Chapter 6


“Is everything alright, my lady?” , Rin asked as she came up to her, staring at the shards of glass on the floor. The room was filled with the intense sickly sweet fragrance of roses and lavender.

“I’m fine”, Alyssa told her in a shaky voice as she sat down heavily on the bed.

“Are you sure, my lady? You’ve been acting strange since I found you in his Majesty's palace”, Rin said

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I… I just need some rest, that’s all”.

“Alright. I’ll leave but I’ll be back to tend to you later”, Rin said and curtsied slightly before making her way out of the room.

Alyssa laid on the bed and glanced around at the splendor before her that was the room. It’s probably just dream, she told herself. I’ll go to sleep and when I wake up, everything will go back to normal.

“Yes. I should just sleep” , She whispered and shut her eyes.

She slept for the entire day and into the next morning and when she finally opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the portrait of Allisa staring back at her. She was still in the magnificent room and on top of the most spacious and most comfortable mattress that she had ever seen or been on.

She muttered a curse under her breath as she sat up. She was still in this strange world. Why can’t I return? Why did I have to open the darn book? She thought as she got out of her bed and paced around the room.

She knew she shouldn’t be getting angry. Her first priority was getting out of this mess before anyone noticed that she wasn’t the real Allisa of this world.

She knew she couldn’t stay in this world no matter how much she missed her mum and how much she wanted to stay and be with this woman who looked and behaved like her. She also wanted to return so she could see her friends again and this entire adventure would just be one horribly long dream but she didn’t know how to leave because she was afraid of the king who seemed to have taken a fancy to her but also hated her guts. But she had to leave, there was no other choice.

She stood around for a while before an idea popped into her head. She remembered that we soon as she opened the book, she was transported into this world through the King's office. If she went back there and look around for a clue or something, she might be able to leave. But how was she to get to the palace?

She was still thinking of ways when her door opened and Rin walked in.

“My lady, you’re not dressed yet?”, She exclaimed.

Alyssa frowned in confusion. “Dressed for what?”.

“My lady, don’t tell me that you’ve forgotten that we are to be at the palace today. You especially asked me to keep this day in mind for you”, She said.

“Can you tell me what’s happening today? I think I might have forgotten about it”, Alyssa asked softly, scratching her head as Rin stared at her.

“I don’t know why you’ve been acting strangely, my lady but you’re scaring me”.

That’s probably because I’m not the Allisa that you know and I certainly have no idea about what’s meant to happen today, Alyssa thought to herself.

“Its nothing, Rin. Lately, I tend to forget things but don’t let it bother you too much. Just…just tell me what today is”.

“Well” , Rin said, looking at Alyssa strangely, “Today is the horse riding competition. The king along with some other riders will be participating in it and because you really wanted to see the king, you booked front row seats and asked me to remind you when the day came”.

“Oh…”, Alyssa said with a small laugh. “Of course I remember. I just wanted to be sure that you did”.

Rin gave her a look. “Are you sure you’re okay?”.

“Yes, I definitely am. Tell me something. The competition would be held in the palace right?”.

“I thought you said you remembered”.

“Just answer the question”.

Rin frowned. “Yes, it will”.

Alyssa ignored her expression and smiled. This opportunity that practically just fell in her lap was a good way for her to get to that room and if luck decide to shine upon her, she would be back home very soon to tell her friend about this crazy thing that happened.


“Your Majesty, Doxin is all ready for the race”, Pascal, Luther’s right hand man and head of security told him as he got out of the car which had taken them to the fields where the competition would be taking place.

As he entered, cheers rang out from the seats where the spectators sat to watch the competition but his eyes were glued to the front seats which he knew Alissa had paid for it which were now empty.

He frowned slightly. It was quite strange and uncommon to not see her there screaming his name and waving madly at him, not that he had ever acknowledged her presence though. He had just grown used to seeing her there each and every time the competition held.

And not seeing her there made him quite uncomfortable. He shrugged. It was not like it mattered anyway. He would still ignore her if she came so he should be glad that she had listened to him and not come to make a fool of herself today.

“Oh, isn’t that lady Allisa, your Majesty?”, Pascal said suddenly and Luther turned to see her walking in with her maid.

Luther didn’t know why but for some reason he felt relieved that she had come. And then she glanced up and saw him and immediately pulled her maid the other way just to avoid him.

She really must have listened to what he said the day before and he knew he should feel happy that she would stop being a nuisance but he couldn’t help feeling a little upset. Without thinking, he called out to her and she stopped. He walked towards her and her maid quickly bowed while she stood there with her head raised high as she locked eyes with him. Her lips parted slightly and Luther couldn’t stop himself from glancing down at them as she spoke.

“Hello. Good afternoon”, She said, in a haughty manner, nose in the air.

Luther raised an eyebrow. Whenever he saw her, even on her bad days, she was always a lot more enthusiastic than icing him a mere greeting.

“No unnecessary body contact from you today?” .

She scrunched up her face and granted him a look of disgust. “No”.

He felt a little disappointed. “That’s great. You’re not being clingy and usual”.

“I’m not. And I won’t be that way anymore. Thank you for gracing me with your brief attention. You can get back to what you were doing and act like I’m not even here”, She said and walked off.

He turned to watch her leave and he found himself staring at the sway of her hips as she moved. He shook his head. What is wrong with me? Why am I suddenly thinking about her this way?

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