Chapter 34.
Jungkook's POV
I was intrigued or obsessed, which one should I use to describe my current situation? Avah. I remember meeting her like it was yesterday, Well it was a month ago. I was at the airport washrooms when I saw her wandering around. I wondered who she was and why she seemed so disheveled. Everyone could notice she was confused there.
At, first I had no intentions of approaching her. I brushed her off as another stranger I would see today. However as I spoke to my manager, I noticed her again. My eyes seemed to spot her in the large area. I decided to provoke her innocently and see what looked like.
Her body looked good in sweatpants and I wondered if she was as beautiful as her body. She had a mask on so I couldn't tell from afar. So I waited for her to come towards us and accidentally bumped into her. I made sure to use very little strength but her bags down from the impact. She was so tiny compared to me.
She apologized when I should be apologizing for my calculated actions. Her voice was soft and soothing as she spoke. I helped her with her bags. I asked her if she was lost even though I knew she was lost.
She was sincere and asked for help which I offered. I led her to the exit I was supposed to use. When we arrived, I asked for her number. This was the first in my life that I had met someone who hesitated to give me their number. People practically forced me to save their number but not her. She didn't want to give it to me. I wondered if she knew who I was.
Was this the reason she was hesitating? I looked for the tell signs to show she knew me but found none. First time meeting someone who didn't know who I was. After I took her number, I told her who I was and she didn't react. It was so normal. It felt like a normal interaction to me. The most normal I have had in a while.
After our meeting, I was intrigued by Avah the stranger. How could I not? She had pretty eyes, a good body shape, a soft voice, and a good personality. With the personality, I will get back to you. After our meeting I became busy with practice. We had practice every day until late at night so I couldn't be able to meet her.
Regardless during that time, we spoke regularly. We shared some interests in music. She sent me very funny memes and I sent her some in response. We got along better than I expected. When an opportunity on my schedule arose, I asked her to go to dinner. Of course, she couldn't refuse as she owed me a meal.
When she accepted, I searched for a restaurant to go to. I had to keep in mind I was famous and I couldn't go around. There were dozens of places I would have wanted to go to with her, but my status was a burden. I had to protect her and myself.
I asked the Hyungs for some advice and Namjoon recommended a beautiful family-owned restaurant an hour away from town. I was worried she might refuse because of the distance but she didn't. She didn't know where the restaurant was but she had a driver who could bring her.
After the date was set, I started practicing my cooking. I wanted to impress her so badly with my skills. Although I knew how to cook, I haven't had a chance to cook for a woman before. Was she a picky eater? Or did she love eating like I did. It would be a shame if she was a picky eater.
I have practiced every day since then, even when I was tired. I didn't want to embarrass myself. When the day finally came I rented out the entire restaurant. Most of the waiters were asked to leave early and only the son of the owner remained. We wanted to keep it quiet and private.
I went early and started cooking while I waited for her. I sensed when she came in as I felt a pair of eyes on me. There she was, leaning on the door frame at the entrance of the kitchen. She had a soft smile on her face. I have seen her face in pictures before but not in real life.
Real life was so much better. No camera would be able to capture her beauty completely. She was as bright as an angel, as she looked at me. She paused, so calm and collected. She spoke to me as I cooked. She was surprised I was actually cooking myself. That was the intended reaction. I asked her to wait at the table as I finished up.
The son of the owner helped me serve the food and take it to the table. I wished for the best before I joined her. Seeing her up close made me nervous. My stomach felt uncomfortable. Was this the butterflies people refer to? I felt nervous and excited at the same time.
When she tried my food she smiled so sincerely that I knew it was good. I tried it as well and almost thanked the heavens, that I didn't embarrass myself. As we ate we spoke about Seoul and how she was fairing. Her eyes lit up when she spoke of her work. She had small eyes, a button nose and a full lips. Her hair was braided and held into a high ponytail.
I couldn't point out when but I was falling for her. After eating we took a strole outside and sat near a cliff . I had already planned everything out. She gasped as she looked at the beautiful night view of the stars. She was so involved in her own thoughts that she didn't notice I was staring.
When the fireworks display started she smiled so widely that I knew it was worth it. All the preparation and effort were worth it to see her smile. She shined when she smiled. I didn't know it yet but I was falling for her little by little. I wanted to see her smile like this more often and I wanted to be the cause of her smile.
Jungkook: A sky full of stars and I was staring at her.