4- First Dance
A Des'ree song starts playing, kising you, on the way to the party she stops in front of the BOD building, where there is a bakery on the first floor. He chooses some snacks to take to Professor Jackeline, Professor Jacqueline Clarac is an important anthropologist and researcher who recognizes and values the work and studies done on anthropology over the years. In addition to her great intelligence and her astute view of the world, she is also very much loved by her university students and in general by the intellectual society of sociologists and historians in Venezuela. She chooses some pasapalos and sauces, pays for the sandwiches and leaves the bakery with both hands full. Suddenly a Snow Patrol song starts playing in the bod tower, it's a song Penelope really likes, Chasing cars by Snow Patrol. As she gets into the car she searches for the song on Youtube and plays it on the way to Akiro and Jean's house.
He calls Akiro as he drives a few blocks down the road from his house through the San Jose de Targo housing development, Akiro takes the call.
I am down
Perfect, give me five minutes.
Akiro's five minutes turn into 15 minutes waiting for her as the Chasing Cars song plays on repeat. Penelope sighs and looks at herself in the car mirror, she looks beautiful and her silver makeup can be admired under her mask because she bought the biggest one so her eyes could be seen, Penelope's eyes are like a squirrel's, big, and no matter what her mood is, they always stay shining. She wonders who will go to the party and if maybe Dany James will attend, the truth is that she no longer feels anything for Dany, actually she is surprised how quickly she got over him, because a few weeks ago she was madly in love with him, her quick crush and inevitable disappointment confirmed to her how fickle romance is when it is born from the passions of Eros, and only responds to an immediate attraction. Although the chemistry with Dany James drove her crazy and she loved the way he was always on top of her, the truth is that Dany James and her values and perceptions of life were completely incompatible, and Penelope decided to accept it and move on when she understood that her love affair had nothing to offer her beyond amazing orgasms.
They open the car door and a girl dressed in a pink sequined top and a mini skirt enters the car, she has sequins bordering her eyes in a rather flashy makeup and her black hair pulled back in two small buns with chopsticks holding it.
And you are? - he asks with a smile when he sees Akiro.
I'm Maddie, from Euphoria, it's obvious. - Akiro says effusively.
Euphoria? - Penelope asked in confusion.
The HBO series - Responds Jean who is wearing a white leather suit and an Elvis Presley wig.
Oh, Euphoria, of course - Penelope murmurs.
You haven't seen Euphoria have you?
I'm sorry I don't watch television.
Don't worry, it's more interesting to watch movies from the time of Mark Antony and Cleopatra - Jean says kindly.
I imagine so," Penelope murmurs with a trickle of voice, as they leave the parking lot of Akiro's residences bound for the teacher's house.
Delicious - Jean says, taking one of the pastries.
Yes, I bought them at Bod Tower.
I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what Professor Jacqueline will dress up as!
Probably from some important personage of some African tribe - Penelope says and everyone laughs.
The truth is that Professor Jacqueline was very passionate about African tribes and had written several volumes on African studies, which had projected her socially and even made her recognized in the field of anthropology. Penelope admired her greatly and wanted to go just as far with her career, specializing in ancient Greece and highlighting the transcendental importance of the archetypes of the Greek gods today.
Until now, she was more recognized for her Youtube channel where she had more than 100,000 followers and used to talk about the pagan religion of some women by the Greek gods. In this way, her social image beyond standing out for her intellect, stood out for her beauty and her wisdom towards femininity topics about the care of your skin, makeup and hair that Penelope was so passionate about sharing, in addition to rituals for the goddess Aphrodite, and to attract and keep love in your life.
Youtube in a softer way and with a more selective audience, mostly women and pagans, granted Penelope to be popular and gave her luck in business and in her career and social image. However she also wanted to be recognized as a smart girl who had done great research, just like Professor Jacqueline.
Penelope's pleasant disposition and more harmonious nature gave her a kind of born popularity, as she was very attractive and had built up a good public image. Reputation for her, was a very relevant issue, especially when it came to romantic relationships.So to have broken up with Danny James in such a short time puzzled her, he was the most attractive man in the University and no doubt she was proud to be his girl, since she was so proud of their relationship, she had shared it on all the social networks. Now perhaps the prudent thing to do would be to delete all those photos, as she was back in the singles club. In general everyone considered Penelope great, charming and very attractive, both those close to her and strangers, they even gave her many envious glances, and she had always felt very special since she was a little girl. She spent hours googling Roman mythology, so when she was old enough she understood that this would be her religion, and although she made her first communion and confirmation, she was a pagan Christian, because she lit a candle for Aphrodite every afternoon and took her Aphrodite bath every Friday religiously.
They arrived at the party and Professor Jaqueline's parking lot was packed with cars, as well as the main street where some cars parked on the side of the property. Penelope turned on the van's taillights as she waited for the main gate to open.
- I'm outside - He said calling Chucho, who was the host and disciple by exelencia of the teacher Jaqueline. Chucho was studying some Greek and History of Literature classes with the girls.
A short skinny boy came out, looking sullen and with a beard weeks old, he was wearing a loose white shirt that came out from the belt being tightened by the belt, and tight white tights with a black strap full of jewelry, he wore black shoes and a crown embroidered in golden fabrics with jewelry sewn to the shape of the crown. He walked towards Penelope and Akiro as they got out of the car, Penelope stretched out her angel wings and unfolded them until they protruded from behind her back and grew upwards from her head.
Hello Penny - Mutt greeted with an amused look, he looked Penelope up and down and his eyes stopped for a couple of seconds on the edge of her dress and her hips, wrapped in the white dress - Ah you're an angel!
Yes, I always have been.
And I'm Maddie - Akiro said kissing Chucho on the cheek.
Maddie? - Chucho asked, admiring the sexy, tiny costume that enveloped Akiro.
Doesn't anyone watch Euphoria?
Love, you're at a party of historians, intellectuals and nerds - Jean said.
I study history and watch Euuphoria.
You are one in a million baby - Jean whispered and they both kissed.
The boys walked to the porch where Professor Jaqueline was talking to a group of people, some dressed in bright and colorful costumes, some just dressed very smartly and wearing a mask.
Then their Greek teacher, who was dressed in a gray robe, waved and allowed the girls access to the main entrance through the porch.