Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Finally! Sitting for four hours without moving a muscle was a pain in the ass. My salonist sprayed my hair signifying it was done. Finally I could breath and move around. I paid the bill and practically ran out the door.

I have a love- hate relationship with my hair. Fixing it takes hours every single time. I have tried simpler styles but the wait was almost the same ,so I gave up. I dedicate at least one afternoon for my hair every month.

I started rambling without introducing myself again, didn't I? Well, it's a habit I have when I'm talking to my friends. I could talk for hours , jumping from one topic to another without breaks in between. So I'm going to assume it's the same.

My name is Avah, which has a lot of meanings. According to my people it means: water, life, voice and desire. It has diverse meanings but the meaning that I like the most is life. It gives me a sense of joy when I think of it like that. I am a black girl, well yeah, now you understand the hair situation.

I am 5'0. Yes I am short. I have heard all the short jokes all my life. I was angry at first but after some time, I just learned to ignore it like every man who has ever approached me.

As warm as I sound on this text I am the contrary. I am a very reserved and introverted person. I don't talk to strangers. I think I took the lesson we learned as kids alittle too seriously. My job forces me to be extroverted but after work I revert back to being an introvert.

I am a medical doctor. I pat myself on the back every time I say that. I worked so hard to be able to call myself a doctor. I turned 26 quite recently. Maybe starting my late 20's freaked me out . I started feeling like I was running out of time. I had a million things I wanted to do, but, I don't have enough time to do them. I believe every person on this earth feels the same at least once or twice in their lives.

I was no stranger to work. I have worked since I was young . From helping on the farm to tutoring kids in our neighborhood. I have been busy all my life. Studying to become a doctor was no different. I slept less and worked more until I graduated and did my internship. I thought perhaps after my internship I could rest but it doesn't work like that. After the internship you search for a good job. Luckily I found one at one of the busiest hospitals in my county.

Sometimes I think I thrive in the chaos around me. I'm used to running up and down all day that when I get a day off I sleep through it.

You've already guessed it, I don't have a life outside work. Most people who work hectic jobs don't have lives outside their work. We can try but juggling around everything is too stressful and draining.

Instead of being in a relationship I read about them alot. I like to immerse myself in a book. I'm a fan of supernatural books and historical fiction. I mean the world is already ordinary, I want something out of this world. Side note: do you guys think vampires exist out there? Stupid question but I keep wondering anyway.

Speaking of stupid things, I planned an impromptu vacation. My vacation days were fast approaching and for the first time in years I wanted to rest. I wanted to go some place quiet, away from everyone and lounge all day reading while sipping cocktails.

Something I thought would stay a dream until retired. However all it took was being headstrong, writing a letter informing my bosses I will be taking my vacation days and booking a trip to God knows where. I wanted to run away from everyone and sit alone for a few days. That was all I asked.

Was this how parents feel when they get tired of their kids?

I wanted to go see Niagra falls. I didn't have a particular reason why I chose this place. I happen to like the sound of water falling and hitting stone. Long story short I like water, just as my name suggests. If i decide to build a house one day, I'll make sure it near water. Not too close and not too far away. Preferably somewhere with a small waterfall. Huge dreams for a broke person.

I happened to book the trip on whimp so I wasn't as prepared as I should. Although I know my spending habits, I was aware that I might return penniless and I was good with that. Memories and peace are worth every penny.

My bags were packed and ready. The plan was to get my hair done, eat dinner, take a bath and head to the airport. I had to board the flight at 10pm. I was cutting really close to the deadline but I wasn't worried. I was used to running through fire trying to keep everything in check.

Good thing I had some leftovers from lunch. I ate dinner, took a bath, prepared myself and called an Uber. While the Uber driver loaded my bag, I checked my handbag. I made sure I had all my essentials in their. Once everything was good we headed for the airport. I boarded the plane on time and headed to the US .

I slept through half of the trip and the other half I watched business proposal on Netflix. There was something about this show that had me on a chock hold. I loved Kang Tae Moo's character , he is a walking green flag. The way he defended his fake girlfriend gave butterflies and not to mention the second lead syndrome.

By the time we got of the plane I was done with the show. The hotel sent someone to pick me up. As I sat at the back of the car , I could barely keep my eyes open. Immediately we arrived, I rushed to my room refusing to eat anything. I took a shower and changed to my pajamas and went to bed.

Author's note:

Hello guys, I'm a fellow army, baby army to be precise. I hope you give my book a chance. Leave as many comments as you want because I love reading them. This is my first fanfic, I'm so nervous but I hope it turns out well. Let's enjoy this book together 😘💙💜🖤.

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