, bordering her eyes. Look at her countenance in front of the mirror. She has chosen to wear a rather short and sensual white clinging dress that clings to her body, her long legs are shown off with white high heels, her hair is blow-dried and falls straightened with natural waves at the end at the line of her hips. She picks up her cell phone and keys, leaves the living room light on as Charlie sleeps on her velvet bed. His phone vibrates, he looks at his phone screen.
Akiro: "It carries picadillos".
Penelope: "I'll stop by the bakery and come to your house".
Akiro: The bakery in front of the house is closed, look for pasapalos on the road.
Penelope sighs.
Akiro: Pass by the mall on your way home, there is a bakery where they sell delicious desserts.
Penelope: Okay, see you in 29 minutes.
Penelope takes the small, silver-colored purse and leaves her house wearing her wings, if she is going to be an angel that night, she wants to be one for every second of the night. She smiles excitedly, she loves costume parties. As she enters the car, she folds her wings and sits down in front of the steering wheel.