Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

I have been resting for the last three days. I didn't even leave my room for that period. Some of my friends who live here have been pestering me. They wanted us to meet, but I was not in the mood for company. However, today I couldn't think of a reason for why I couldn't meet them. After all, they came to meet me.

They discovered a lounge not too far from the hotel and basically blackmailed me into meeting them. I didn't feel the need to dress up to see my friends, and I wasn't in the mood to dress up. So I dragged myself to the shower after debating for thirty minutes whether I should go or not. After showering, I picked out black sweatpants and a black hood. After dressing up, I put on some black sneakers, took my earpods and wallet, and left the room.

You might wonder why I chose black. Well, black calms me. After purple, which is my favorite color, black comes in a close second. I have a lot of black clothes including black scrubs. If I could wear a black lab coat at work, I would probably own one.

I took a taxi to get to where my friends were waiting for me. They sent the location, so it was very easy to find them.

"Lounge Love?" I murmured. "What a stupid name for a hotel."

"I like the name," the taxi driver said.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean the name of the hotel, Love, I like it," he said with a dreamy expression.

"I bet the owner must believe in love?" I asked.


I paid the taxi driver and got out of the car. I looked at the lounge in question. It was bigger than I had anticipated. The ground floor and first floor were all glass. I couldn't see inside, but I bet they could see me. I sighed the second time today and headed for the entrance.

They told me they were on the first floor, so I immediately headed there.

"Miss, can I help you?" one of the waiters asked.

"Yea, I'm heading to the first floor. My friends are already here. Could you lead the way, please?" I asked.

"Certainly," he said politely "this way."

I followed him closely to the first floor.

"Do you need any further assistance?"

"No, thank you. I'll be fine."

My hood covered my head and my long braids rested on my front. I turned to face the first floor.

"Avah!" one of my friends called out.

I turned towards the sound, but I couldn't spot them. How hard was it to spot a table full of black people surely? I went further into the floor.

"Avah over here," one of them waved.

Damn! They were seated directly across from me. Their table was higher than the rest on the floor. It seemed like they were seated on a balcony, but there was another table opposite theirs. I practically ran to them as they kept calling me loudly, making the other guests look at me.

I sat quickly on the empty chair on their table.

"Louder and everyone in this place will know my name," I said, annoyed by their behavior.

"Sorry, Hun." One of them gave a half-ass apology. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

"What are you guys eating?" I asked since I was hungry.

"We were drinking some cocktails while we waited for you," said Emma.

Emma raised her hand and a waiter appeared.

"I would like to order coffee, black please," I said.

"Yes ma'am"

"How have you been, girl?" asked Kahina.

I have two best friends; one Kahina and the other Amara. We have known each other since our campus days. After we graduated, we had to forge a life on our own, so we parted ways. Kahina moved to the US to work for a company. I still don't know what she does until today, I mean the job details. All I need to know is that she can afford to live without financial stress. I mean, that was all everyone wanted.

"I'm doing great, a bit tired though," I answered.

"How can you be tired on vacation?"

"How is rest not tiring?" I retorted.

We looked at each other and smiled.

"You were watching Kdramas again, weren't you?" she decided.

"Well, you know me. I have to keep up with my favorite shows."

My coffee arrived and I took my first sip. It was glorious. I tuned out their chatter and focused on my drink. I raised my head and checked the table opposite ours out of curiosity. My eyes locked with familiar eyes. I couldn't quite place where I had seen those eyes though.

The owner of the eyes stared back at me. He didn't look away; so brave of him. It was like a staring competition between us. At the time, my brain was trying to remember where I had seen these beautiful dragon eyes. I couldn't tell the color as we were far apart, but they were very unique eyes. As a doctor, I need to have a good memory for work, but right now my brain is on vacation too.

I looked away first when I heard my name being mentioned.


"You are not listening to us. Are you thinking of those BTS guys again or are you thinking about a patient?" Kahina asked.

"Wait, what was the first question?" I asked quickly.

"I said, are you thinking of BTS again? You are always going on and on about them. I don't understand how you like them so much," Kahina complained.

BTS..... BTS...the eyes.....where have I seen them? Why were they so familiar? I shrugged at the thought. I almost gave up on the thought until my phone lit up, the dragon eyes I was thinking about stared right at me on the lock screen.

'Omg!!!! I remember. Lord this can't be true though. Naah! This must be a dream' I thought.

I was afraid to check and confirm. What if it was real? What will I do? I bit my lip as I thought of what to do. If they were real, I couldn't walk up to them and say hello. They must be on vacation or something, and I remembered all the ARMY agreed on leaving them alone when we see them in public. On the other hand, it might not be him and I was scared for nothing. And I also didn't want to look desperate. I'm a doctor dammit. Why was I afraid to check?

Maybe I should think of them as my patients. The thought somehow calmed me down. Now I understand why ARMYs do the weirdest things and have the weirdest behavior when they see them. I used to laugh at them when I saw the videos, but now that it was my turn, I couldn't laugh. It wasn't funny.

I decided to check. What did I have to lose anyway? I raised my head little by little, away from my coffee, and stared ahead. Our eyes met yet again, but this time I focused on his face. Holy shit!!!! Oh my God! It was......It was......Him!!!!!!

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