Chapter 12
Why is it that, when you are trying to avoid someone, you meet them everywhere?
" What are you doing in the ladies washroom?" I asked him with a smirk on my face
Was he here for me? Talk about being delusional in its highest form .
" Ladies washroom?" He asked puzzled
" Yea" I insisted.
" I think you're the one who's confused here"
" How can I be confused?" I asked pouting.
" How much have you had to drink?" He asked me while he washed his hands
" Not much" I said
" Are you sure ?"
" Yes ,I am completely sure. I'm not drunk if that's what you're asking "
" Ha! Ha! I can see that" he teased me
" I can stand on one leg" I insisted and stood on one leg.
I swayed a bit but I didn't fall, thank God. I wasn't drunk, I was tipsy. If I were drunk, I would have been kissing the floor right now.
" So your tipsy then" he decided
" Correct " I agreed
" I saw you , you know. "
" Saw me?" I pointed at myself.
" Yea, I could see you from where I was seated ,you drank a lot of cocktails"
" Were you watching me Namjoon?" I teased
" Noo-h nop" he blushed.
" You don't have to feel shy. I like that you were watching me" I flirted
How did we get here? And where did I get the courage to flirt with him
" It's hard not to spot you, you know"
" Huh"
" You are beautiful, so everyone could spot you in seconds" he explained
I blushed at his compliment. Namjoon just said I was beautiful. I wanted to shout it to the whole world but who would believe me.
" I only wanted you to spot me. I don't care about other people " I said walking towards him reducing the distance between us.
He didn't move. He seemed confused. He wanted to continue with these, whatever these was . But at the same time he wanted to leave. I could see the indecisiveness in his dark brown eyes.
" I...mmmh ...I" he stammered
I never thought I would hear Namjoon stammer in my life. It was cute and hot at the same time. I laughed out loud
" Why are you laughing?" He asked
" Because you are so cute right now" I answered without hesitation.
I didn't realize it but I was right in front of him. We stared at each other again. A smirk formed on my lips as I thought of doing more than just talking. A vacation is meant to be wild and crazy. Right there and then I decided to make our vacation the most memorable .
I placed my hand on his chest and moved it slowly downwards to his stomach. As if he could read my mind, he caught my hand before it went even lower. He was still undecided. He wasn't sure he wanted the same thing I wanted.
" I can't do this" he hesitated
" You don't have to" I whispered
I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. He was shocked . I pecked him a second time. This time his hand went to my waist and pulled me to him.
" If we do this, it will be a one time thing. Never to be spoken again" he growled
" Yes, I know" I whispered
He stared at my eyes and I stared at his. His brown eyes took me in and I wondered what they would look like if he fell in love. I pushed the thought away immediately. This was a one time thing, I reminded myself. A one night stand .
His head lowered and he captured my lips. We kissed like there was no tomorrow. When we parted we were both panting.
" Let's go somewhere more private" I stated
As we were taking the elevator we kept glancing at each other. The chemistry was there. We wanted each other so badly that we couldn't help ourselves.
" My place or yours?" I asked
" Yours... Mine has many people coming in and out"
" Okay"
I pressed my floor. I opened my door and invited him in. He walked in, took off his shoes and walked deeper into my room. My room was clean , thank God. Although I was not a neat freak, I try to keep a clean environment. Who knew being neat always has it peaks.
" You........" He was onto me before I could finish. I blinked in suprise but welcomed his straight forwardness. His lips landed on mine . We fought for dominance until he won. We moved backwards until we landed on my bed. I had very little on while he had a vest and shorts.
He bit my lower lip and I moaned.
" That's the most beautiful sound I have ever heard" he whispered.
I turned the tables to him being underneath me. I kissed him while I moved my hand down his body. His wide chest, down to his well defined abs and down to the top of his shorts. I stopped and tagged at his shorts. I opened the strings holding the shorts in place and pulled it down.
His hand stopped mine before I could continue and he pulled me to lay on him.
" Are you sure ?" He asked me
Looking at him now, he was the most considerate guy I have ever been with. The others didn't care if I was comfortable or not . They just did what they wanted but him. He asked me if I was okay with this or not. How could I not love him alittle bit more.
I changed positions to straddling him and he sat waiting for my answer. My fingers went down to the hem of his vest and pulled it up and threw it away.
My chest touched his. I leaned forward my mouth near his ear and whispered " Yes, I'm sure"
My nipples hardened as they were pressed between our chests. A glimmer of mischief flashed in his eyes and I knew I was in for a wild ride. I used my right hand to push him to lay on the bed . I leaned forward and kissed his temple.
" You are the most handsome person I have ever seen" I whispered
I kissed his eyelids, his nose, both sides of his cheek and lastly his lips. His lips launched on mine but I pulled away. I sucked his neck as my hands moved freely on his body. His member enlarged slowly until I couldn't ignore it.
I moved down to his chest. Suckling his nipples while my hands carresed and grabbed. I went down until I reached his waist.
" You don't have to"
" I want to" I said
I removed his short , leaving him in his boxers. His member was upright trying to push through his boxers . My hand gentle touched it and it jerked. I wanted more, so I removed his boxers. There it was , straight, thick and ready .
I settled between his legs. This was something I have always wanted to do and who better than to do it with Namjoon. I took his member in my hands and gently rubbed it up and down. Even his member was a sight to behold , like every other part of him, it needed an award.
I gently licked the tip and a moan escaped his lips. I liked the sound so I gently put the tip in my mouth and sucked and he moaned again. I gave him a slow and deep blow job until he shook. I slurped , sucked and jerked the rest with my hand. He was bigger than I anticipated but I made due.
He was close, I could feel it. However to my suprise he pulled me up and turned us over . I found myself on my back as he settled between my legs. The playful look on his face told me I was about to suffer for what I did.